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2009 Meeting Papers

From Society for Economic Dynamics
Society for Economic Dynamics Marina Azzimonti Department of Economics Stonybrook University 10 Nicolls Road Stonybrook NY 11790 USA.
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1276: Distinguishing barriers to insurance in Thai villages
Cynthia Kinnan
1275: Growth Facts in Turkey Downloads
Ayse Imrohoroglu
1274: Boom-Bust Cycles in Turkey: Capital Market Imperfections and Asymmetries in Sectoral Investment
Mustafa Kilinc and Huseyin Gunay
1273: Financial Innovation, the Discovery of Risk, and the U.S. Credit Crisis
Enrique Mendoza and Emine Boz
1271: A Model of International Cities: Implications for Real Exchange Rates
Hakan Yilmazkuday and Mario Crucini
1270: The Puzzling Behavior of Sectoral Real Exchange Rates
Virgiliu Midrigan and Patrick Kehoe
1269: Economies of Scale and the Size of Exporters Downloads
Miklós Koren and Roc Armenter
1268: Money, Prices and Monetary Policy
Albert Marcet
1267: Firm Size, Innovation Dynamics and Growth Downloads
Ufuk Akcigit
1266: Momentum traders in a search model of the housing market
Martin Schneider and Monika Piazzesi
1265: In the Wrong Hands: Complementarities, Resource Allocation, and Aggregate TFP Downloads
Simeon Alder
1264: Reputation with Equal Discounting in a Dynamic Cournot Oligopoly
Eduardo Faingold
1262: Capital Taxation: Quantitative Explorations of the Inverse Euler Equation Downloads
Iván Werning and Emmanuel Farhi
1261: A Non-linear Analysis on the Sustainability of the Government's Intertemporal Budget Constraint
Costas Milas and Gabriella Legrenzi
1260: Explaining Asset Pricing Puzzles in the RBC framework: The Prospect Theory Approach
Rafal Raciborski and Julia Lendvai
1259: Optimal unemployment benefits financing scheme, search frictions and real wage rigidities
Julien Albertini and Xavier Fairise
1257: Return Predictability and Labor Market Frictions in a Real Business Cycle Model Downloads
Lars Lochstoer and Harjoat S. Bhamra
1256: Optimal Securitization with Moral Hazard Downloads
Tomasz Piskorski, Alexei Tchistyi and Barney Hartman-Glaser
1248: Specialization, Economic Development and Aggregate Productivity Differences Downloads
Michael Waugh and David Lagakos
1246: Fragility: A Quantitative Analysis of the US Health Insurance System Downloads
Iourii Manovskii and Bjoern Bruegemann
1244: Higher-Order Beliefs and the Business Cycle Downloads
Jennifer La'O and George-Marios Angeletos
1240: Foreclosures and House Price Dynamics in Local Housing Markets Downloads
Burcu Eyigungor and Satyajit Chatterjee
1236: The Rise and Expansion of Social Security in the US
Guillaume Vandenbroucke and Marina Azzimonti
1234: Du subjectiv expectations explain asset pricing puzzles? Downloads
Gurdip Bakshi
1233: Barriers to investment in polarized societies
Marina Azzimonti
1226: Design of Divisible Good Auctions
Marek Weretka, Marek Pycia and Marzena Rostek
1223: Beliefs about Inflation and the Term Structure of Interest Rates
Philipp Illeditsch, Michael Gallmeyer, Christian Heyerdahl-Larsen and Paul Ehling
1219: Should Monetary Policy React to Current Account Imbalances?
Sylvain Leduc, Luca Dedola and Giancarlo Corsetti
1217: Stochastic Trends and Business Cycles
Martín Uribe
1214: Repeated Tournaments
Matthew Mitchell and Hugo Hopenhayn
1213: International and Intra-national Real Exchange Rates: Evidence and Theory Downloads
Viktoria Hnatkovska and Michael Devereux
1211: Uncertain Times, Uncertain Measures Downloads
Jon Cohen and Michelle Alexopoulos
1207: Financial Frictions and Factor Flows
Yongseok Shin and Francisco Buera
1204: Human Capital, Product Quality, and Bilateral Trade Downloads
Michael Waugh
1203: A Dynamic Model of Taxation, Marital Status, Fertility, and Labor Supply Downloads
Petra Todd, Karam Kang and Flavio Cunha
1201: Risk sensitive allocations with multiple goods in international finance. Existence, survivorship, and dynamics Downloads
Mariano Croce and Riccardo Colacito
1199: Firm Heterogeneity and Costly Trade: A New Estimation Strategy and Policy Experiments
Svetlana Demidova, Kala Krishna, Hiau Looi Kee and Ivan Cherkashin
1197: Credit Crunched? Consequences on Corporate Financial Policy, Investment, and Risk
Huidan Lin and Daniel Paravisini
1196: Tax Reform with Endogenous Borrowing Limits and Incomplete Asset Markets Downloads
Eva Carceles-Poveda and Arpad Abraham
1191: Marriage and Cohabitation Downloads
Steven Laufer and Ahu Gemici
1186: A Global Equilibrium Model of Economy-Climate Interactions Downloads
Per Krusell
1185: Communication and Consensus Downloads
Bilge Yilmaz and Archishman Chakraborty
1183: A Subjective Model of Temporal Preferences Downloads
Todd Sarver and Haluk Ergin
1180: A General Equilibrium Theory of College with Education Subsidies, In-School Labor Supply, and Borrowing Constraints Downloads
Mark P. Keightley and Carlos Garriga
1176: Disaster risk and business cycles Downloads
Francois Gourio
1170: Taxation of Human Capital and Cross-Country Trends in Wage Inequality
Serdar Ozkan, Burhanettin Kuruscu and Fatih Guvenen
1169: Securitization and Distressed Loan Renegotiation: Evidence from the Subprime Mortgage Crisis Downloads
Vikrant Vig, Amit Seru and Tomasz Piskorski
1168: Creditor Rights, Inequality and Development in a Neoclassical Growth Model Downloads
Benjamin Moll
1166: Capital-goods imports, investment-specific technological change and U.S. growth Downloads
Anthony Landry and Michele Cavallo
1163: Fical Solvency and Currency Crises: the short-term debt flows perspective Downloads
Bahcesehir Univeristy and Ayse Ertugrul
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