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Working Papers

From Herman Deleeck Centre for Social Policy, University of Antwerp
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1405: Education for children with special needs in the Flemish community of Belgium: side effects of the current educational integration system Downloads
Leen Sebrechts
1404: The East Asian welfare regime: reality or fiction Downloads
Sarah Kuypers
1403: The Welfare State and Anti-Poverty Policy in Rich Countries Downloads
Ive Marx, Brian Nolan and Javier Olivera
1401: Universalism under siege? Exploring the association between targeting, child benefits and child poverty across 26 countries Downloads
Wim Van Lancker and Natascha Van Mechelen
1305: Great expectations, but how to achieve them? Explaining patterns of inequality in childcare use across 31 developed countries Downloads
Wim Van Lancker and Joris Ghysels
1304: Poverty reduction and social security: Cracks in a policy paradigm Downloads
Bea Cantillon and Natascha Van Mechelen
1303: Do labor force evolutions affect the work incapacity caseload? Downloads
Leen Meeusen and Annemie Nys
1302: The EU-SILC sample design variables: critical review and recommendations Downloads
Tim Goedemé
1301: Putting the child-centred investment strategy to the test: Evidence for the EU27 Downloads
Wim Van Lancker
1212: An exploration of family-based pathways through which parentsÂ’ financial stress is associated with problem behaviour of adolescents Downloads
Koen Ponnet, Edwin Wouters, Tim Goedemé and Dimitri Mortelmans
1211: Education for Children with Special Needs: A Comparative Study of Education Systems and Parental Guidance Services Downloads
Leen Sebrechts
1210: Welfare State Decommodification: Concepts, Operationalizations and Long-term Trends Downloads
Olivier Pintelon
1209: The Active Welfare State Revisited Downloads
Frank Vandenbroucke
1208: Are new social risk expenditures crowding out the old? Downloads
Leen Meeusen and Annemie Nys
1207: Less is More? 20 years of changing minimum income protection for old EuropeÂ’’s elderly Downloads
Tim Goedemé
1206: Individual Employment, Household Employment and Risk of Poverty in the EU. A Decomposition Analysis Downloads
Vincent Corluy and Frank Vandenbroucke
1205: The EU and Minimum Income Protection: Clarifying the Policy Conundrum Downloads
Frank Vandenbroucke, Bea Cantillon, Natascha Van Mechelen, Tim Goedemé and Anne Van Lancker
1204: Household Work Intensity and the Adequacy of Social Protection in the EU Downloads
Bea Cantillon, Natascha Van Mechelen, Olivier Pintelon and Aaron Van den Heede
1203: An international comparison of the impact of child benefits on poverty outcomes for single mothers Downloads
Wim Van Lancker, Joris Ghysels and Bea Cantillon
1202: The beneficiaries of childcare expansion Downloads
Joris Ghysels and Kim Vercammen
1201: Families of children with special needs in Flanders: their vulnerability within the citizenship paradigm Downloads
Leen Sebrechts and Jef Breda
1110: What if we voted on the weights of a multidimensional well-being index? An illustration with Flemish data Downloads
Koen Decancq, Luc Van Ootegem and Elsy Verhofstadt
1109: Solidarity and reciprocity in the social investment state: what can be learned from the case of Flemish school allowances and truancy? Downloads
Bea Cantillon and Wim Van Lancker
1108: The provision of informal childcare by European grandparents: constraints versus selective preferences Downloads
Joris Ghysels
1107: Employment chances and changes of immigrants in Belgium: the impact of citizenship Downloads
Vincent Corluy, Ive Marx and Gerlinde Verbist
1106: Who reaps the benefits? The social distribution of public childcare in Sweden and Flanders Downloads
Wim Van Lancker and Joris Ghysels
1105: The CSB-Minimum Income Protection Indicators dataset (CSB-MIPI) Downloads
Natascha Van Mechelen, Sarah Marchal, Tim Goedemé, Ive Marx and Bea Cantillon
1104: The Social Stratification of Social Risks Downloads
Olivier Pintelon, Bea Cantillon, Karel Van den Bosch and Christopher Whelan
1103: The Paradox of the Social Investment State. Growth, Employment and Poverty in the Lisbon Era Downloads
Bea Cantillon
1102: ItÂ’’s all about the money? Temporary employment, gender, poverty and the role of regulations from a broad European perspective Downloads
Wim Van Lancker
1101: Disappointing poverty trends: is the social investment state to blame? An exercise in soul-searching for policy-makers Downloads
Frank Vandenbroucke and Koen Vleminckx
1009: The standard error of estimates based on EU-SILC. An exploration through the Europe 2020 poverty indicators Downloads
Tim Goedemé
1008: The unequal benefits of family activation: an analysis of the social distribution of family policy among families with young children Downloads
Joris Ghysels and Wim Van Lancker
1007: Disambiguating Lisbon. Growth, Employment and Social Inclusion in the Investment State Downloads
Bea Cantillon
1006: Poverty in the enlarged European Union. A discussion about definitions and reference groups Downloads
Tim Goedemé and Stijn Rottiers
1005: (Un)desirable Effects of Output Funding for Flemish Universities Downloads
Bea Cantillon, Annemieke De Ridder, Eva Vanhaecht and Gerlinde Verbist
1004: The sociology of social recognition: competition in social recognition games Downloads
Stijn Rottiers
1003: Does income inequality make us sick? Whether, and (if so) how, income inequality affects personal health Downloads
Stijn Rottiers
1002: Female employment, institutions and the role of reference groups: a multilevel analysis of 22 European countries Downloads
Wim Van Lancker and Joris Ghysels
1001: Taxing Care: enhancing the childcare time in the dual earner era Downloads
Joris Ghysels, Gerlinde Verbist and Josefine Vanhille
901: A Guaranteed Minimum Income for EuropeÂ’’s Elderly. Options and Pitfalls in the Design of a Harmonised Basic Pension Scheme in the European Union Downloads
Tim Goedemé and Wim Van Lancker
802: Child Benefit Support and Method of Payment: Evidence from a Randomized Experiment in Belgium Downloads
Marieke Huysentruyt and Eva Lefevere
801: The Inclusion of Non-cash Housing Advantages in the Income Concept. Estimates and Distribution Effects for Belgium Downloads
Gerlinde Verbist and Stijn Lefebure
Page updated 2025-03-30
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