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Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research, Mumbai Working Papers

From Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research, Mumbai, India
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2011-005: Mixed duopoly and environment Downloads
Rupayan Pal and Bibhas Saha
2011-004: NREGS and child well being Downloads
S. Mahendra Dev
2011-003: Rising food crisis and financial crisis in India: Impact on women and children and ways of tackling the problem Downloads
S. Mahendra Dev
2011-002: Rewarding innovation efficiently: Research spill-overs and exclusive IP rights Downloads
Vincenzo Denicol and Luigi A. Franzoni
2011-001: Conflict resolution through mutuality: Lessons from Bayesian updating Downloads
Srijit Mishra
2010-025: India's fiscal and monetary framework: growth in an opening economy Downloads
Ashima Goyal
2010-024: Evolution of India's exchange rate regime Downloads
Ashima Goyal
2010-023: Dynamics of urban mobility: A Comparative analysis of megacities of India Downloads
Sudhakara Reddy and P. Balachandra
2010-022: The Future of financial liberalization in South Asia Downloads
Ashima Goyal
2010-021: Rankings of Economics Journals and Departments in India Downloads
Tilak Mukhopadhyay and Subrata Sarar
2010-020: Auditor and audit committee independence in India Downloads
Jayati Sarkar and Subrata Sarkar
2010-019: Econometric Approach to Water Use Estimation in Power Plants Downloads
Perini Praveena Sri
2010-018: Does partial privatization improve the environment Downloads
Rupayan Pal and Bibhas Saha
2010-017: The Electric energy-water nexus: Managing the seasonal linkages of fresh water use in energy sector for sustainable future Downloads
Perini Praveena Sri
2010-016: Entry threats and insufficiency in efficient bargaining Downloads
Rupayan Pal and Bibhas Saha
2010-015: How much should you own? Cross-ownership and privatization Downloads
Rupayan Pal
2010-014: Poverty and inequality in Uttar Pradesh during 1993-94 to 2004-05: A Decomposition analysis Downloads
Durgesh Pathak
2010-013: Selection criteria for sustainable development indicators Downloads
Hippu Salk Kristle Nathan and Sudhakara Reddy
2010-012: Extracting information on inflation from consumer and wholesale prices and the NKE aggregate supply curve Downloads
Ashima Goyal and Shruti Tripathi
2010-011: Incomplete contracts, incentives and economic power Downloads
Sripad Motiram
2010-010: Progress in human development: Are we on the right path? Downloads
Hippu Salk Kristle Nathan and Srijit Mishra
2010-009: The Indian exchange rate and central bank action: A GARCH analysis Downloads
Ashima Goyal and Sanchit Arora
2010-008: On the notion of equilibrium or the centre of gravitation in economic theory Downloads
Ajit Sinha
2010-007: Energy infrastructure for a high humane and low corbon future Downloads
B. Sudhkara Reddy and Hippu Salk Kristle Nathan
2010-006: Call auctions: A Solution to some difficulties in Indian finance Downloads
Susan Thomas
2010-005: Exchange rate regimes and macroeconomic performance in South Asia Downloads
Ashima Goyal
2010-04: Impact of ASEAN-India FTA on India's plantation commodities: A Simulation analysis Downloads
C Veeramani and Gordhan K. Saini
2010-03: Measuring financial inclusion: An Axiomatic approach Downloads
Satya Chakravarty and Rupayan Pal
2010-002: Regulatory structure for financial stability and development Downloads
Ashima Goyal
2010-001: Analysing catastrophic OOP health expenditure in India: Concepts, determinants and policy implications Downloads
Rama Pal
2009-008: Non-Tariff measures affecting India's textiles and clothing exports: Findings from the survey of exporters Downloads
Gordhan K. Saini
2009-007: Delegation and emission tax in a differentiated oligopoly Downloads
Rupayan Pal
2009-006: Poverty and agrarian distress in Orissa Downloads
Srijit Mishra
2009-005: Assessing the fiscal capacity of Indian governments Downloads
Ashima Goyal
2009-004: Global financial architecture: Past and present arguments, advice, action Downloads
Ashima Goyal
2009-003: Insecurities of the old and marginalized: Inflation, oil shocks, financial crisis and social security Downloads
Ashima Goyal
2009-002: Non-tariff measures and Indian textiles and clothing exports Downloads
Gordhan K. Saini
2009-001: Technology adoption in a differentiated duopoly: Cournot versus bertrand Downloads
Rupayan Pal
2008-030: Conflict in cross border mergers: Effect of firm and market size Downloads
Poonam Mehra
2008-029: Impact of imported intermediate and capital goods on economic growth: A Cross country analysis Downloads
C Veeramani
2008-028: Environmental standards as strategic outcomes: A Simple model Downloads
Rabindra N. Bhattacharya and Rupayan Pal
2008-027: Reforming foodgrains management: Achieving food security with cost-effectiveness Downloads
Anand Ganesh-Kumar, Ashok Gulati and Ralph Cummings, Jr
2008-026: Negotiating constitution for political unions Downloads
Vikas Kumar
2008-025: Economic development in Orissa: Growth without inclusion? Downloads
Manoj K. Panda
2008-024: An Entrepreneurship model for energy empowerment of Indian households: An Eonomic and policy analysis Downloads
Sudhakara Reddy, P. Balachandra and Hippu Salk Kristle Nathan
2008-023: A Critical review of economic analyses of religion Downloads
Vikas Kumar
2008-022: The vanishing role of money in the macroeconomy: An Empirical investigation based on spectral and wavelet analysis Downloads
D.M. Nachane and Amlendu Kumar Dubey
2008-021: Wage inequality in Indian manufacturing: Is it trade, technology or labour regulations? Downloads
K Ramaswamy
2008-020: On a Class of human development index measures Downloads
Srijit Mishra and Hippu Salk Kristle Nathan
2008-019: Inculusive growth: What is so exclusive about it? Downloads
M. H. Suryanarayana
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