Discussion Paper Series
From Research Institute for Economics & Business Administration, Kobe University 2-1 Rokkodai, Nada, Kobe 657-8501 JAPAN. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Office of Promoting Research Collaboration, Research Institute for Economics & Business Administration, Kobe University (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 2025: Power of Values-based Investors on ESG Actions of Value-orientated Managers
- Meg Adachi-Sato
- 2024: Effects of Capital Flow Management Measures on Wealth Inequality: New Evidence from Counterfactual Estimators
- Yang Zhou and Shigeto Kitano
- 2024: The Concomitance of Prosociality and Social Networking Agency
- Danyang Jia, Ivan Romic, Lei Shi, Qi Su, Chen Liu, Jinzhuo Liu, Petter Holme, Xuelong Li and Zhen Wang
- 2024: Altruistic Care for the Elderly in Thailand: Does the Social Gender Norm on Altruistic Behavior Matter?
- Minh Tam Bui, Ivo Vlaev and Katsushi Imai
- 2024: Household Saving in Japan: The Past, Present, and Future
- Charles Horioka
- 2024: Maintaining Private and Public Facilities: Theory and Experiment
- Mayuko Nakamaru, Takaaki Ohkawauchi, Rei Okawa, Koki Oikawa, Yuto Otani, Hiroo Sasaki, Junyi Shen, Koichi Takase, Hirofumi Yamamura and Takehiko Yamato
- 2024: Sustainable Investing Under Delegated Investment Management
- Meg Adachi-Sato and Hiroshi Osano
- 2024: Is It Possible to Detect the Insolvency of a Company?
- Katsuyuki Tanaka, Takuo Higashide, Takuji Kinkyo and Shigeyuki Hamori
- 2024: Empirical Validation of the Attraction Effect Using Randomized Field Experiments: Real-World Evidence of Contextual Decision-Making Bias
- Ryo Kato, Taiga Hashimoto and Takahiro Hoshino
- 2024: Quantitative Convergence Rates for Stochastically Monotone Markov Chains
- Takashi Kamihigashi and John Stachurski
- 2024: Insatiable Wealth Preference: Evidence from Japanese Household Survey
- Mika Akesaka, Ryo Mikami and Yoshiyasu Ono
- 2024: The Impact of Intergenerational Transfers on the Distribution of Wealth: An International Comparison
- Charles Horioka
- 2024: Did COVID-19 Deteriorate Mismatch in the Japanese Labor Market?
- Yudai Higashi and Masaru Sasaki
- 2024: Industry Dynamics with Cartels: The Case of the Container Shipping Industry
- Suguru Otani
- 2024: Can Sustainable Consumption and Production Solve the Dilemma of Corporate Environmental Responsibility and Economic Performance? An Empirical Analysis of Japanese-listed Companies from the Stakeholder Management Perspective
- Tingting Yin and Kimitaka Nishitani
- 2024: Why Do Europeans Save? Micro-Evidence from the Household Finance and Consumption Survey
- Charles Horioka and Luigi Ventura
- 2024: Delegating Decisions to Independent Committees
- Narumi Teshima
- 2024: The Nexus between Long-term Care Insurance, Formal Care, Informal Care, and Bequests: The Case of Japan
- Charles Horioka, Emin Gahramanov and Xueli Tang
- 2024: Above the Clouds: Unveiling Insights Through Semi-Structured Interviews with Airline Employees Surrounding the COVID-19 Pandemic Era
- Hansha Kistamah and Miwa Matsuo
- 2024: Instrumented Difference-in-Differences with Heterogeneous Treatment Effects
- Sho Miyaji
- 2024: Strategic Export Decisions in International Trade
- Kazuhiro Takauchi, Tomomichi Mizuno and Katsufumi Fukuda
- 2024: Nonparametric Regression under Cluster Sampling
- Yuya Shimizu
- 2024: Preference for Childbirth Support Measures: Results of a Stated-choice Experiment in Japan
- Junyi Shen and Ken-Ichi Shimomura
- 2024: Optimal Income Taxation and Formalization of the Informal Economy
- Hirofumi Takikawa
- 2024: Preferences for Policies from the Perspectives of Different Generations: Evidence from a Stated Choice Experiment in Japan
- Yoichiro Tsuji and Junyi Shen
- 2024: Distinguishing the Urban Wage Premium from Human Capital Externalities: Evidence from Mexico
- Keisuke Kondo
- 2024: Capital Controls or Macroprudential Policies: Which is Better for Land Booms and Busts?
- Yang Zhou and Shigeto Kitano
- 2024: Measuring the Attractiveness of Trip Destinations: A Study of the Kansai Region of Japan
- Keisuke Kondo
- 2024: Informality and Dynamism of Microbusinesses in Africa: Possible Causalities
- Hiroyuki Hino, Nobuaki Hamaguchi, Charles Piot and Jiahan Yin
- 2024: Multi-Dimensional Informality and Dynamism of Microenterprises in Africa
- Nobuaki Hamaguchi, Hiroyuki Hino, Charles Piot and Jiahan Yin
- 2024: Rethinking the Informal Economy in Africa: Findings of a Survey of Microbusinesses in Ghana, Kenya and Nigeria
- Hiroyuki Hino, Charles Piot, Nobuaki Hamaguchi, Lilly Brouwer and Jiahan Yin
- 2024: Measuring Trend Inflation Using Financial Condition: The Case of Japan
- Masahiko Shibamoto
- 2024: How Do Relative Concerns Affect Mental Health among Elderly Japanese?
- Yumi Ishikawa
- 2024: Foreign Affiliates' Position in Global Value Chains and Local Sourcing in Chile: Evidence from Plant-Level Panel Data
- Yoshimichi Murakami
- 2024: Tradition and Craft Organising: A Review of the Context of Japanese Sake Master Brewer
- Masashi Goto
- 2024: Are there any Long-lasting Human-Capital Effects from Exposure to the United States' Herbicide Bombings over Generations? Evidence from the Vietnam War
- Thanh P. Bui and Katsushi Imai
- 2024: The Impact of Individual Loss Aversion on Market Risk-Return Trade-off: A Non-linear Approach
- Shoka Hayaki
- 2024: Reality Hits Early Warning System: Based on Unsupervised Isolation Forest Anomaly Detection
- Katsuyuki Tanaka, Takuo Higashide, Takuji Kinkyo and Shigeyuki Hamori
- 2024: The Feldstein-Horioka Puzzle or Paradox after 44 Years: A Fallacy of Composition
- Charles Horioka
- 2024: Backgrounds and Effectiveness of Remote Work during the Early Stage of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Japan
- Ikutaro Enatsu
- 2024: Does the Restriction Policy of High-skill Immigrants Benefit Native Workers?
- Takuma Sugiyama
- 2023: Commodity Prices, Financial Frictions, and Macroprudential Policies
- Shigeto Kitano and Kenya Takaku
- 2023: Effects of Corporate Governance on the Relationship between Accounting Quality and Trade Credit: Evidence from Japan
- Masahiro Enomoto
- 2023: Which Type of Misinformation Is the Hardest to Detect? Gender and Age-Group Differences in Fake News Consumption on Social Media
- Vera Paola Shoda
- 2023: Colonialism, Institutional Quality, and the Resource Curse
- Jubril Animashaun, Ada Wossink and Katsushi Imai
- 2023: The Contribution of Environmental Management Control Systems to Sustainable Development Goals Through Sustainable Consumption and Production: An Empirical Analysis of Companies in Thailand, Vietnam, Japan, and Germany
- Kimitaka Nishitani, Thomas Guenther, Qi Wu, Edeltraud Guenther and Katsuhiko Kokubu
- 2023: Pilots' Desire to Become Future Space Tourism Pilots: Polynomial Regression Using Response Surface Analysis
- Robert A. Goehlich and Ralf Bebenroth
- 2023: ESG Incentives and Attracting Socially Responsible Capital
- Meg Adachi-Sato
- 2023: Effect of Sovereign Wealth Funds in Commodity-Exporting Economies when Commodity Prices Affect Interest Spreads
- Shigeto Kitano and Kenya Takaku
- 2023: Destination Trade Credit and Exports: Evidence from Cross Country Panel Data
- Changyuan Luo, Shuai Zeng and Laixun Zhao
- 2023: Endowments-swapping-proofness and Efficiency in Multiple-Type Housing Markets
- Di Feng
- 2023: Impacts and Distribution of Premiums from Temporal Social Networks across Generations
- Yoshitaka Ogisu
- 2023: Do Deep Regional Trade Agreements Facilitate Regional Production Networks in Latin American and Caribbean Countries?
- Yoshimichi Murakami
- 2023: The Nexus between Small and Large Factories in the Supply Chain of Indian Assembly Industries
- Shuji Uchikawa and Takahiro Sato
- 2023: Effectiveness of Capital Controls: Gates versus Walls
- Yang Zhou and Shigeto Kitano
- 2023: Impact of ESG Activities on Corporate Financial Performance: A Meta-analytical Approach
- Qi Wu, Rui Wang and Xin Fu
- 2023: A Two Country Model of Trade with International Borrowing and Lending
- Kazumichi Iwasa and Kazuo Nishimura
- 2023: Top Executive Turnover and Loan Loss Provisions: Evidence from Japanese Regional Banks
- Masahiro Enomoto and Yusuke Fukaya
- 2023: A Comparison of Professional and Recreational Tennis Players' Self-presentation on Instagram
- Vera Paola Shoda, Gian Philip R. Antolin and Angela Chriselle Y. Vaquilar
- 2023: Inflation, Business Cycle, and Monetary Policy: The Role of Inflationary Pressure
- Masahiko Shibamoto
- 2023: Identifying Quantitative and Qualitative Monetary Policy Shocks
- Kiyotaka Nakashima, Masahiko Shibamoto and Koji Takahashi
- 2023: Gender Gap and Parenthood Penalties in Business Travel from 2001 to 2017: Occupational Variations and Associations with Technology Use
- Hristina Gaydarska and Miwa Matsuo
- 2023: Socially Responsible Investment: Ex-ante Contracting or Ex-post Bargaining?
- Meg Adachi-Sato
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