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EUI-RSCAS Working Papers

From European University Institute (EUI), Robert Schuman Centre of Advanced Studies (RSCAS)
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2014: The ASEAN Way and Regional Security Cooperation in the South China Sea Downloads
Pek Koon Heng
2014: What is at stake in military chaplaincy when Muslims join the ranks? An international comparison Downloads
Ines Michalowski
2014: Gendered and Racialised Constructions of Work in Bureaucratised Care Services in Italy Downloads
Francesca Scrinzi
2014: Exclusive Solidarity? Radical Right Parties and the Welfare State Downloads
Elie Michel
2014: Between the legacy of nation-state and forces of globalisation: Turkey’s management of mixed migration flows Downloads
Fulya Memisoglu
2014: The EU’s sense of the rule of law and the issue of its oversight Downloads
Gianluigi Palombella
2014: Fiscal Multipliers in the 21st Century Downloads
Per Krusell and Laurence Malafry
2014: The Crisis of International Human Rights Law in the Global Market Economy Downloads
Daniel Augenstein
2014: Assessment of EU Postal Sector Policy during the Second Barroso Administration (2010-2014) Downloads
Jeffrey Yusof
2014: Rail Transport: A Balance Sheet Downloads
Juan J. Montero
2014: Negotiating Mega-Agreements: Lessons from the EU Downloads
Patrick Messerlin
2014: EC – Seal Products: Seals and Sensibilities (TBT Aspects of the Panel and Appellate Body Reports) Downloads
Donald H. Regan
2014: Self-Regulatory Organizations under the Shadow of Governmental Oversight: An Experimental Investigation Downloads
Andreas Ortmann
2014: How Should the WTO Launch and Negotiate a Future Round? Downloads
John S. Odell
2014: Why not solve the democratic deficit within the EU through genuine transnational political conflict? Downloads
Jan Karremans
2014: Tradable Refugee-admission Quotas: a Policy Proposal to Reform the EU Asylum Policy Downloads
Jesús Fernández-Huertas Moraga
2014: The coproduction of the global regulatory regime for food safety standards and the limits of a technocratic ethos Downloads
Alessandra Arcuri
2014: Constructing the Secular: Law and Religion Jurisprudence in Europe and the United States Downloads
Zachary R. Calo
2014: Independence Referendums: Who Should Vote and Who Should be Offered Citizenship? Downloads
Rainer Bauböck
2014: Shaping voting intentions: An experimental study on the role of information in the Scottish independence referendum Downloads
Davide Morisi
2014: Internet & Human Rights in Foreign Policy: comparing narratives in the US and EU Internet Governance agenda Downloads
Andrea Calderaro
2014: Enhancing flexibility and ensuring efficiency and security: Improving the electricity market in Brazil via a virtual reservoir model Downloads
Jean-Michel Glachant
2014: Capacity remuneration mechanisms in the European market: now but how? Downloads
Jean-Michel Glachant
2014: Women on Company Boards – An Example of Positive Action in Europe Downloads
Michal Gondek
2014: Regionalism and Health Policy in South America: tackling germs, brokering norms and contesting power Downloads
Pía Riggirozzi
2014: Explaining Political Leadership: Germany’s Role in Shaping the Fiscal Compact Downloads
Magnus G. Schoeller
2014: European Defence in times of austerity – the case of Southern Europe Downloads
Ana Santos Pinto
2014: Increased Export Performance and Competitiveness of Developing Countries: Mainly a China Story? Downloads
Francis Ng
2014: Biao v. Denmark – Discrimination among citizens? Downloads
Eva Ersbøll
2014: Economic replicability tests for next-generation access networks Downloads
Marc Lebourges
2014: Communication effects, ethnicity, and support for secessionism in stateless nations: results from a survey experiment in Catalonia Downloads
Yannis Karagiannis
2014: International Regionalism and National Constitutions: A Jurimetric Assessment Downloads
Liliana Lizarazo Rodríguez
2014: Constructing regionalism in South America: the cases of transport infrastructure and energy within UNASUR Downloads
Giovanni Agostinis
2014: Benefits and regulatory challenges of VDSL Vectoring (and VULA) Downloads
Karl-Heinz Neumann
2014: The Principles of International Law: Interpretivism and its Judicial Consequences Downloads
Gianluigi Palombella
2014: Discovering Cooperation: A Contractual Approach to Institutional Change in Regional International Organizations Downloads
Besir Ceka and Brian Burgo
2014: European Networking and Training for National Competition Enforcers (ENTRANCE 2012). Selected Case Notes Downloads
Pier Luigi Parcu
2014: Democratic representation and religion. Differences and convergences between the European Parliament and the US House of Representatives Downloads
François Foret
2014: Germany’s role in regional and global security governance Downloads
Sebastian Harnisch
2014: Managing Security in a Zone of Peace: Brazil’s Soft Approach to Regional Governance Downloads
Isabella Alcañiz
2014: Flockless Shepherd – Is South Africa’s Performance in African Security Governance Marginal? Downloads
Stephen Kingah
2014: Security Governance: making the concept fit for the analysis of a multipolar, global and regionalized world Downloads
Sonia Lucarelli
2014: Calling into Question the Link between Educational Achievement and Migrant Background Downloads
Sara Bonfanti
2014: Theoretical Debates on Regional Security Governance Downloads
Emil J. Kirchner
2014: The Impact of Investment Treaties on Governance of Private Investment in Infrastructure Downloads
Lise Johnson
2014: To Segregate or not to Segregate? Educational Rights of the Roma Children in the Case Law of the European Court of Human Rights Downloads
Iryna Ulasiuk
2014: The Implicit Carbon Price of Renewable Energy. Incentives in Germany Downloads
A. Denny Ellerman
2014: The Power Politics of International Tax Cooperation. Why Luxembourg and Austria accepted automatic exchange of information on foreign account holders’ interest income Downloads
Lukas Hakelberg
2014: Reinforcing Rule of Law Oversight in the European Union Downloads
J.H.H. Weiler
2014: Redesigning Maritime Space: EU Multi-level Governance and Environmental Issues of the Baltic Sea Downloads
Dmitry Nechiporuk
2014: Former Soviet Union Countries and European Union: Overcoming the Energy Efficiency Gap Downloads
Yulia Raskina
2014: The Evolving Regulation of the Media in Europe as an Instrument for Freedom and Pluralism Downloads
Elda Brogi
2014: A Turquoise Mess: Green Subsidies, Blue Industrial Policy and Renewable Energy: the Case for Redrafting the Subsidies Agreement of the WTO Downloads
Petros C. Mavroidis
2014: The European Union’s external representation after Lisbon: from ‘hydra-headed’ to ‘octopus’? Downloads
Elisabeth Johansson-Nogués
2014: A systemic view of the soft power Downloads
Andrey A. Kudryavtsev
2014: Black Europe? Some views from Afro-Surinamese migrants in the Netherlands Downloads
Sabrina Marchetti
2014: Trans-nationalising Europe’s Voting Space Downloads
Garzia Joseph Lacey and Alexander H. Trechsel
2014: Relationships between Research and Policy on Migration in the European Union: A Practice-Based Analysis Downloads
Andrew Geddes
2014: A Comparative Study on the Asylum Landscapes within the EU for Iraqis after the 2003 Iraq War and Syrians after the 2011 Syrian Civil War Downloads
Christine Marie Fandrich
2014: The unbearable lightness of Europeanisation: extradition policies and the erosion of sovereignty in the post-Yugoslav states Downloads
Jelena Dzankic
2014: Cultural diversity and cities – the intercultural integration approach Downloads
Irena Guidikova
2014: Should Citizenship be for Sale? Downloads
Rainer Bauböck
Page updated 2024-09-16
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