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Working Papers

From Georgetown University, Department of Economics
Georgetown University Department of Economics Washington, DC 20057-1036.

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24-05: Carbon Tariffs 101 Downloads
Claire Brunel and Arik Levinson
24-04: Approximately Optimal Auctions With a Strong Bidder Downloads
Luca Anderlini and GaOn Kim
24-03: The Law of General Average Downloads
Luca Anderlini and Joshua Teitlebaum
24-02: When is Trust Robust? Downloads
Luca Anderlini, Larry Samuelson and Daniele Terlizzese
24-01: Tournament Auctions Downloads
Luca Anderlini and GaOn Kim
23-06: The Emergence of Enforcement Downloads
Luca Anderlini, Leonardo Felli and Michele Piccione
23-05: Assigning Default Position for Digital Goods: Competition, Regulation and Welfare Downloads
Marius Schwartz and Yongmin Chen
23-04: Polarizing Persuasion Downloads
Axel Anderson and Nikoloz Pkhakadze
23-03: Disequilibrium Play in Tennis Downloads
Axel Anderson, Jeremy Rosen, John Rust and Kin-ping Wong
23-01: Product Innovation with Vertical Differentiation: Is a Monopolist's Incentive Weaker? Downloads
Serge Moresi and Marius Schwartz
22-09: Inequality and Social Distancing during the Pandemic Downloads
Martin Ravallion and Caitlin Brown
22-08: The Emergence of Enforcement Downloads
Luca Anderlini, Leonardo Felli and Michele Piccione
22-07: Power, Property Rights, and the Dynamics of Local Wealth Appropriation Downloads
Dan Cao, Roger Lagunoff and Yingqi Xu
22-06: Status Quo Property Protection in Politico-Legal Systems Downloads
Roger Lagunoff
22-05: When Can Benefit Cost Analyses Ignore Secondary Markets? Downloads
Matthew Kotchen and Arik Levinson
22-04: Macroeconomic Covariates of Real Household Incomes in America Downloads
Martin Ravallion
22-03: Robot Adoption, Organizational Capital and the Productivity Paradox Downloads
Rodimiro Rodrigo
22-02: It's Always Sunny in Politics Downloads
Carolina Concha-Arriagada and J.J. Naddeo
22-01: Renewable Portfolio Standards Downloads
Rachel Feldman and Arik Levinson
21-21: Women's Land Rights and Village Institutions in Tanzania Downloads
Garance Genicot and Maria Hernandez de Benito
21-20: Positive Skill Clustering in Role-Assignment Matching Models Downloads
Axel Anderson
21-19: Political Reservations as Term-Limits Downloads
Garance Genicot, Cait Brown and Nishtha Kochhar
21-18: America’s Regressive Wealth Tax: State and Local Property Taxes Downloads
Arik Levinson
21-17: Do Credit Constraints Explain the Energy Efficiency Gap? Evidence from the U.S. New Vehicle Market Downloads
Kevin Ankney
21-16: On the Foundations of Competitive Search Equilibrium with and without Market Makers Downloads
James Albrecht, Xiaoming Cai, Pieter Gautier and Susan Vroman
21-15: Missing Top Income Recipients Downloads
Martin Ravallion
21-14: Tolerance and Compromise in Social Networks Downloads
Garance Genicot
21-13: On the Gains from Tradeable Benefits-in-Kind Downloads
Martin Ravallion
21-12: The Dynamics of Property Rights in Modern Autocracies Downloads
Dan Cao and Roger Lagunoff
21-11: Distributional Effects of Environmental Trade Measures Downloads
Lutz Sager
21-10: A Correlated Random Coefficient Panel Model with Time-Varying Endogeneity Downloads
Louise Laage
21-09: Reconciling the Conflicting Narratives on Poverty in China Downloads
Martin Ravallion and Shaohua Chen
21-08: Assessing Sensitivity to Unconfoundedness: Estimation and Inference Downloads
Matthew Masten, Alexandre Poirier and Linqi Zhang
21-07: Disequilibrium Play in Tennis Downloads
Axel Anderson, Jeremy Rosen, John Rust and Kin-Ping Wong
21-06: The Comparative Statics of Sorting Downloads
Axel Anderson and Lones Smith
21-05: Positive Skill Clustering in Role Assignment Matching Models Downloads
Axel Anderson
21-04: Directed Search with Phantom Vacancies Downloads
James Albrecht, Bruno Decreuse and Susan Vroman
21-03: Vertical Mergers with Input Substitution: Double Marginalization, Foreclosure and Welfare Downloads
Serge Moresi and Marius Schwartz
21-02: Who Values Future Energy Savings? Evidence from American Drivers Downloads
Arik Levinson and Lutz Sager
21-01: Globalization and Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Evidence from the United States Downloads
Arik Levinson
20-04: MIT Shocks Imply Market Incompleteness Downloads
Toshihiko Mukoyama
20-03: Happiness and Air Pollution Downloads
Arik Levinson
20-02: Firm Growth through New Establishments Downloads
Dan Cao, Henry Hyatt, Toshihiko Mukoyama and Erick Sager
20-01: Job Duration and Match Characteristics over the Business Cycle Downloads
Ismail Baydur and Toshihiko Mukoyama
19-07: Does Growing Up in Tax-subsidized Housing Lead to Higher Earnings and Educational Attainment? Downloads
Elena Derby
19-06: Does Increasing Block Pricing Decrease Energy Use? Evidence from the Residential Electricity Market Downloads
Becka Brolinson
19-05: Pegging the Interest Rate on Bank Reserves: A Resolution of New Keynesian Puzzles and Paradoxes Downloads
Behzad Diba and Olivier Loisel
19-04: Carbon Consumption, the Carbon-Based Ecosystem, and Output Downloads
Roger Lagunoff, Cristian Figueroa, Rodrigo Harrison and Mario Miranda
19-03: Platform Competition With Cash-back Rebates Under No Surcharge Rules Downloads
Marius Schwartz and Daniel Vincent
19-02: Front-Running and Collusion in Forex Trading Downloads
Martin Evans
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