2012 Meeting Papers
From Society for Economic Dynamics Society for Economic Dynamics Marina Azzimonti Department of Economics Stonybrook University 10 Nicolls Road Stonybrook NY 11790 USA. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Christian Zimmermann (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 818: International Correlation Risk
- Andreas Stathopoulos, Andrea Vedolin and Philippe Mueller
- 817: Commodity Trade and the Carry Trade: a Tale of Two Countries
- Nikolai Roussanov and Robert Ready
- 814: Learning Through Referrals
- Manolis Galenianos
- 812: Expansionary and Contractionary Technology Shocks
- Zeno Enders and Almut Balleer
- 810: What drives firm growth? The role of demand and TFP shocks
- Fabiano Schivardi and Andrea Pozzi
- 805: The Role of Housing in Labor Reallocation
- Marcelo Veracierto, Jonas Fisher and Morris Davis
- 803: The Macroeconomics of Firms' Savings
- Viktoria Hnatkovska and Roc Armenter
- 802: A Theory of Energy Use
- Luis Puch and Antonia DÃaz
- 799: The Geography of Consumer Prices
- Adam Reiff and Attila Ratfai
- 797: Wage Determination and Labor Market Volatility under Mismatch
- William Hawkins
- 794: Inequality in Unemployment Risk and in Wages
- Josep Pijoan-Mas, Hernán Ruffo and Claudio Michelacci
- 793: The Decline of the U.S. Rust Belt: A Macroeconomic Analysis
- Lee Ohanian, David Lagakos and Simeon Alder
- 792: Asking Prices and Inspection Goods
- Ronald Wolthoff, Ludo Visschers and Benjamin Lester
- 789: Strategic Complementarity, Fragility, and Regulation
- Xavier Vives
- 783: Asset Market Participation and Portfolio Choice over the Life-Cycle
- Luigi Guiso, Charles Gottlieb and Andreas Fagereng
- 778: A Long-Run Risks Explanation of Predictability Puzzles in Bond and Currency Markets
- Ivan Shaliastovich and Ravi Bansal
- 777: A theory of search with recall and uncertain deadlines
- Brennan Platt and Serife Akin
- 776: Trade, Urbanization and Capital Accumulation in a Labor Surplus Economy
- Raymond Riezman, Ping Wang and Eric Bond
- 771: Understanding bond risk premia
- Pavol Povala and Anna Cieslak
- 764: Estimating the Effects of Standard Fiscal and Bank Rescue Measures
- Werner Roeger, Robert Kollmann, Marco Ratto and Jan in 't Veld
- 763: The Share of Systematic Variation in Bilateral Exchange Rates
- Adrien Verdelhan
- 762: Trade, Inventories, and International Business Cycles
- Virgiliu Midrigan, Joseph Kaboski and George Alessandria
- 757: Efficiency in International Unions
- Justin Valasek and Jenny Simon
- 753: Crash Risk in Currency Returns
- Jeremy Graveline, Irina Zviadadze and Mikhail Chernov
- 751: Mortgage Default during the U.S. Mortgage Crisis
- Thomas Schelkle
- 743: Does Inflation Walk on Unstable Paths? Rational Sunspots and Drifting Parameters
- Paolo Bonomolo and Guido Ascari
- 737: Labor Supply, Aggregation and the Labor Wedge
- Jose Lopez
- 732: Optimal Capital Taxation with Idiosyncratic Investment Risk
- Catarina Reis and Vasia Panousi
- 728: Optimal Retirement Age and Aging Population
- Fernando Perera-Tallo
- 726: Financial Crises and Exchange Rate Policy
- Luca Fornaro
- 710: Hours and Occupations
- Luisa Fuster, Gueorgui Kambourov and Andres Erosa
- 706: Firms Dynamics of Exports and Credit
- Veronica Rappoport, Kim Ruhl and Daniel Paravisini
- 702: Financial Frictions, Occupational Choice, and Economic Inequality
- Andres Erosa and Lian Allub
- 695: Corporate investment and bank-dependent borrowers during the recent financial crisis
- Philip Vermeulen
- 693: A Life-Cycle Consumption Model with Ambiguous Survival Beliefs
- Alexander Zimper, Alexander Ludwig and Max Groneck
- 688: Offshoring and Directed Technical Change
- Gino Gancia, Fabrizio Zilibotti and Daron Acemoglu
- 680: Efficient Risk Sharing with Limited Commitment and Hidden Saving
- Sarolta Laczó and Arpad Abraham
- 679: Fixed Adjustment Costs and Aggregate Fluctuations
- Ryan Michaels and Michael Elsby
- 678: Market Deregulation and Optimal Monetary Policy in a Monetary Union
- Giuseppe Fiori, Fabio Ghironi and Matteo Cacciatore
- 677: Why Does Employment in All Major Sectors Move Together over the Business Cycle?
- Yaniv Yedid-Levi
- 670: Segmented Housing Search
- Martin Schneider, Johannes Stroebel and Monika Piazzesi
- 665: Back to Basics: Basic Research Spillovers, Innovation Policy and Growth
- Nicolas Serrano-Velarde, Douglas Hanley and Ufuk Akcigit
- 664: International trade, technology, and the skill premium
- Jonathan Vogel and Ariel Burstein
- Venky Venkateswaran and Luis-Gonzalo Llosa
- 655: Heterogeneity in Labor Supply Elasticity and Optimal Taxation
- Marios Karabarbounis
- 654: Rare Shocks, Great Recessions
- Marco Del Negro and Vasco Cúrdia
- 652: Learning and Labor Market Flows
- Katarina Borovickova
- 648: Do Informal Referrals Lead to Better Matches? Evidence from a FirmÂ’'s Employee Referral System
- Giorgio Topa, Elizabeth Setren and Meta Brown
- 647: Why Rent When You Can Buy? A Theory of Repurchase Agreements
- Borghan Nezami Narajabad and Cyril Monnet
- 644: The Labor Productivity Puzzle
- Edward Prescott and Ellen McGrattan
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