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Working Papers

From Hogeschool-Universiteit Brussel, Faculteit Economie en Management
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2012/38: Constrained multilevel latent class models for the analysis of three-way three-mode binary data Downloads
Michel Meulders, Francis Tuerlinckx and Wolf Vanpaemel
2012/36: Towards a coherent European approach for taxation of combustible waste Downloads
Maarten Dubois
2012/33: Institutions, trust and relations: a comparative analysis explaining informal economic activities Downloads
Stef Adriaenssens and Jef Hendrickx
2012/32: An R Package for Probabilistic Latent Feature Analysis of Two-Way Two-Mode Frequencies Downloads
Michel Meulders
2012/31: The role of verbal and performance intelligence in children’s strategy selection and execution Downloads
Koen Luwel, Ageliki Foustana, Patrick Onghena and Lieven Verschaffel
2012/29: Backtesting super-fund portfolio strategies based on frontier-based mutual fund ratings Downloads
Olivier Brandouy, Kristiaan Kerstens and Ignace Van de Woestyne
2012/28: Een onderzoek bij leerlingen ASO en TSO (3e graad) en leraars in opleiding naar de houding tegenover, en het gebruik van, Facebook in schoolverband Downloads
Claude Doom, Eric Bloemen, Stephan Poelmans and Yves Wautelet
2012/27: Overeducation at the start of the career - stepping stone or trap? Downloads
Stijn Baert, Bart Cockx and Dieter Verhaest
2012/26: Defining modern mathematics: Willy Servais (1913-1979) and mathematical curriculum reform in Belgium Downloads
Geert Vanpaemel, Dirk De Bock and Lieven Verschaffel
2012/25: Export intensity and firm performance for family brewers Downloads
Noël Houthoofd and Jef Hendrickx
2012/24: Bond and Equity Home Bias and Foreign Bias: an International Study Downloads
Rosanne Vanpée and Lieven De Moor
2012/23: Measuring and explaining the cost efficiency of municipal household waste collection and processing: A case study of Flemish municipalities Downloads
Nicky Rogge and Simon De Jaeger
2012/22: Evaluating the efficiency of municipalities in collecting and processing municipal solid waste: A shared input DEA-model Downloads
Nicky Rogge and Simon De Jaeger
2012/21: Do households export their recyclable waste? Downloads
Simon De Jaeger and Johan Eyckmans
2012/20: Waste demand in the context of waste price mimicking Downloads
Simon De Jaeger, Johan Eyckmans, Stefan Van Parys and Tom Verbeke
2012/19: The political cost of residual municipal solid waste taxation: perception versus reality Downloads
Simon De Jaeger
2012/17: Industry segment effects and firm effects on firm performance in single industry firms Downloads
Noël Houthoofd and Jef Hendrickx
2012/16: The short term prediction of analysts' forecast error Downloads
Kris Boudt, Peter De Goeij, James Thewissen and Geert Van Campenhout
2012/15: An Anatomy of Fundamental Indexing Downloads
Lieven De Moor, Fang Liu, Piet Sercu and Tom Vinaimont
2012/14: Economies of scope in research and teaching: a non-parametric investigation Downloads
Kristof De Witte, Nicky Rogge, Laurens Cherchye and Tom Van Puyenbroeck
2012/13: A composite index of citizen satisfaction with local police services Downloads
Marijn Verschelde and Nicky Rogge
2012/12: Performance evaluation of Tour de France cycling teams using Data Envelopment Analysis Downloads
Nicky Rogge, Daam Van Reeth and Tom Van Puyenbroeck
2012/11: Problem-based learning in secondary education: Evaluation by a randomized experiment Downloads
Kristof De Witte and Nicky Rogge
2012/10: Accounting for economies of scope in performance evaluations of university professors Downloads
Kristof De Witte, Nicky Rogge, Laurens Cherchye and Tom Van Puyenbroeck
2012/09: An environment-adjusted evaluation of local police e ectiveness: evidence from a conditional Data Envelopment Analysis approach Downloads
Marijn Verschelde and Nicky Rogge
2012/08: Undesirable specialization in the construction of composite policy indicators: The Environmental Performance Index Downloads
Nicky Rogge
2012/07: The inter-relation between heating systems, ventilation systems, insulation, energy price growth rates and discount rate for different dwelling types in Flanders (Belgium): a cost and E-level analysis Downloads
Amaryllis Audenaert, Liesje De Boeck, Ken Geudens and Matthias Buyle
2012/06: Contingent valuation of a classic cycling race Downloads
Andy Vekeman, Michel Meulders, Alain Praet, Jan Colpaert and Tom Van Puyenbroeck
2012/05: The Advertiser is Mentioned Twice. Media Bias in Belgian Newspapers Downloads
Dries De Smet and Stijn Vanormelingen
2012/04: An Integer Programming Model for an Energy Supply Game Downloads
Jeroen Beliën, Jan Colpaert, Liesje De Boeck, Johan Eyckmans and Wouter Leirens
2012/03: An empirical analysis of factors related to auditor switching after corporate takeovers Downloads
Mathieu Luypaert and Tom Van Caneghem
2012/02: Do emotional and functional customer experiences influence customer satisfaction, recommendation and loyalty? Downloads
Christel Claeys and Irene Roozen
2012/01: Negative publicity on the endorsement process does it influence for-profit and not for-profit print advertisements? Downloads
Irene Roozen
2011/38: The Role of Affect in the Relationship between Distributive Justice Expectations and Applicants’ Recommendation and Litigation Intentions Downloads
Brigitte Geenen, Karin Proost, Marius Van Dijke, Karel De Witte and Jasper Von Grumbkow
2011/37: Advertiser Pressure on Newspaper Journalists: A Survey Downloads
Dries De Smet and Stijn Vanormelingen
2011/36: Auditor choice in the Belgian nonprofit sector: a behavioral perspective Downloads
Anne-Mie Reheul, Tom Van Caneghem and Sandra Verbruggen
2011/35: Do CEO Demographics Explain Cash Holdings in SMEs? Downloads
Raf Orens and Anne-Mie Reheul
2011/34: Municipal Solid Waste Collection Problems: A Literature Review Downloads
Jeroen Belien, Liesje De Boeck and Jonas Van Ackere
2011/33: Cost and E-level analysis of different dwelling types and different heating systems with or without heat exchanger Downloads
Amaryllis Audenaert, Liesje De Boeck, K. Geudens and M. Buyle
2011/32: Dose optimization in HDR brachytherapy: A literature review of quantitative models Downloads
Liesje De Boeck, Jeroen Belien and Wendy Egyed
2011/31: Een rangschikking volgens het duurzaam en maatschappelijk verantwoord karakter van vier Belgische beleggingsfondsen Downloads
Lieven De Moor, Kurt Devooght and Catherine De Bondt
2011/30: When does Impression Management Work: The Influence of Temporal Distance On Interviewer Evaluations Downloads
Karin Proost, Filip Germeys and Bert Schreurs
2011/29: Audit pricing in a reformed nonprofit market Downloads
Sandra Verbruggen, Johan Christiaens, Anne-Mie Reheul and Tom Van Caneghem
2011/28: The smallest stocks are not just smaller: US and international evidence Downloads
Lieven De Moor and Piet Sercu
2011/27: A Weekly Diary Study on the Buffering Role of Social Support in the Relationship between Job Insecurity and Employee Performance Downloads
Bert Schreurs, Hetty van Emmerik, Hannes Guenter and Filip Germeys
2011/26: The Value of Clean Hands: How to Appeal to International Equity Investors Downloads
Piet Sercu and Rosanne Vanpée
2011/25: The effect of labour taxes on labour demand: a comparison between Belgium and neighbouring countries Downloads
Wout Laenen, Cindy Moons and Damiaan Persyn
2011/24: A new Markov Binomial distribution Downloads
Leda D. Minkova and Edward Omey
2011/23: Local limit theorems for shock models Downloads
Edward Omey and Rein Vesilo
2011/21: The relation between the firm’s IP strategy and occupation and qualification of the R&D labour force Downloads
Andre Spithoven and Peter Teirlinck
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