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Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research, Mumbai Working Papers

From Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research, Mumbai, India
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2008-018: Gender-based indicators in human development: Correcting for missing women Downloads
Hippu Salk Kristle Nathan
2008-017: Explorations in the economics of intertemporal asset transfer in Roman Palestine Downloads
P.V. Viswanath
2008-016: Can insurance reduce catastrophic out-of-pocket health expenditure? Downloads
Rama Joglekar
2008-015: Estimating the probability of trade union membership in India: Impact of Communist parties, personal attributes and industrial characteristics Downloads
Rupayan Pal
2008-014: The Natural interest rate in emerging markets Downloads
Ashima Goyal
2008-013: Trade liberalization, poverty and food security in India abstract: This paper attempts to assess the impact of trade Downloads
Manoj K. Panda and Anand Ganesh-Kumar
2008-012: Policy dilemmas in India: The Impact of changes in agricultural prices on rural and urban poverty Downloads
Sandra Polaski et al
2008-011: Understanding industrial energy use: Physical energy intensity changes in Indian manufacturing sector Downloads
Binay Kumar Ray and Sudhakara Reddy
2008-010: The Structure of inflation, information and labour markets: Implications for monetary policy Downloads
Ashima Goyal
2008-009: Agflation and the PDS: Some issues Downloads
M. H. Suryanarayana
2008-008: The Great climate debate: A Developing country perspective Downloads
Sudhakara Reddy and Gaudenz B. Assenza
2008-007: Morbidity profiles of Kerala and all-India: An Economic perspective Downloads
M. H. Suryanarayana
2008-006: Pro-poor growth: Illusions of marriage and divorce? Downloads
M. H. Suryanarayana
2008-005: Poverty and food insecurity in India: A Disaggregated regional profile Downloads
M. H. Suryanarayana and Dimitri Silva
2008-004: Morbidity and health vare in Kerala: A Distributional profile and implications Downloads
M. H. Suryanarayana
2008-003: A conceptual framework for development of sustainable development indicators Downloads
Hippu Salk Kristle Nathan and Sudhakara Reddy
2008-002: On measuring group differential: Some further results Downloads
Hippu Salk Kristle Nathan and Srijit Mishra
2008-001: An Alternative approach to measure HDI Downloads
Hippu Salk Kristle Nathan, Srijit Mishra and Sudhakara Reddy
2007-020: Decomposition of energy consumption and energy intensity in Indian manufacturing industries Downloads
Binay Kumar Ray and Sudhakara Reddy
2007-019: Governance in India's public transport systems: Comparing Indian railways and airlines Downloads
Ashima Goyal
2007-018: Commercialisation of sustainable energy technologies Downloads
P. Balachandra and Sudhakara Reddy
2007-017: Economic co-operation in South Asia: The Dilemma of SAFTA and beyond Downloads
Anand Ganesh-Kumar and Gordhan Kumar Saini
2007-016: A General equilibrium open economy model for emerging markets: Monetary policy with a dualistic labor market Downloads
Ashima Goyal
2007-015: Data and definitions: Underestimating savings and investment in an open economy Downloads
Ashima Goyal
2007-014: Risks, farmers' suicides and agrarian crisis in India: Is there a way out? Downloads
Srijit Mishra
2007-013: Having customers share the perception of quality differences: One century of debates about quality assessments on the French wine market Downloads
Genevieve Teil
2007-012: Prioritization of strategies to overcome barriers for cleaner and energy efficient alternatives in urban transportation: Multi-criteria approach Downloads
Sudhakar Yedla and Ram M. Shrestha
2007-011: Application of analytic hierarchy process to prioritize urban transport options: Comparative analysis of group aggregation methods Downloads
Sudhakar Yedla and Ram M. Shrestha
2007-010: Strategies for the replication of urban environmental innovations: A Case of community-based decentralized composting in Dhaka Downloads
Sudhakar Yedla
2007-009: Choosing between global and local emission control strategies in urban transport sector, which way to go? Downloads
Sudhakar Yedla
2007-008: Multidimensions of urban poverty: Evidence from India Downloads
S Chandrasekhar and Abhiroop Mukhopadhyay
2007-007: Technology portfolio analysis for residential lighting Downloads
P. Balachandra and Sudhakara Reddy
2007-006: Investigating product cycles using Indian import data Downloads
S Chandrasekhar, Abhiroop Mukhopadhyay and Rajendra R. Vaidya
2007-005: Community dependence on non-timber forest products: A Household analysis and its implication for forest conservation Downloads
C. Shylajan and G. Mythili
2007-004: Hydrogen energy for Indian transport sector: A Well-to-wheel techno-economic and environmental feasibility analysis Downloads
P. Balachandra and Sudhakara Reddy
2007-003: Barriers and drivers to energy efficiency? A New taxonomical approach Downloads
Sudhakara Reddy and Gaudenz Assenza
2007-002: The Use of real estate for the settlement of claims in Roman Palestine Downloads
P. V. Viswanath
2007-001: Agrarian scenario in post-reform India: A Story of distress, despair and death Downloads
Srijit Mishra
2006-015r: Incentives from exchange rate regimes in an institutional context Downloads
Ashima Goyal
2006-014: Distant labour supply, skills and induced technical change Downloads
Ashima Goyal
2006-013: The impact of ICT in making global markets more inclusive Downloads
Ashima Goyal
2006-012: Through a glass darkly: Deciphering the impact of oil price shocks Downloads
Ashima Goyal and Arjun Singh
2006-011: Reforms in Indian agro-processing and agriculture sectors in the context of unilateral and multilateral trade agreements Downloads
Anand Ganesh-Kumar, Manoj K. Panda and Mary E. Burfisher
2006-010: Assessing the impact of international natural resource management research: The Case of Zero Tillage in India's rice-wheat systems Downloads
Vijay Laxmi and Olaf Erenstein
2006-009: Supply response of Indian farmers: Pre and post reforms Downloads
G. Mythili
2006-008: Food consumption and nutritional status in India: Emerging trends and perspectives Downloads
R. Radhakrishna
2006-007: Estimation and determinants of chronic poverty in India: An Alternative approach Downloads
R. Radhakrishna, K. Hanumantha Rao, C. Ravi and B. Sambi Reddy
2006-006: Effects of public investment in infrastructure on growth and poverty in India Downloads
K. Murty and A. Soumya
2006-005: On measuring group-differentials displayed by socio-economic indicators: An Extension Downloads
Srijit Mishra
2006-004: CO2 Emissions reduction strategies and economic development of India Downloads
N. Satyanarayana Murthy, Manoj K. Panda and Kirit S. Parikh
2006-003: Macroeconomic effects of public investment in infrastructure in India Downloads
K. Murty and A. Soumya
2006-002: Crowding-out effect of tobacco expenditure and its implications on intra-household resource allocation Downloads
Rijo John
2006-001: Growth and poverty in Maharashtra Downloads
Srijit Mishra and Manoj Panda
2005-10: Relationship banking and the credit market in India: An empirical analysis Downloads
Dilip M. Nachane and Puttu Prasad
2005-009: Forecasting interest rates: A Comparative assessment of some second generation non-linear model Downloads
Dilip M. Nachane and Jose Clavel
2005-008: Making the politician and the bureaucrat deliver: Employment guarantee in India Downloads
Ashima Goyal
2005-007: Debt and corporate governance in emerging economies: Evidence from India Downloads
Jayati Sarkar and Subrata Sarkar
2005-006: Diversification, propping and monitoring: Business groups, firm performance and the Indian economic transition Downloads
Raja Kali and Jayati Sarkar
2005-005: Effects of trade liberalisation, environmental and labour regulations on employment in India's organised textile sector Downloads
Badri G Narayanan
2005-004: Social group disparities and poverty in India Downloads
Rohit Mutatkar
2005-003: Price elasticity estimates for tobacco and other addictive goods in India Downloads
Rijo John
2005-002: Incentives from exchange rate regimes in an institutional context Downloads
Ashima Goyal
2005-001: Multiple board appointments and firm performance in emerging economies: Evidence from India Downloads
Jayati Sarkar and Subrata Sarkar
2004-002: An analysis of household's tobacco consumption decisions: Evidence from India Downloads
Rijo John
2003-006: Interest groups and patent reform in India Downloads
Anita Ramanna
2003-005: Cheery children, growing girls, and developing young adults: On reading, growing, and hopscotching across categories Downloads
B. Bagchi
2003-004: Inside Tarini bhavan: Rokeya Sakhawat Hossain's padmarag and the richness of South Asian feminism for furthering gender-just, unsectarian human development Downloads
B. Bagchi
2003-003: Carrying over: Analysing female utopias and narratives of education from 17th-century France to 18th-century Britain and 20th-century India Downloads
B. Bagchi
2003-002: Understanding fundamentalist belief through Bayesian updating Downloads
Srijit Mishra
2003-001: Incidence and performance effects of interlocking directorates in emerging market business groups: Evidence from India Downloads
Bikram De
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