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2012 Meeting Papers

From Society for Economic Dynamics
Society for Economic Dynamics Marina Azzimonti Department of Economics Stonybrook University 10 Nicolls Road Stonybrook NY 11790 USA.
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643: International Consumption Risk Is Shared After All: An Asset Return View Downloads
Edith Liu and Karen Lewis
638: The Dynamic Effects of Personal and Corporate Income Tax Changes in the United States Downloads
Morten Ravn and Karel Mertens
636: Asset Pricing with Heterogeneous Investors and Portfolio Constraints Downloads
Georgy Chabakauri
633: Skill Uncertainty, Skill Accumulation, and Occupational Choice Downloads
Carl Sanders
631: Interviews and the Assignment of Workers to Jobs Downloads
Ronald Wolthoff and Benjamin Lester
630: Repeated Moral Hazard with Worker Mobility via Directed On-the-Job Search Downloads
Kunio Tsuyuhara
628: Deleveraging of the household sector Downloads
Giorgio Primiceri
618: Different Trade Models, Different Trade Elasticities? Downloads
Michael Waugh and Ina Simonovska
617: Financial Crisis Resolution Downloads
Josef Schroth
615: The Determinants of Geographic Concentration of Industry: A Quantitative Analysis Downloads
Zhu Wang, Daniel Yi Xu and Luis Cabral
614: Gambling for Redemption and Self-Fulfilling Debt Crises Downloads
Timothy Kehoe and Juan Carlos Conesa
612: Imported Inputs and the Gains from Trade Downloads
Ananth Ramanarayanan
611: Firm Heterogeneity, Sorting and the Minimum Wage Downloads
Rafael Lopes de Melo
609: Analyzing the Effects of Insuring Away Health Risks Downloads
Soojin Kim, Dirk Krueger and Harold Cole
608: Sovereign Default Risk and Uncertainty Premia Downloads
Ignacio Presno and Demian Pouzo
603: Risky Investments with Limited Commitment Downloads
Vincenzo Quadrini, Ramon Marimon and Thomas Cooley
601: Pledgability and Liquidity Downloads
Randall Wright and Vaidyanathan (Venky) Venkateswaran
599: Entrepreneurship and Technology Choice with Limited Contract Enforcement Downloads
Burak Uras
597: Skill-Biased Technical Change and the Cost of Higher Education: An Exploratory Model Downloads
Fang Yang and John Jones
594: What Do Participation Fluctuations Tell Us About Labor Supply Elasticities? Downloads
Michael Reiter and Christian Haefke
593: Knowledge Spillovers and The Optimal Taxation of Multinational Firms Downloads
Alexander Monge-Naranjo
592: Wages, Job Queues, and Skills Downloads
Ronald Wolthoff and Ioana Marinescu
589: Wage Rigidity: A Solution to Several Asset Pricing Puzzles Downloads
Jack Favilukis and Xiaoji Lin
588: Redistributive Taxation in a Partial Insurance Economy Downloads
Kjetil Storesletten, Gianluca Violante and Jonathan Heathcote
585: Households and the Welfare State Downloads
Gustavo Ventura
577: Debt Financing Downloads
Andre Silva and Bernardino Adao
575: The Age-Time-Cohort Problem and the Identification of Structural Parameters in Life-Cycle Models Downloads
Sam Schulhofer-Wohl
571: Consumption-based Asset Pricing Loss Aversion Downloads
Marianne Andries
566: Estimation of a Roy/Search/Compensating Differential Model of the Labor Market Downloads
Christopher Taber and Rune Vejlin
565: Fiscal Policies and Asset Prices Downloads
Thien Nguyen, Lukas Schmid, Howard Kung and Mariano Croce
563: Macroeconomic Effects of Bankruptcy and Foreclosure Policies Downloads
Kurt Mitman
558: Currency Risk and Pricing Kernel Volatility Downloads
Chris Telmer, Batchimeg Sambalaibat and Federico Gavazzoni
557: Monetary Policy Regimes and the Term Structure of Interests Rates with Recursive Utility
Tanaka Hiroatsu
556: The New Keynesian Phillips Curve: the Role of Hiring and Investment Costs Downloads
Stephen Millard, Eran Yashiv and Renato Faccini
555: Nowcasting with Daily Data Downloads
Michele Modugno, Lucrezia Reichlin, Domenico Giannone and Marta Banbura
552: Macroeconomic Implications of U.S. Banking Liberalisation Downloads
Stefan Notz
548: Incorporating theoretical restrictions into forecasting by projection methods Downloads
Raffaella Giacomini
546: A Long-run, Short-run, and Politico-Economic Analysis of the Welfare Costs of Inflation Downloads
Scott Dressler
543: Investment and the Cross-Section of Equity Returns Downloads
Berardino Palazzo and Gian Luca Clementi
539: Diversification through Trade Downloads
Silvana Tenreyro, Miklós Koren and Francesco Caselli
538: Markets for Data Downloads
Alessandro Bonatti and Dirk Bergemann
537: Information Processing and Limited Liability Downloads
Bartosz Maćkowiak and Mirko Wiederholt
536: Life-Cycle Portfolio Choice, the Wealth Distribution and Asset Prices Downloads
Karl Schmedders and Felix Kubler
533: Margin Requirements and Asset Prices Downloads
Michael Grill, Karl Schmedders, Felix Kubler and Johannes Brumm
529: Liquidity Misallocation in an Over-The-Counter Market Downloads
Shengxing Zhang
522: Sovereign Debt Rating Changes and the Stock Market Downloads
Panayiotis Papakyriacou, George Nishiotis, Andreas Milidonis and Alexander Michaelides
520: Female Employment and Structural Transformation Downloads
Barbara Petrongolo and L. Rachel Ngai
510: The Agricultural Productivity Gap in Developing Countries Downloads
Douglas Gollin
507: A Macroeconomic Model with a Financial Sector Downloads
Yuliy Sannikov and Markus Brunnermeier
506: Simple Markov-Perfect Industry Dynamics Downloads
Nan Yang, Jeffrey Campbell and Jaap Abbring
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