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6247: Structural Change and Macro Econometric Modeling in an Emerging Economy Downloads
Durmus Ozdemir
6245: Biofuels, Tax Policies and Oil Prices in France: Insights from a Dynamic CGE Model Downloads
Virginie Doumax-Tagliavini, Jean-Marc Philip and Cristina Sarasa
6240: Labor Market Hysteresis and Turkish New Keynesian Phillips Curve (NKPC) (2000-2012) Downloads
Leyla Bastav
6202: Labor Market Hysteresis and Turkish New Keynesian Phillips Curve (NKPC) (2000-2012) Downloads
Leyla Baştav
6188: The structure of sub-national public debt in Spain: a reflection of fiscal vulnerabilities ? Downloads
Rocío Prieto and Javier Pérez
6164: Modelling Migration in an OLG Framework: the Case of UK Migration Policy Downloads
Katerina Lisenkova and Marcel Mérette
6162: Can Ageing North Benefit from Expanding Trade with South? Downloads
Marcel Mérette, Patrick Georges and Katerina Lisenkova
6112: Compilation of Social Accounts Matrix and estimation of general multiplier for Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyz Republic Downloads
Vilayat Valiyev, Malik Mehdiyev, Saylau Bayzakov, Gulbara Sarsembaeva, Elvira Nagoibaeva and Natalya Zakharova
5855: How responsive are people to changes in their bargaining position? Earned bargaining power and the 50–50 norm Downloads
Nejat Anbarci and Nick Feltovich
5782: Using Nonlinear Model Predictive Control for Dynamic Decision Problems in Economics Downloads
Willi Semmler, Lars Grüne and Marleen Stieler
5779: Examination of the transition of Turkish households into and out of poverty between 2007-2010 Downloads
Ayşenur Acar and Cem Baslevent
5749: Estimation of impact of natural wealth endowment on reciprocal elasticity of capital-labour substitution through CES function Downloads
Yadulla Hasanli and Saylau Bayzakov
5696: Are Armington elasticities different across countries? A cross-country study for European trade elasticities Downloads
Zoryana Olekseyuk and Hannah Schürenberg-Frosch
5694: Immigration, Enterprises, and Employment in the European Union Downloads
Murat Genc, Selim Cagatay, Onur Koska and Perihan Saygin
5692: Inflation persistence – a disaggregated approach Downloads
Agnieszka Leszczynska and Katarzyna Hertel
5690: Does fiscal decentralization mitigate the adverse effects of corruption on public deficit? Downloads
Daniel Oto Peralías, Diego Romero-Ávila and Carlos Usabiaga
Carlos Usabiaga, Pablo Álvarez de Toledo and Fernando Núñez Hernández
Iskandar Simorangkir, Harmanta, Nur M. Adhi Purwanto and Fajar Oktiyanto
5674: Relaxing the Financial Constraint: The Impact of Banking Sector Reform on Firm Performance - Emerging Market Evidence from Turkey Downloads
Can Erbil, Christopher Baum and Ferhan Salman
5672: Population Aging in the Interdependent Global Economy: A Computational Approach with an Overlapping Generations Model of Global Trade Downloads
Kazuhiko Oyamada and Ken Itakura
5668: Work incentive and productivity in Spain Downloads
Rosario Sánchez Pérez and Isabel Pisa Mª
5666: Assessing the value of money – the base to upgrade the global monetary and finance system Downloads
Sailau Baizakov
5663: Modeling Euro Area Industrial New Orders Downloads
Gabe de Bondt, Heinz C. Dieden, Sona Muzikarova and Istvan Vincze
5659: MacSim 2: a computer package for teaching international macroeconomics Downloads
Jean Louis Brillet, Gilbert Cette, Ian Gambini and Raymond Gambini
5657: Application of modified Klein regional model to cohesion policy analysis Downloads
Marek Radvansky
5655: The relationship between innovation, exports and economic performance. Empirical evidence for 21 EU countries Downloads
Fabian Unterlass
5653: Impacts of German energy policies on the competitiveness of national energy intensive industries Downloads
Robert Beestermöller and Ulrich Fahl
5649: Stock Market and Economic Growth in China Downloads
Baotai Wang and D. Ajit
5647: The role of renewable energy in Portugal´s decarbonisation strategy – application of the HyBGEM model Downloads
Sara Proença
5645: Trends in Real Convergence and Structural Changes in EU Downloads
Lucian Albu
5617: Innovative approach of technical change in CGE models: reconciling BU and TD through dual accounting Downloads
Ruben Bibas and Julien Lefèvre
5615: Does domestic output gap matter for inflation in a small open economy? Downloads
Jacek Kotłowski and Aleksandra Halka
5613: Index-based Decomposition and Econometric Analysis of Driving Forces of Biodiversity Change Downloads
Jan Melichar, Kateřina Kaprová and Milan Ščasný
5611: On the modeling of size distributions when technologies are complex Downloads
Jakub Growiec
5607: Immigration and Economic Growth Downloads
Robert Wright, Katerina Lisenkova and Marcel Merette
5601: Climate Change and the Austrian Tourism Sector: Impacts, Adaptation and Macroeconomic Spillover Effects Downloads
Thomas Schinko, Judith Köberl, Franz Prettenthaler, Birgit Bednar-Friedl, Christoph Töglhofer, Georg Heinrich and Andreas Gobiet
5599: Assessing the impact of public R&D investments on the economic growth using the CGE approach Downloads
Zuzana Smeets Kristkova
5595: Index of perceived in ation in Poland Downloads
Aleksandra Halka and Tomasz Łyziak
5587: The Effects of the EU-Ukraine FTA: An Inequality Analysis using a CGE-Microsimulation Model for Ukraine Downloads
Miriam Frey
5583: Rules of thumb for estimating changes in industry level employment Downloads
James Fetzer, Aimee Larsen and Danielle Trachtenberg
5577: Factors Associated to Performance in Mexican Water Utilities Downloads
Alejandro Salazar-Adams
5566: Hybrid Input-Output tables in physical units and money value for E3 CGE model calibration: methodologies of construction and implications thereof for climate and energy policy analysis Downloads
Julien Lefèvre, Frédéric Ghersi and Ruben Bibas
5562: Modelling Nonlinearities In European Money Demand: An Application Of Threshold Cointegration Model Downloads
Nebile Korucu, Nadir Öcal and Julide Yildirim
5501: Azerbaijan’s Current and Potential Comparative Advantage: An Exploratory Study Downloads
Lal Almas and Nazim Hajiyev
5499: An Integrated Modeling Framework for Analyzing Water-Economy Links Downloads
Sherman Robinson and Arthur Gueneau
5495: Automatic Forecasting of Economic Times Series: An analisis of TRAMO/SEATS and X-13-ARIMA performance Downloads
Belén García-Cárceles, Jm Pavia and B Cabrer
5488: Estimating the Value of Additional Wind and Transmission Capacity in the Rocky Mountain West Downloads
Roger Coupal, Robert Godby and Gregory Torell
5484: EMU Imbalances in a Two-Country Overlapping Generations Model Downloads
Karl Farmer
5482: The relevance of carbon free production processes for carbon leakage and carbon border adjustment Downloads
Karl Steininger, Birgit Bednar-Friedl, Wolf Grossmann and Thomas Schinko
5478: Frequent episoded of high inflation and real effects Downloads
Wojciech Charemza, Svetlana Makarova and Imran Hussain Shah
Page updated 2024-10-10
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