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Working Papers

From Development and Policies Research Center (DEPOCEN), Vietnam
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16: Organizational culture of privatized firms and state- owned enterprises in Vietnam Downloads
Quy Vo Thi
16: Updating a Vietnam SAM 2005: A hybrid approach Downloads
Trinh Bui and Anh Ngoc Nguyen
16: Optimal timing of regime switching in optimal growth models: A Sobolev space approach Downloads
Erol Dogan, Cuong Le van and Çağrı Sağlam
16: Equilibrium existence in the international asset and good markets Downloads
Stefano Bosi, Patrice Fontaine and Cuong Le van
16: Liability Dollarization and Fear of Floating Downloads
Quoc Hung Nguyen
16: Exhaustible Resources, Technology Transition, And Endogenous Fertility in an Overlapping - Generations Model Downloads
Nguyen Manh Hung and Nguyen Van Quyen
15: Capitalising on Innovation for Exports by the SME Sector Downloads
Anh Ngoc Nguyen, Nicola Jones, Nhat Nguyen and Chuc Nguyen
Song Hanh Pham
15: Guidelines for value chain development and linking farmers to markets in the uplands of Vietnam Downloads
The Anh Dao, Russell Iw, Collins Rj, Thanh Tung Hoang, King Ca and Wandschneider Ts
15: Global Financial Crisis, Extreme Interdependences, and Contagion E§ects: The Role of Economic Structure Downloads
Riadh Aloui, Mohamed Ben Aissa and Duc Khuong Nguyen
15: On existence, effciency and bubbles of Ramsey equilibrium with borrowing constraints Downloads
Robert Becker, Stefano Bosi, Cuong Le van and Thomas Seegmuller
15: With Exhaustible Resources, Can A Developing Country Escape From The Poverty Trap? Downloads
Cuong Le van, Katheline Schubert and Tu Nguyen
15: Promoting clean technologies: The energy market structure crucially matters Downloads
Théophile T. Azomahou, Raouf Boucekkine and Phu Nguyen-Van
14: A Non-dictatorial Criterion for Optimal Growth Models Downloads
Alain Ayong Le Kama, Cuong Le van and Katheline Schubert
14: Determinants of Business Cycle Synchronization in East Asia: An Extreme Bound Analysis Downloads
Toan Nguyen
14: Modeling nonlinear and heterogeneous dynamic linkages in international monetary markets Downloads
Mohamed Arouri, Fredj Jawadi and Duc Khuong Nguyen
14: Regulatory Versus Natural Endogenous Sunk Costs: Observational Equivalence In Rationalizing Lower Bounds On Industry Concentration Downloads
Van Pham and David VanHoose
14: Analysis of Calorie and Micronutrient Consumption in Vietnam Downloads
Linh Vu
14: Control and Performance of Strategic Alliances in Emerging Countries: The Case of International Joint Ventures in Vietnam Downloads
Hieu Pham Duc
14: Energy consumption and economic development: Granger causality analysis for Vietnam Downloads
Duy Loi Nguyen
13: The Theories of Trade, FDI and Technology Transfer: A Survey Downloads
Hoi Quoc Le
13: Economic performance of Vietnam, 1976-2000: New evidence from input-output model Downloads
Pham Ngoc, Trinh Bui and Thanh Nguyen
13: Are Social Preferences Stable over Time? Downloads
Fredrik Carlsson, Olof Johansson-Stenman and Khanh Nam Pham
13: Democracy and Growth Volatility: Exploring the Links Downloads
Partha Chatterjee and Malik Shukayev
13: Impacts of Rising Food Prices on Poverty and Welfare in Vietnam Downloads
Linh Vu and Paul Glewwe
13: Forecasting the conditional volatility of oil spot and futures prices with structural breaks and long memory models Downloads
Mohamed Arouri, Amine Lahiani and Duc Khuong Nguyen
13: Economic growth and balance of payments constraint in Vietnam Downloads
Alberto Bagnai, A. Rieber and T.A.D. Tran
12: Building an integrated framework of strategic management theories to explain performance of firm in one industry Downloads
Phong Tuan Nham and Hai Van Hoang
Van Ha Nguyen and Xavier Galiegue
12: Estimation of Food Demand from Household Survey Data in Vietnam Downloads
Linh Vu
Trinh Bui
12: Spatial Spillovers of Foreign Direct Investment: The Case of Vietnam Downloads
Thang Tran and Thi Song Hanh Pham
12: Multi-interregional economic impact analysis based on multiinterregional input output model consisting of 7 regions of Vietnam, 2000 Downloads
Trinh Bui, Mai Quynh Nga, Duong Manh Hung and Kwang Moon Kim
12: When Does a Developing Country Use New Technologies? Downloads
Olivier Bruno, Cuong Le van and Benoît Masquin
11: Testing for Food market integration: A study of the Vietnamese paddy market Downloads
Le Dang Trung, Tam Tran, Bob Baulch and Henrik Hansen
11: Strategic Debt: Evidence from Bertrand and Cournot Competition Downloads
Abe de Jong, Thuy Nguyen and Mathijs van Dijk
11: Gender and Ethnicity in Bolivia, Ecuador, and Guatemala Downloads
Carla Canelas and Silvia Salazar
11: Do tropical typhoons smash community ties? Theory and Evidence from Vietnam Downloads
Yanos Zylberberg
11: Functional upgrading, Bargaining Power and Value Appropriation of Emerging Economy Producers Downloads
Thi Song Hanh Pham and Bent Petersen
11: Volatility under Bounded Rationality Downloads
Nhat Le
11: The Relationship between Innovation and Productivity conditional to R&D and ICT use. An empirical analysis for firms in Luxembourg Downloads
Thuc Uyen Nguyen Thi and Ludivine Martin
10: Foreign Direct Investment and Wage Spillovers in Vietnam: Evidence from Firm Level Data Downloads
Hoi Quoc Le
10: East Asian Currency Area: A Fuzzy Clustering Analysis of Homogeneity Downloads
Toan Nguyen
10: Can FDI Be Bad for Growth? Downloads
Binh Quan, Trong Hoai Nguyen and Hoang Van Pham
10: Current Global Crisis, Fiscal Stimulus Package and Implication for Vietnam Downloads
Anh Nguyen, Nguyen Duc Nhat and Nguyen Thang
10: Investment Dartboard Revisited, Implications for an Efficient Vietnamese Market? Downloads
Dung Phan Tran Trung and Thanh Nguyen Thi Ha
10: Comparative Studies Of Indochina Economies (Cambodia, Thailand and Vietnam): An Input-Output (I-O) Approach Downloads
Francisco Secretario, Kim Kwangmoon, Trinh Bui, Vanndy Nor and Hung Duong Manh
10: Equity and Access to Tertiary Education: The Case of Vietnam Downloads
Hoang Linh Vu, Viet Thuy Le and Long Giang
9: Better Than its Reputation? The Incidence of Social Transfers and Education Fee Exemptions in Vietnam Downloads
Henrik Hansen and Le Dang Trung
9: Innovation and Export of Vietnam's SME Sector Downloads
Anh Ngoc Nguyen, Pham Ngoc, Chuc Nguyen and Nhat Nguyen
9: Risk and Inequality Aversion in Social Dilemmas Downloads
Brice Magdalou, Dimitri Dubois and Phu Nguyen-Van
9: Poverty Dynamics: Evidence from Rural Vietnam Downloads
Quang Van Tran
9: Day-Of-The-Week Effects in Different Stock Markets: New Evidence on Model-Dependency in Testing Seasonalities in Stock Returns Downloads
Le Long Hau
9: Factor Intensity, Product Switching, and Productivity: Evidence from Chinese Exporters Downloads
Yue Ma, Heiwai Tang and Yifan Zhang
Page updated 2024-11-14
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