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Research Center for Price Dynamics Working Paper Series

From Research Center for Price Dynamics, Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University
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12: The Impact of the Great East Japan Earthquake on Commodity Prices: New Evidence from High-Frequency Scanner Data Downloads
Naohito Abe, Chiaki Moriguchi and Noriko Inakura
11: Analysis of Price Level Heterogeneity across Households based on the Geary-Khamis Price Index Downloads
Naohito Abe and Kyosuke Shiotani
10: Sweets or Alcohol? The Gender Battle within Japanese Families Downloads
Xiangdan Piao
9: 若年者の直面する雇用・所得リスクに関する一考察-パネルデータと予備的貯蓄モデルを用いた動学分析- Downloads
修人 阿部
8: The Relation between Inventory Investment and Price Dynamics in a Distributive Firm Downloads
Akiyuki Tonogi
7: Tomorrow Next を用いた金融政策の分析 Downloads
幸平 青野 and Kohei Aono
6: 大規模POSデータの実証分析とフィリップス曲線への含意 Downloads
暁幸 外木 and Akiyuki Tonogi
5: Does Zero Interest Work as An Important Marketing Tool? Downloads
Sungjin Cho and John Rust
4: Retail Price Stickiness, Market Structure and Distribution Channels Downloads
Takayasu Matsuoka
3: Who faces higher prices? -An empirical analysis based on Japanese homescan data- Downloads
Naohito Abe and Kyosuke Shiotani
2: The Great East Japan Earthquake and its Short-run Effects on Household Purchasing Behavior Downloads
Naohito Abe, Chiaki Moriguchi and Noriko Inakura
1: ゼロ金利下の長期デフレ Downloads
努 渡辺 and ツトム ワタナベ
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