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Working Papers-Department of Finance Canada

From Department of Finance Canada
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2005-05: Machines and the Economics of Growth Downloads
Aled ab Iorwerth
2005-04: Methods of Evaluating University Research Around the World Downloads
Aled ab Iorwerth
2005-03: Canada’s Low Business R&D Intensity: the Role of Industry Composition Downloads
Aled ab Iorwerth
2005-02: Régimes de retraite d’employeur et incitations à la retraite anticipée au Canada Downloads
Cristiana Pescarus and Maud Rivard
2005-01: Demographic Changes and Structural Shifts Towards Services, Implications for Productivity Growth in Canada Downloads
Jeanne Lafortune
2004-10: Taxation and Economic Efficiency: Results from a Canadian CGE Model Downloads
Maximilian Baylor and Louis Beauséjour
2004-09: The Effect of Tuition Fees on Post-secondary Education in Canada in the late 1990s Downloads
Maud Rivard and Mélanie Raymond
2004-08: Retirement Behaviour and the CPP: A Simulation Model Downloads
Allan Pollock and Timothy C. Sargent
2004-07: Examining the Role of Consumer Confidence Within an IS Curve Framework Downloads
Umar Faruqui and Nicolas Moreau
2004-06: Les indices de taux de change réels effectifs provinciaux Downloads
José Bourque
2004-05: Is Investment Not Sensitive to its User Cost? The Macro Evidence Revisited Downloads
Aled ab Iorwerth and Jeff Danforth
2004-04: Machinery & Equipment Investment and Growth: Evidence from the Canadian Manufacturing Sector Downloads
Tahir A. Abdi
2004-03: Impact des variations de taux de change réel sur l’activité économique régionale au Canada Downloads
José Bourque and Carl Gaudreault
2004-02: A Survey of Taylor-Type Monetary Policy Rules Downloads
Nell Hamalainen
2004-01: Productivity and Wages: Measuring the Effect of Human Capital and Technology Use from Linked Employer-Employee Data Downloads
Julie Turcotte and Lori Whewell Rennison
2003-23: Equalization and the Incentives for Growth: An Empirical Investigation of the "Tax-Back" Effect Downloads
Ann Cavlovic and Kathleen Day
2003-22: Fiscal Redistribution in Canada, 1994-2000 Downloads
Dagmar Dyck
2003-21: Federal Taxes and Transfers Across Canada: Impact on Families Downloads
Marie-Anne Deussing
2003-20: Estimating Structural Breaks in the Volatility of Canadian Output Growth Downloads
Yanjun Liu and Bing-Sun Wong
2003-19: The Value of Waiting and the Theory of Investment Under Uncertainty(With an Application to Kyoto) Downloads
Patrick Georges
2003-18: Contrôle des émissions de GES à l’aide d’un système de permis échangeables avec allocation basée sur la production: une analyse en équilibre général dynamique Downloads
Yazid Dissou and Véronique Robichaud
2003-17: The Vasicek and CIR Models and the Expectation Hypothesis of the Interest Rate Term Structure Downloads
Patrick Georges
2003-16: Borrowing Short- or Long-Term: Does the Government Really Face a Trade-off? Downloads
Patrick Georges
2003-15: Le prix du pétrole et de l'activité économique régionale au Canada Downloads
Carl Gaudreault
2003-14: Le prix de l’énergie et l’activité économique au Canada Downloads
Carl Gaudreault
2003-13: Economic Analysis and Modelling Using Fisher Chain Data Downloads
Yanjun Liu, Nell Hamalainen and Bing-Sun Wong
2003-12: New Concident, Leading and Recession Indexes for the Canadian Economy: An Application of the Stock and Watson Methodology Downloads
Yanjun Liu, Carl Gaudreault and Robert Lamy
2003-11: Empirical Evidence on Human Capital Externalities Downloads
James Davies
2003-10: Fiscal Planning in an Era of Economic Stability Downloads
Doug Hostland
2003-09: Bother thy neighbour? Intergovernmental Tax Interactions in the Canadian Federation Downloads
Ann Cavlovic and Harriet Jackson
2003-08: Measuring Uncertainty over the Medium Term Downloads
Bernard Babineau and Nathanael Braun
2003-07: Uncertainty and Output Growth Forecasts in Real Time Downloads
Bernard Babineau and Nathanael Braun
2003-06: Fiscal Policy and the Business Cycle: A New Approach to Identifying the Interaction Downloads
Stephen Murchison and Janine Robbins
2003-05: Government Spending in Canada and the United States Downloads
Suzanne Kennedy and Steven Gonzalez
2003-04: Comparing the Long-term Fiscal Outlook for Canada and the United States Using Fiscal Gaps Downloads
Suzanne Kennedy and Chris Matier
2003-03: Public Finance Implications of Population Ageing: An Update Downloads
Harriet Jackson and Chris Matier
2003-02: Is Canada’s Retirement Income System Working? Downloads
Jeremy Lise
2003-01: Is There Downward Nominal Wage Rigidity in the Canadian Phillips Curve? Downloads
Alan Stark and Timothy Sargent
2002-11: Enrichments to Multi-Year Fiscal Commitments in the Presence of Uncertainty Downloads
Patrick Georges and Nicolas Moreau
2002-10: Prudence, Scope for Reducing Program Spending and Policy Rules on Medium-Term Fiscal Planning Downloads
Patrick Georges and Nicolas Moreau
2002-09: NAOMI/US A small-scale model of the U.S. Economy Downloads
Nicolas Vincent
2002-08: Term Premium Determinants Downloads
Carlos Del Castillo and Jean-François Fillion
2002-07: Understanding Personal Income Tax Revenue Fluctuations Downloads
Phillip King and Ron McMorran
2002-06: Forecasting a One Quarter Decline in Canadian Real GDP with Probit Models Downloads
Carl Gaudreault and Robert Lamy
2002-05: Forecasting a One Quarter Decline in U.S. Real GDP with Probit Models Downloads
Carl Gaudreault and Robert Lamy
2002-04: La monnaie est-elle un bon indicateur de la production et de l’inflation Downloads
Martin Charron
2002-03: Impact économique régional d’un changement dans les conditions monétaires au Canada Downloads
Carl Gaudreault
2002-02: Monitoring Future Economic Growth in Canadian Provinces with New Leading Economic Indexes Downloads
Carl Gaudreault, Jenness Cawthray and Robert Lamy
2002-01: Les personnes âgées ont-elles perdu du terrain pendant la reprise économique ? Downloads
Cristiana Pescarus and Maud Rivard
2001-25: NAOMI A New Quarterly Forecasting Model Part II: A Guide to Canadian NAOMI Downloads
Stephen Murchison
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