Working Papers
From Centre for Health Economics, Monash University Centre for Health Economics, Monash University, 900 Dandenong Road, Caulfield East VIC 3145.. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Johannes Kunz (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 2024-18: Taking an Extra Moment to Consider Treatment Effects on Distributions
- Gawain Heckley and Dennis Petrie
- 2024-17: Workforce Impacts of Subsidised Mental Healthcare: Evidence on Supply, Earnings, and Geographic Distribution
- Nicole Black, Anthony Harris, David Johnston and Trong-Anh Trinh
- 2024-16: Mental Healthcare Access and the Treatment Gap in Indonesia
- Muhammad Fikru Rizal, David Johnston, Nicole Black and Rohan Sweeney
- 2024-15: Evidence on the Robustness of the Links between Social Relationships and Mortality
- Rosanne Freak-Poli, Stephen Jenkins, Michael Shields and Trong-Anh Trinh
- 2024-14: Horizontal inequity in the use of mental healthcare in Australia
- Nicole Black, David Johnston, Martin Knapp, Michael Shields and Gloria H.Y. Wong
- 2024-13: Services and Cash: How Long-term Care Insurance Benefit Design Affects Household Behavior in China
- Miao Guo, Yang Li, Minghao Wu and Terence C. Cheng
- 2024-12: Inequity in Child Mental Healthcare Use
- Nicole Black, David Johnston, Michael Shields and Trong-Anh Trinh
- 2024-11: The Intergenerational Effects of Language Proficiency on Child Health Outcomes: Evidence from Survey- and Census-matched Health Care Records
- Nicole Black and Johannes S. Kunz
- 2024-10: The Gender Gap in Children’s Educational Time Investments in Informal Settlements
- Michelle Escobar Carías, Nicole Black, David Johnston, Rohan Sweeney, Fiona S. Barker, Rosnaena, Syaidah Syamsul and Taniela Waka
- 2024-09: Does telemedicine affect prescribing quality in primary care?
- Daniel Avdic, Johannes S. Kunz, Susan Mendez and Maria Wisniewska
- 2024-08: Religiosity and Crime: Evidence from a City-Wide Shock
- Wang-Sheng Lee, Umair Khalil and David Johnston
- 2024-07: The Impact of Internet Access on COVID-19 Spread in Indonesia
- Johannes S Kunz, Carol Propper and Trong-Anh Trinh
- 2024-06: Heterogeneity in the Persistence of Health: Evidence from a Monthly Micro Panel
- Stephen Hoskins, David Johnston, Johannes S. Kunz, Michael Shields and Kevin Staub
- 2024-05: The importance of sampling frequency for estimates of well-being dynamics
- Stephen Hoskins, David Johnston, Johannes S. Kunz, Michael Shields and Kevin Staub
- 2024-04: Information and vaccine hesitancy: The role of broadband Internet
- Sofia Amaral-Garcia, Mattia Nardotto, Carol Propper and Tommaso Valletti
- 2024-03: Competition, Equity and Quality in Public Services
- Maija Halonen-Akatwijuka and Carol Propper
- 2024-02: Nursing Shortages and Patient Outcomes
- Elaine Kelly, Carol Propper and Ben Zaranko
- 2024-01: Impacts of Extreme Heat on Labor Force Dynamics
- Andrew Ireland, David Johnston and Rachel Knott
- 2023-09: Revisiting the OxyContin reformulation: The role of licit substitutes
- Francis W. Graham, Sonja de New, Suzanne Nielsen and Dennis Petrie
- 2023-08: Are You Okay? Effects of a National Peer-Support Campaign on Mental Health
- Nicole Black, Lachlan Deer, David Johnston and Johannes S. Kunz
- 2023-07: Ethnic Inequality and Public Health
- Sundar Ponnusamy and Mohammad Abbas Hakeem
- 2023-06: Children’s Time Allocation and the Socioeconomic Gap in Human Capital
- Nicole Black, Danusha Jayawardana and Gawain Heckley
- 2023-05: Welfare Reform and Migrant’s Long-term Labor Market Integration
- Johannes Kunz and Anna Zhu
- 2023-04: Information and vaccine hesitancy: the role of broadband Internet
- Sofia Amaral-Garcia, Mattia Nardotto, Carol Propper and Tommaso Valletti
- 2023-03: Why life gets better after age 50, for some: mental well-being and the social norm of work
- Coen van de Kraats, Titus Galama and Maarten Lindeboom
- 2023-02: Do Refugees with Better Mental Health Better Integrate? Evidence from the Building a New Life in Australia Longitudinal Survey
- Hai-Anh Dang, Trong-Anh Trinh and Paolo Verme
- 2023-01: Assessing the Quality of Public Services: For-profits, Chains, and Concentration in the Hospital Market
- Johannes S. Kunz, Carol Propper, Kevin Staub and Rainer Winkelmann
- 2022-01: Is Hospital Quality Predictive of Pandemic Deaths? Evidence from US Counties
- Johannes Kunz and Carol Propper
- 2021-07: A hard look at soft cost-control measures in healthcare organizations: Evidence from preferred drug policies in Germany
- Daniel Avdic and Katharina Blankart
- 2021-06: Consequences of Greater Gambling Accessibility
- Samia Badji, Nicole Black and David Johnston
- 2021-05: Communication Barriers and Infant Health: Intergenerational Effects of Randomly Allocating Refugees Across Language Regions
- Daniel Auer and Johannes Kunz
- 2021-04: Early-life Famine Exposure, Hunger Recall and Later-life Health
- Zichen Deng and Maarten Lindeboom
- 2021-03: Extending alcohol retailers opening hours: Evidence from Sweden
- Daniel Avdic and Stephanie von Hinke
- 2021-02: Maternal Stress and Offspring Lifelong Labor Market Outcomes
- Vincenzo Atella, Edoardo Di Porto, Joanna Kopinska and Maarten Lindeboom
- 2021-01: A Bit of Salt, A Trace of Life: Gender Norms and The Impact of a Salt Iodization Program on Human Capital Formation of School Aged Children
- Zichen Deng and Maarten Lindeboom