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OECD Social, Employment and Migration Working Papers

From OECD Publishing
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317: How reliable are social safety nets in situations of acute economic need?: Extended estimates for 14 OECD countries
Raphaela Hyee, Herwig Immervoll, Rodrigo Fernández, Jongmi Lee and Karl Handscomb
316: Pooling our strengths: The power of stakeholder engagement in education and skills policy
Laura Reznikova, Rafael Labanino and Darragh McKee Mathews
315: The role of bargaining and discrimination in the gender wage gap in France: A cross-country perspective Downloads
Marco Palladino, Antoine Bertheau, Cesar Barreto, Dogan Gülümser, Alexander Hijzen, Anne Sophie Lassen, Balázs Muraközy and Oskar Nordström Skans
313: L’Emploi à bas salaire en France: Une perspective transnationale
Cesar Barreto, Stéphane Carcillo, Jonas Fluchtmann, Alexandre Georgieff, Alexander Hijzen, Daniele Pacifico, Eliza-Jane Pearsall and Agnès Puymoyen
313: Low-wage employment in France: A cross-country perspective
Cesar Barreto, Stéphane Carcillo, Jonas Fluchtmann, Alexandre Georgieff, Alexander Hijzen, Daniele Pacifico, Eliza-Jane Pearsall and Agnès Puymoyen
312: Financing social protection in OECD countries: Role and uses of revenue earmarking Downloads
Herwig Immervoll
311: Gendered perceptions of social protection across OECD countries
Valérie Frey, Lyydia Alajääskö and Jasmin Thomas
310: The “clean energy transition” and the cost of job displacement in energy-intensive industries Downloads
Cesar Barreto, Jonas Fluchtmann, Alexander Hijzen, Stefano Lombardi, Patrick Bennett, Antoine Bertheau, Winnie Chan, Andrei Gorshkov, Jonathan Hambur, Nick Johnstone, Benjamin Lochner, Jordy Meekes, Tahsin Mehdi, Balázs Muraközy, Gulnara Nolan, Kjell Salvanes, Oskar Nordström Skans and Rune Vejlin
309: Étude comparative des dépenses et du financement de la protection sociale en France et en Allemagne Downloads
Willem Adema, Ali Bargu, Maxime Ladaique, Daniele Pacifico, Eliza-Jane Pearsall and Dirk Neumann
308: Offshoring, Reshoring, and the Evolving Geography of Jobs: A Scoping Paper Downloads
Stijn Broecke
307: Geographic inequalities in accessibility of essential services Downloads
Vanda Almeida, Claire Hoffmann, Sebastian Königs, Ana Moreno Monroy, Mauricio Salazar-Lozada and Javier Terrero-Dávila
306: Faces of joblessness in Switzerland: A people-centred perspective on employment barriers and policies Downloads
Alexandre Georgieff
305: An integrated approach to service delivery for people with multiple and complex needs Downloads
Dorothy Adams and Hlodver Hakonarson
304: Gender equality and economic growth: Past progress and future potential Downloads
Jonas Fluchtmann, Mark Keese and Willem Adema
303: Developing skills for digital government: A review of good practices across OECD governments Downloads
Magdalena Burtscher, Stefano Piano and Benjamin Welby
302: Quality matters: A comparative analysis of quality assurance mechanisms in adult education and training in OECD countries Downloads
Ricardo Espinoza and Nerea Martinez-Yarza
301: Raising the bar: Designing and implementing innovative contracted-out employment services in OECD countries Downloads
Matija Vodopivec
300: Innovative approaches to tackle long-term unemployment Downloads
Sofia Dromundo, Marius Lüske and Michele Tuccio
299: Fertility, employment and family policy: A cross-country panel analysis Downloads
Jonas Fluchtmann, Violetta van Veen and Willem Adema
298: Minimum wages in a dual labour market: Evidence from the 2019 minimum-wage hike in Spain Downloads
Alexander Hijzen, Juan Mateo Montenegro Zarama and Ana Sofia Pessoa
297: The effects of the EU Fit for 55 package on labour markets and the demand for skills Downloads
Francesca Borgonovi, Elisa Lanzi, Helke Seitz, Ruben Bibas, Jean Fouré, Hubert Plisiecki and Laura Atarody
296: Unemployment benefit reforms to support employment and inclusiveness in the United States: Impacts of the Pandemic Unemployment Assistance Downloads
Eliza-Jane Pearsall, Daniele Pacifico and Edoardo Magalini
295: Labour and social policies for the green transition: A conceptual framework Downloads
Mark Keese and Luca Marcolin
294: The demand for language skills in the European labour market: Evidence from online job vacancies Downloads
Gabriele Marconi, Loris Vergolini and Francesca Borgonovi
293: The OECD Skills Profiling Tool: A new instrument to improve career decisions Downloads
Michele Tuccio, Katharine Mullock, Patricia Navarro-Palau and Erika Xiomara Chaparro Perez
292: Measuring skill gaps in firms: the PIAAC Employer Module Downloads
Luca Marcolin and Glenda Quintini
291: Not lost in translation: The implications of machine translation technologies for language professionals and for broader society Downloads
Francesca Borgonovi, Justine Hervé and Helke Seitz
290: Defining and classifying AI in the workplace Downloads
Marguerita Lane and Morgan Williams
289: The impact of AI on the workplace: Evidence from OECD case studies of AI implementation Downloads
Anna Milanez
288: The impact of AI on the workplace: Main findings from the OECD AI surveys of employers and workers Downloads
Marguerita Lane, Morgan Williams and Stijn Broecke
287: The supply, demand and characteristics of the AI workforce across OECD countries Downloads
Andrew Green and Lucas Lamby
286: Six questions about the demand for artificial intelligence skills in labour markets Downloads
Fabio Manca
285: Teleworking through the gender looking glass: Facts and gaps Downloads
Chloé Touzet
284: Artificial intelligence and labour market matching Downloads
Stijn Broecke
283: Who pays for higher carbon prices?: Illustration for Lithuania and a research agenda Downloads
Herwig Immervoll, Cathal O’Donoghue, Jules Linden and Denisa Sologon
282: What skills and abilities can automation technologies replicate and what does it mean for workers?: New evidence Downloads
Julie Lassébie and Glenda Quintini
281: Swimming skills around the world: Evidence on inequalities in life skills across and within countries Downloads
Francesca Borgonovi, Helke Seitz and Irina Vogel
280: Understanding how economic conditions and natural disasters shape environmental attitudes: A cross-country comparison to inform policy making Downloads
Kentaro Asai, Francesca Borgonovi and Sarah Wildi
279: Shaping the transition: Artificial intelligence and social dialogue Downloads
Clara Krämer and Sandrine Cazes
278: New gig work or changes in reporting?: Understanding self-employment trends in tax data Downloads
Andrew Garin, Emilie Jackson and Dmitri Koustas
277: Information technologies for social services in Spain: Reform of the national framework for the provision of social services in Spain Downloads
Rodrigo Fernández, Sarah Kups and Ana Llena-Nozal
276: Provision of social services in EU countries: Reform of the national framework for the provision of social services in Spain Downloads
Ana Llena-Nozal, Rodrigo Fernández and Sarah Kups
275: The environmental sustainability competence toolbox: From leaving a better planet for our children to leaving better children for our planet Downloads
Francesca Borgonovi, Ottavia Brussino, Helke Seitz, Alice Bertoletti, Federico Biagi, Abdelfeteh Bitat, Zbigniew Karpinski and Marco Montanari
274: Young people’s environmental sustainability competence: Emotional, cognitive, behavioural, and attitudinal dimensions in EU and OECD countries Downloads
Francesca Borgonovi, Ottavia Brussino, Helke Seitz, Alice Bertoletti, Federico Biagi, Abdelfeteh Bitat, Zbigniew Karpinski and Marco Montanari
273: Using Artificial Intelligence in the workplace: What are the main ethical risks? Downloads
Angelica Salvi Del Pero, Peter Wyckoff and Ann Vourc'h
272: The effect of declining unemployment benefits on transitions to employment: Evidence from Belgium Downloads
Andrea Salvatori
271: De-facto gaps in social protection for standard and non-standard workers: An approach for monitoring the accessibility and levels of income support Downloads
Herwig Immervoll, Rodrigo Fernandez, Raphaela Hyee, Jongmi Lee and Daniele Pacifico
270: The recognition of prior learning: Validating general competences Downloads
Michela Meghnagi and Michele Tuccio
269: Global warming, pollution and cognitive developments: The effects of high pollution and temperature levels on cognitive ability throughout the life course Downloads
Diana Horvath and Francesca Borgonovi
268: The impact of the COVID-19 crisis across different socio-economic groups and the role of job retention schemes - The case of Switzerland Downloads
Alexander Hijzen and Andrea Salvatori
Page updated 2025-01-21
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