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ESSEC Working Papers

From ESSEC Research Center, ESSEC Business School
ESSEC Research Center, BP 105, 95021 Cergy, France.
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DR 10009: Statistiques des valeurs extrêmes dans le cas de lois discrètes Downloads
Anis Borchani
DR 10008: On Devising Various Alarm Systems for Insurance Companies Downloads
Shubhabrata Das and Marie Kratz
DR 10007: Trust and Financial Trades: Lessons from an Investment Game Where Reciprocators Can Hide Behind Probabilities Downloads
Radu Vranceanu, Angela Sutan and Delphine Dubart
DR 10006: SRI Analysis and Asset Management: Independent or Convergent? A Field Study on the French Market Downloads
Patricia Crifo and Nicolas Mottis
DR 10005: Money and Risk Aversion in a DSGE Framework: A Bayesian Application to the Euro Zone Downloads
Jonathan Benchimol and Andre Fourcans
DR 10004: Research Methods for Non-Representational Approaches of Organizational Complexity. The Dialogical and Mediated Inquiry Downloads
Yves Clot, Philippe Lorino and Benoît Tricard
DR 10003: A Matching Model of the Academic Publication Market Downloads
Damien Besancenot, Kim Huynh and Radu Vranceanu
DR 10002: Analyse prospective de la rémunération des auteurs, artistes-interprètes et producteurs à l’ère de la numérisation Downloads
Olivier de Tissot and Francine Wagner-Edelman
DR 10001: Une échelle de mesure de la connaissance en raisonnement économique et résultats d'une enquête menée en décembre 2009 Downloads
Radu Vranceanu, Maxime Laot and Delphine Dubart
DR 09016: Is the Veil of Ignorance Transparent? Downloads
Gaël Giraud and Cécile Renouard
DR 09015: Remittances as a Social Status Signaling Device Downloads
Claire Naiditch and Radu Vranceanu
DR 09014: Combining Objects with Rules to Represent Aggregation Knowledge in Data Warehouse and OLAP Systems Downloads
Jacky Akoka, Isabelle Comyn-wattiau and Nicolas Prat
DR 09013: Création de valeur, 10 ans après… Downloads
Nicolas Mottis and Jean-Pierre Ponssard
DR 09012: Relational Capability: An Indicator of Collective Empowerment Downloads
Gaël Giraud and Cécile Renouard
DR 09011: Knowledge Dynamics During Planning Practices Downloads
Marie-Léandre Gomez
DR 09010: The Social Dimensions of Idea Work in Haute Cuisine: A Bourdieusian Perspective Downloads
Isabelle Bouty and Marie-Léandre Gomez
DR 09009: Unpacking Knowing Integration: A Practice-based Study in Haute Cuisine Downloads
Isabelle Bouty and Marie-Léandre Gomez
DR 09008: Desk rejection in an academic publication market model with matching frictions Downloads
Damien Besancenot, Kim Huynh and Radu Vranceanu
DR 09007: Banks’ risk race: a signaling explanation Downloads
Damien Besancenot and Radu Vranceanu
DR 09006: Four Myths and a Financial Crisis Downloads
Radu Vranceanu
DR 09005: Money in a DSGE framework with an application to the Euro Zone Downloads
Jonathan Benchimol and Andre Fourcans
DR 09004: A Spatial and Temporal Autoregressive Local Estimation for the Paris Housing Market Downloads
Ingrid Nappi-Choulet and Tristan-Pierre Maury
DR 09003: A repeat sales index Robust to small datasets Downloads
Michel Baroni, Fabrice Barthélémy and Mahdi Mokrane
DR 09002: Migratory equilibria with invested remittances Downloads
Claire Naiditch and Radu Vranceanu
DR 09001: The selection effect of two-way trade in the Melitz model: an alternative approach Downloads
Jacques Potin
DR 08019: Les performances des maisons d' opéra: une explication statistique Downloads
Philippe Agid and Jean Claude Tarondeau
DR 08018: Financial distress and banks' communication policy in crisis times Downloads
Damien Besancenot and Radu Vranceanu
DR 08017: Migratory policy in developing countries: how to bring best people back? Downloads
Damien Besancenot and Radu Vranceanu
DR 08016: Letters and Scientific Communities Downloads
Anca Metiu and Anne-Laure Fayard
DR 08015: CEO compensations in a stakeholders' regime: an empirical investigation with French listed companies Downloads
Anne Jeny, Julien Margaine and Franck Missonier-Piera
DR 08014: Beyond Orality and Literacy: Letters and Organizational Communication Downloads
Anne-Laure Fayard and Anca Metiu
DR 08013: Supply and demand for European accounting research. Evidence from EAA congresses Downloads
Anne Jeny and Thomas Jeanjean
DR 08012: Money in the Inflation Equation: the Euro Area Evidence Downloads
Andre Fourcans and Radu Vranceanu
DR 08009: Women's Professional Identity Formation in the Free/Open Source Software Community Downloads
Anca Metiu and Otilia Obodaru
DR 08008: A Spatiotemporal Autoregressive Price Index for the Paris Office Property Market Downloads
Ingrid Nappi-Choulet and Tristan-Pierre Maury
DR 08007: Measuring reseach outputs across borders-a comment Downloads
Nicolas Mottis and Peter Walton
DR 08006: Asset Prices and Assymetries in the Fed's Interest Rate Rule: a Financial Approach Downloads
Katarzyna Romaniuk and Radu Vranceanu
DR 08005: Leading in Service Innovation: Three perspectives on service value delivery in a European context Downloads
Hervé Mathe
DR 08004: Greater Space Means More Service: Leveraging the innovative power of architecture and design Downloads
Hervé Mathe
DR 08003: D’un effet vertueux de l'art 116 de la loi NRE en matière de RSE? La problématique est posée à échelle de l'union européenne Downloads
Vivianne de Beaufort
DR 08002: Why Business Schools Do So Much Research: A Signaling Explanation Downloads
Damien Besancenot, Joao Ricardo Faria and Radu Vranceanu
DR 08001: International Specialization and the Return to Capital, 1976-2000 Downloads
Catia Batista and Jacques Potin
DR 07026: Is it possible to construct derivatives for the Paris residential market? Downloads
Michel Baroni, Fabrice Barthélémy and Mahdi Mokrane
DR 07025: Multiple Equilibria in a Firing Game With Impartial Justice Downloads
Damien Besancenot and Radu Vranceanu
DR 07024: A Bourdieusian Perspective on Strategizing Downloads
Marie-Léandre Gomez
DR 07023: The Ambassador, Between Light and Shade: The Emergence of Secrecy as the Norm of International Negotiation Downloads
Aurélien Colson
DR 07021: Inference in the Presence of Stochastic and Deterministic Trends Downloads
Guillaume Chevillon
DR 07020: Physical Market Determinants of the Price of Crude Oil and the Market Premium Downloads
Guillaume Chevillon and Christine Rifflart
DR 07019: Capturing and Treating Unobserved Heterogeneity by Response Based Segmentation in PLS Path Modeling. A Comparison of Alternative Methods by Computational Experiments Downloads
Vincenzo Esposito Vinzi, Christian Ringle, Silvia Squillacciotti and Laura Trinchera
DR 07017: The Classroom as a Potential Space-teaching Negotiation through Paradox Downloads
de Carlo Laurence
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