CCEP Working Papers
From Centre for Climate & Energy Policy, Crawford School of Public Policy, The Australian National University
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- 1206: The CCEP Australia Carbon Pricing Survey 2012: Policy Uncertainty Reigns but Carbon Price Likely to Stay
- Frank Jotzo
- 1205: China's Energy Reform and Climate Policy: The Ideas Motivating Change
- Olivia Boyd
- 1204: Regional Cooperation towards Green Asia: Trade in Low Carbon Goods and Services
- Kaliappa Kalirajan
- 1203: An Introduction to the Carbon Farming Initiative: Key Principles and Concepts
- Andrew Macintosh and Lauren Waugh
- 1202: Impacts of Border Carbon Adjustments on China's Sectoral Emissions: Simulations with a Dynamic Computable General Equilibrium Model
- Qin Bao, Ling Tang, ZhongXiang Zhang, Han Qiao and Shouyang Wang
- 1201: Adaptation to Climate Change: Formulating Policy under Uncertainty
- Leo Dobes
- 1117: In Search of a New Effective International Climate Framework for Post-2020: A Proposal for an Upstream Global Carbon Market
- Mutsuyoshi Nishimura and Akinobu Yasumoto
- 1116: The National-Level Energy Ladder and its Carbon Implications
- Paul Burke
- 1115: Fulfilling Australia's International Climate Finance Commitments: Which Sources of Financing Are Promising and How Much Could They Raise?
- Frank Jotzo, Jonathan Pickering and Peter Wood
- 1114: Who Should Bear the Cost of China's Carbon Emissions Embodied in Goods for Exports?
- ZhongXiang Zhang
- 1113: Financing Adaptation to Climate-Induced Retreat from Coastal Inundation and Erosion
- Leo Dobes and Bruce Chapman
- 1112: Australia's Carbon Pricing Strategies in a Global Context
- Harry Clarke and Robert Waschik
- 1111: Where in the World is it Cheapest to Cut Carbon Emissions? Ranking Countries by Total and Marginal Cost of Abatement
- David Stern, John Pezzey and Neil Lambie
- 1110: Five Perspectives on an Emerging Market: Challenges with Clean Tech Private Equity
- Eric R. W. Knight
- 1109: Green Fiscal Policy and Climate Change Mitigation in Indonesia
- Budy Resosudarmo and Abdurohman Abdurohman
- 1108: Challenges in Mitigating Greenhouse Gas Emissions: The Importance of Policies for Fossil Fuel Combustion
- Budy Resosudarmo, Frank Jotzo, Arief Yusuf and Ditya A. Nurdianto
- 1107: Nordhaus, Stern, and Garnaut: The Changing Case for Climate Change Mitigation
- Stephen Howes, Frank Jotzo and Paul Wyrwoll
- 1106: How Many Jobs is 23,510, Really? Recasting the Mining Job Loss Debate
- Bruce Chapman and Kiatanantha Lounkaew
- 1105: Price Floors in Emissions Trading to Reduce Policy Related Investment Risks: an Australian View
- Frank Jotzo and Steve Hatfield-Dodds
- 1104: Carbon Pricing that Builds Consensus and Reduces Australia's Emissions: Managing Uncertainties Using a Rising Fixed Price Evolving to Emissions Trading
- Frank Jotzo
- 1103: Inequality, Communication and the Avoidance of Disastrous Climate Change
- Alessandro Tavoni, Astrid Dannenberg, Giorgos Kallis and Andreas Loeschel
- 1102: Clean Energy Technology and the Role of Non-Carbon Price Based Policy: an Evolutionary Economics Perspective
- Eric Knight and Nicholas Howarth
- 1101: National Energy Security in a World Where Use of Fossil Fuels is Constrained
- Hugh Saddler
- 0910: Confusing Opportunity Costs, Losses and Forgone Gains: Assessing the Effect of Communication Bias on Support for Climate Change Policy in the United States and Australia
- Steve Hatfield-Dodds and Mark Morrison
- 0810: Party Divides: Expertise in and Attitude towards Climate Change among Australian Members of Parliament
- Anita Talberg and Stephen Howes
- 0710: Notes on Applying 'Real Options' to Climate Change Adaptation Measures, with Examples from Vietnam
- Leo Dobes
- 0610: China's Low Carbon Transformation: Drivers, Challenges, and Paths
- Jiahua Pan
- 0510: The Economic Geography of European Carbon Market Trading
- Eric Knight
- 0410: Some Basic Economics of Carbon Taxes
- Harry Clarke
- 0310: The Role of Energy in Economic Growth
- David Stern
- 0210: Climate Change and Game Theory: A Mathematical Survey
- Peter Wood
- 0110: Comparing the Copenhagen Emissions Targets
- Frank Jotzo