IIDE Discussion Papers
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- 20130401: Reducing Transatlantic Barriers to Trade and Investment: An Economic Assessment
- Joseph Francois, Miriam Manchin, Hanna Norberg, Olga Pindyuk and Patrick Tomberger
- 20130101: Consolidated Data on International Trade in Services
- Joseph Francois and Olga Pindyuk
- 20121201: Trade and industrial structure with large firms and heterogeneity
- Eddy Bekkers and Joseph Francois
- 20120401: The World Input-Output Database (WIOD): Contents, Sources and Methods
- Marcel Timmer, Abdul Azeez Erumban, Reitze Gouma, Bart Los, Umed Temurshoev, Gaaitzen de Vries, Iñaki Arto, Aurélien Genty, Frederik Neuwahl, JosŽ Rueda?Cantuche, Joseph Francois, Olga Pindyuk, Johannes Pšschl, Robert Stehrer and Gerhard Streicher
- 20120201: Import Prices, Income, and Inequality
- Eddy Bekkers, Joseph Francois and Miriam Manchin
- 20090806: Non-Tariff Measures in EU-US Trade and Investment: An Economic Analysis
- Joseph Francois, Koen Berden, Saara Tamminen, Martin Thelle and Paul Wymenga
- 20090805: Economic Impact of a Potential Free Trade Agreement (FTA) Between the European Union and the Commonwealth of Independent States
- Joseph Francois and Miriam Manchin
- 20090804: Financial Openness and Growth in 213 Countries: A Finance and Growth Panel Dataset
- Joseph Francois, Gus Garita and Julia Swart
- 20090803a: An Extended Global Simulation Model: Analysis of Tariffs & Anti-Dumping Policy Impacts on Prices, Output, Incomes, and Employment
- Joseph Francois
- 20090803: Global Simulation Analysis of Industry-Level Trade Policy: the GSIM model
- Joseph Francois and Homer Hall
- 20090802: Trends in International Trade and FDI in Services: a global database of services trade
- Joseph Francois, Olga Pindyuk and Julia Woerz
- 20090801: Trade Impact Assessment (Trade SIA) of an EU-ASEAN Free Trade Agreement
- Joseph Francois, Hanna Norberg, Miriam Manchin and Annette Pelkmans Balaoing
- 20080801: Trade Effects of Services Trade Liberalization in the EU
- Joseph Francois, Olga Pindyuk and Julia Woerz
- 20080601: Trade Impact Assessment of an EU-India Free Trade Agreement
- Joseph Francois, Hanna Norberg and Miriam Manchin
- 20080502: TRADE THROUGH FDI: investing in services
- Carmen Fillat-Castej—n, Joseph Francois and Julia Woerz
- Joseph Francois and Julia Woerz
- 20071001: Economic Implications of an Association Agreement between the European Union and Central America
- Luis Rivera and Hugo Rojas-Romagosa
- 20070805: The Construction and Interpretation of Combined Cross-Section and Time-Series Inequality Datasets
- Joseph Francois and Hugo Rojas-Romagosa
- 20070804: The Economic Impact of Medical Migration: a Receiving CountryÕs Perspective
- Martine Rutten
- 20070803: The Economic Impact of Medical Migration: an Overview of the Literature
- Martine Rutten
- Hans de Kruijk and Martine Rutten
- 20070801: WEIGHTING DIMENSIONS OF POVERTY BASED ON PEOPLES PRIORITIES: Constructing a Composite Poverty Index for the Maldives
- Hans de Kruijk and Martine Rutten
- 20070501: Equity and Trade Policy
- Joseph Francois and Hugo Rojas-Romagosa
- 20070401: Institutions, Infrastructure, and Trade
- Joseph Francois and Miriam Manchin
- 20070301: Economic Impact of a Potential Free Trade Agreement (FTA) Between the European Union and South Korea
- Joseph Francois, Hanna Norberg and Martin Thelle