Textos para discussão
From Department of Economics PUC-Rio (Brazil) Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 664: Gambling, Risk Appetite and Asset Pricing

- Carlos Carvalho, Daniel Cordeiro, Ruy Ribeiro and Eduardo Zilberman
- 663: A dívida externa dos estados brasileiros, 1881-1943

- Marcelo de Paiva Abreu
- 662: O Brasil Império e a economia mundial

- Marcelo de Paiva Abreu
- 661: Whose “pound of flesh”? Egyptian sterling balances, 1939-1958

- Ricardo de Menezes Barboza
- 660: América Latina: o contexto externo, 1928-1982

- Marcelo de Paiva Abreu
- 659: Negócios britânicos no Brasil: da maturidade à irrelevância, 1850-1950

- Marcelo de Paiva Abreu
- 658: Os Efeitos da Incerteza sobre a Atividade Econômica no Brasil

- Ricardo Barboza and Eduardo Zilberman
- 657: Transitions in Central Bank Leadership

- Carlos Carvalho, Tiago Fl´orido and Eduardo Zilberman
- 656: Money and Politics: The Effects of Campaign Spending Limits on Political Competition and Incumbency Advantage

- Eric Avis, Claudio Ferraz, Frederico Finan and Carlos Varjão
- 655: Sentiment, Electoral Uncertainty and Stock Returns

- Carlos Carvalho, Eduardo Zilberman and Ruy Ribeiro
- 654: The perils of Counterfactual Analysis with Integrated Processes

- Carlos Carvalho, Ricardo Masini and Marcelo Medeiros
- 653: ARCO: an artificial counterfactual approach for high-dimensional panel time-series data

- Carlos Carvalho, Ricardo Masini and Marcelo Medeiros
- 652: Do Government Audits Reduce Corruption? Estimating the Impacts of Exposing Corrupt Politicians

- Eric Avis, Claudio Ferraz and Frederico Finan
- 651: Apprenticeship as a stepping stone to beter jobs: Evidence from brazilian matched employer-employee data

- Carlos Corseuil, Miguel Foguel and Gustavo Gonzaga
- 650: Is There an Output Free Lunch for Fiscal Inationary Policies?

- Moises S. Andrade and Tiago Berriel
- 649: Measuring the Effect of the Zero Lower Bound on Monetary Policy

- Carlos Carvalho, Eric Hsu and Fernanda Necchio
- 648: Demographics and Real Interest Rates: Inspecting the Mechanism

- Carlos Carvalho, Andrea Ferrero and Fernanda Necchio
- 647: What if Brazil Hadn't Floated the Real in 1999?

- Carlos Carvalho and André D. Vilela
- 646: Juros e Câmbio no Brasil: Avanços e Desafios

- Marcio Garcia
- 645: E Se o Brasil Não Tivesse Adotado Câmbio Flutuante em 1999?

- Carlos Carvalho and André D. Vilela
- 644: Long Term Debt and Credit Crisis in a Liquidity Constrained Economy

- Tiago Berriel and Rodrigo Abreu
- 643: India as a creditor: sterling balances, 1940-1953

- Marcelo Abreu
- 642: Robust Mechanisms: the curvature case

- Vinicius Carrasco, Vitor Farinha Luz, Paulo Monteiro and Humberto Moreira
- 641: Robust Selling Mechanisms

- Vinicius Carrasco, Vitor Farinha Luz, Paulo Monteiro and Humberto Moreira
- 640: Human Capital Persistence and Development

- Claudio Ferraz, Rodrigo Soares and Rudi Rocha
- 639: Procuring Firm Growth: The Effects of Government Purchases on Firm Dynamics

- Claudio Ferraz, Frederico Finan and Dimitri Joe de Alencar Szerman
- 638: Central Bank Balance Sheet, Liquidity Trap, and Quantitative Easing

- Arthur Galego Mendes and Tiago Berriel
- 637: Adaptative LASSO estimation for ARDL models with GARCH innovations

- Marcelo Medeiros and Eduardo F. Mendes
- 636: l1-Regularization of High-Dimensional Time-Series Models with Flexible Innovations

- Marcelo Medeiros and Eduardo F. Mendes
- 635: Risk Contracts with Private Information and One-Sided Commitment

- Eduardo Zilberman and Pedro Hemsley
- 634: Real Rigidities and the Cross-Sectional Distribution of Price Stickiness: Evidence from Micro and Macro Data Combined

- Carlos Carvalho, Niels Dam and Jae Won Lee
- 633: Factor Specificity and Real Rigidities

- Carlos Carvalho and Fernanda Nechio
- 632: Firms, Informality and Development: Theory and evidence from Brazil

- Gabriel Ulyssea
- 631: Capital Controls and Implications for Surveillance and coordination: Brazil and Latin America

- Marcio Garcia
- 630: FX interventions in Brazil: a synthetic control approach

- Marcos Chamon, Laura Candido de Souza and Marcio Garcia
- 629: Macroeconomic Effects of Credit Deepening in Latin America

- Carlos Carvalho, Eduardo Zilberman, Laura Candido de Souza and Nilda Mercedes Cabrera Pasca
- 628: Monetary Policy and Real Exchange Rate Dynamics in Sticky-Price Models

- Carlos Carvalho and Fernanda Feitosa Necchio
- 627: Selection and Monetary Non-Neutrality in Time-Dependent Pricing Models

- Carlos Carvalho and Felipe Schwartzman
- 626: A Década Perdida: 2003 – 2012

- Isabela Duarte, Joao De Mello and Vinicius Nascimento Carrasco
- 625: Rotatividade do trabalho e incentivos da legislação trabalhista

- Gustavo Gonzaga and Rafael Cayres Pinto
- 624: Economic gains of realized volatility in the Brazilian stock market

- Marcio Garcia, Marcelo Medeiros and Francisco Eduardo de Luna e Almeida Santos
- 623: The impact of macroeconomic announcements in the Brazilian futures markets

- Marcio Garcia, Marcelo Medeiros and Francisco Eduardo de Luna e Almeida Santos
- 622: Price Discovery in Brazilian FX Markets

- Marcio Garcia, Marcelo Medeiros and Francisco Santos
- 621: DNDFs:a more efficient way to intervene in FX markets?

- Marcio Garcia and Tony Volpon
- 620: Conhecimento ou Práticas Pedagógicas? Medindo os Efeitos da Qualidade dos Professores no Desempenho dos Alunos

- Claudio Ferraz and Mauricio Fernandes
- 619: Wage Differentials: Trade Openness and Wage Bargaining

- Gustavo Gonzaga, Cristina Terra and Batriz Muriel Hernandes
- 618: Do People Understand Monetary Policy?

- Carlos Carvalho and Fernanda Nechio
- 617: Just Words? A Quantitative Analysis of the Communication of the Central Bank of Brazil

- Carlos Carvalho, Fernando Cordeiro and Juliana Vargas
- 616: A relação entre proficiência e dispersão de idade na sala de aula: a influência do nível de qualificação do professor

- Gustavo Gonzaga, Danille Carusi and Sergio Firpo
- 615: Is risk good for saving? Message from the general equilibrium model

- Yves Balasko and Enrique Kawamura
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