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Ibero America Institute for Econ. Research (IAI) Discussion Papers

From Ibero-America Institute for Economic Research
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193: MDG Reporting: Wirkungen von EZ-Interventionen auf MDGs, Wachstum, Globale Umwelt und Good Governance Downloads
Kenneth Harttgen, Felix Povel and Stephan Klasen
192: Pro-Poor Growth Using Non-Income Indicators: An Empirical Illustration for Colombia Downloads
Adriana Cardozo Silva and Melanie Grosse
191: The Impact of Aid on Growth Revisited: Do Donor Motives Matter? Downloads
Christopher Kilby and Axel Dreher
190: Driving Factors of Carbon Dioxide Emissions and the Impact from Kyoto Protocol Downloads
Nicole Grunewald and Inmaculada Martínez-Zarzoso
189: Characterization of inequality changes through microeconometric decomposition - Paraguay 1992-2005 Downloads
Thomas Otter
188: Does Inequality Harm Income Mobility and Growth? An Assessment of the Growth Impact of Income and Education Inequality in Paraguay 1992-2002 Downloads
Thomas Otter
187: Micro Level Estimation of Income - Simulated welfare mapping (poverty maps) for Paraguay 1992 and 2002 Downloads
Thomas Otter
186: Reforming the Gender-Related Development Index (GDI) and the Gender Empowerment Measure (GEM): Some Specific Proposals Downloads
Stephan Klasen and Dana Schüler
185: Low Malnutrition but High Mortality: Explaining the Paradox of the Lake Victoria Region Downloads
Johannes Gräb and Jan Priebe
184: The Construction of the Social Institutions and Gender Index (SIGI) Downloads
Boris Branisa, Stephan Klasen and Maria Ziegler
183: Agency and communication in IMF conditional lending: theory and empirical evidence Downloads
Silvia Marchesi, Laura Sabani and Axel Dreher
182: Acting Autonomously or Mimicking the State and Peers? A Panel Tobit Analysis of Financial Dependence and Aid Allocation by Swiss NGOs Downloads
Axel Dreher, Peter Nunnenkamp, Hannes Öhler and Johannes Weisser
181: Well-being of Migrant Children and Migrant Youth in Europe Downloads
Kenneth Harttgen and Stephan Klasen
180: A General Framework for Estimating CO2 Emissions Downloads
Inmaculada Martínez-Zarzoso
179: The Concept of Multidimensional Poverty: Accounting for Dimensional Poverty Downloads
Nicole Rippin
178: Inequality in Human Development: An empirical assessment of thirty-two countries Downloads
Michael Grimm, Stephan Klasen, Kenneth Harttgen, Mark Misselhorn, Teresa Munzi and Timothy Smeeding
177: Intrahousehold Health Care Financing Strategy and the Gender Gap: Empirical Evidence from India Downloads
Abay Asfaw, Stephan Klasen and Francesca Lamanna
176: Determinants of the Growth Semi-Elasticity of Poverty Reduction Downloads
Stephan Klasen and Mark Misselhorn
175: The Impact of Gender Inequality in Education and Employment on Economic Growth in Developing Countries: Updates and Extensions Downloads
Stephan Klasen and Francesca Lamanna
174: Food price inflation and schooling Downloads
Michael Grimm
173: Spatial inequalities explained - Evidence from Burkina Faso Downloads
Johannes Gräb and Michael Grimm
172: Determinants of Maritime Transport Costs. A Panel Data Analysis for Latin American Trade Downloads
Inmaculada Martínez-Zarzoso and Gordon Wilmsmeier
171: Aid and Trade - A Donor´s Perspective Downloads
Felicitas Nowak-Lehmann D., Inmaculada Martínez-Zarzoso, Stephan Klasen and Dierk Herzer
170: Does German Development Aid Promote German Exports? Downloads
Inmaculada Martínez-Zarzoso, Felictas Nowak-Lehmann D., Stephan Klasen and Mario Larch
169: Geography vs. Institutions at the Village Level Downloads
Michael Grimm and Stephan Klasen
168: Missing Women: Some Recent Controversies on Levels and Trends in Gender Bias in Mortality Downloads
Stephan Klasen
167: The Effect of Trade Facilitation on Sectoral Trade Downloads
Inmaculada Martínez-Zarzoso and Laura Márquez-Ramos
166: Modeling the dynamics of Spain\'s Relative Export Strength Downloads
Sebastian Vollmer, Inmaculada Martínez-Zarzoso and Felicitas Nowak-Lehmann D.
165: Inflation and Financial Development: Evidence from Brazil Downloads
Manoel Bittencourt
164: Financial Development and Inequality: Brazil 1985-1994 Downloads
Manoel Bittencourt
163: Macroeconomic Performance and Inequality: Brazil 1983-1994 Downloads
Manoel Bittencourt
162: Twin Peaks or Three Components? - Analyzing the World\'s Cross-Country Distribution of Income Downloads
Hajo Holzmann, Sebastian Vollmer and Julian Weisbrod
161: Income Distribution Dynamics and Pro-Poor Growth in the World from 1970 to 2003 Downloads
Hajo Holzmann, Sebastian Vollmer and Julian Weisbrod
160: Robust Multiperiod Poverty Comparisons Downloads
Johannes Gräb and Michael Grimm
159: The capability dilemma in operational poverty assessment Downloads
Julia Johannsen, Manfred Zeller and Stephan Klasen
158: Perspectives on the World Income Distribution - Beyond Twin Peaks Towards Welfare Conclusions Downloads
Hajo Holzmann, Sebastian Vollmer and Julian Weisbrod
157: The Impact of HIV on Children´s Welfare Downloads
Kenneth Harttgen
156: Poverty, Undernutrition, and Child Mortality: Some Inter-Regional Puzzles and their Implications for Research and Policy Downloads
Stephan Klasen
155: A Human Development Index by Income Groups Downloads
Michael Grimm, Kenneth Harttgen, Stephan Klasen and Mark Misselhorn
154: Estimating Vulnerability to Covariate and Idiosyncratic Shocks Downloads
Kenneth Harttgen and Isabel Günther
153: Competitive and Segmented Informal Labor Markets Downloads
Isabel Günther and Andrey Launov
152: A Multilevel Approach to Explain Child Mortality and Undernutrition in South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa Downloads
Kenneth Harttgen and Mark Misselhorn
151: Pro-Poor Growth and Gender Inequality Downloads
Stephan Klasen
150: In search of FDI-led growth in developing countries Downloads
Dierk Herzer, Stephan Klasen and Felicitas Nowak-Lehmann D.
149: Effects of Regional Trade Agreements Using a Static and Dynamic Gravity Equation Downloads
Inmaculada Martínez-Zarzoso, Felicitas Nowak-Lehmann D. and Nicholas Horsewood
148: Ethnic Fractionalization, Migration and Growth Downloads
Dana Schüler and Julian Weisbrod
147: Relating Productivity and Trade 1980-2000: A Chicken and Egg Analysis Downloads
Eleanor Doyle and Inmaculada Martínez-Zarzoso
146: Armutsreduzierung im Zeitalter der Globalisierung Downloads
Stephan Klasen
145: The´Efficiency`of Equity Downloads
Stephan Klasen
144: Measuring Pro-Poor Progress towards the Non-Income Millennium Development Goals Downloads
Melanie Grosse, Kenneth Harttgen and Stephan Klasen
Page updated 2024-09-13
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