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CEIS Research Paper

From Tor Vergata University, CEIS
CEIS - Centre for Economic and International Studies - Faculty of Economics - University of Rome "Tor Vergata" - Via Columbia, 2 00133 Roma.
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Bibliographic data for series maintained by Barbara Piazzi ().

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482: Nowcasting Monthly GDP with Big Data: a Model Averaging Approach Downloads
Tommaso Proietti and Alessandro Giovannelli
481: Who did it? A European Detective Story Was it Real, Financial, Monetary and/or Institutional: Tracking Growth in the Euro Area with an Atheoretical Tool Downloads
Mariarosaria Comunale and Francesco Mongelli
480: On the Effects of Taxation on Growth: an Empirical Assessment Downloads
Marco Alfò, Lorenzo Carbonari and Giovanni Trovato
479: Optimal Correction of the Public Debt and Fiscal Resilience Measures Downloads
Barbara Annicchiarico, Fabio Di Dio and Stefano Patrì
478: Are We in The Same Boat? The Legacy of Historical Emigration on Attitudes towards Immigrants Downloads
Erminia Florio
477: Likelihood Induced by Moment Functions Using Particle Filter: a Comparison of Particle GMM and Standard MCMC Methods Downloads
Fabio Franco
476: How Does the Public Spending Affect Technical Efficiency? Some Evidence from 15 European Countries Downloads
Sabrina Auci, Laura Castellucci and Manuela Coromaldi
475: The Relative Price of Housing and Subsequent GDP Growth in the USA Downloads
Robert Waldmann
474: Identify More, Observe Less: Mediation Analysis Synthetic Control Downloads
Giovanni Mellace and Alessandra Pasquini
473: Efficient Particle MCMC with GMM likelihood representation Downloads
Fabio Franco
472: Procuring Medical Devices: Evidence from Italian Public Tenders Downloads
Vincenzo Atella and Francesco Decarolis
471: Supervisory Governance, Capture and Non-Performing Loans Downloads
Nicolò Fraccaroli
470: Health and Development Downloads
Alberto Bucci, Lorenzo Carbonari, Monia Ranalli and Giovanni Trovato
469: An Investigation of the Exchange Rate Pass-Through in the Baltic States Downloads
Mariarosaria Comunale
468: Disentangling tax evasion from inefficiency in firms tax declaration: an integrated approach Downloads
Giancarlo Ferrara, Arianna Campagna and Vincenzo Atella
467: When Particulate Matter Strikes Cities: Social Disparities and Health Costs of Air Pollution Downloads
Matilde Giaccherini, Joanna Kopinska and Alessandro Palma
466: The Income Elasticity of Child Labour: Do Cash Transfers Have an Impact on the Poorest Children? Downloads
Luca Pellerano, Eleonora Porreca and Furio Rosati
465: Technological Progress and Health Convergence: The Case of Penicillin in Post-War Italy Downloads
Marcella Alsan, Vincenzo Atella, Jay Bhattacharya, Valentina Conti, Ivàn Mejìa-Guevara and Grant Miller
464: Air Pollution During Pregnancy and Birth Outcomes in Italy Downloads
Alessandro Palma, Inna Petrunyk and Daniela Vuri
463: The Social Costs of Side Trading Downloads
Andrea Attar, Thomas Mariotti and François Salanié
462: Imposing monotonicity in stochastic frontier models: an iterative nonlinear least squares procedure Downloads
Federico Belotti and Giancarlo Ferrara
461: Ideology in times of crisis A principal component analysis of votes in the European Parliament, 2004-2019 Downloads
Anatole Cheysson and Nicolò Fraccaroli
460: Competing Mechanisms and Folk Theorems: Two Examples Downloads
Andrea Attar, Eloisa Campioni, Thomas Mariotti and Gwenael Piaser
459: Estimation of Stochastic Frontier Panel Data Models with Spatial Inefficiency Downloads
Federico Belotti, Giuseppe Ilardi and Andrea Piano Mortari
458: Hurricanes, Climate Change Policies and Electoral Accountability Downloads
Stefano Gagliarducci, M. Daniele Paserman and Eleonora Patacchini
457: Demography and Productivity in the Italian Manufacturing Industry: Yesterday and Today Downloads
Carlo Ciccarelli, Matteo Gomellini and Paolo Sestito
456: Real Effective Exchange Rates determinants and growth: lessons from Italian regions Downloads
Silvia Calo' and Mariarosaria Comunale
455: Predictability, Real Time Estimation, and the Formulation of Unobserved Components Models Downloads
Tommaso Proietti
454: Sovereign Spread Volatility and Banking Sector Downloads
Vivek Sharma and Edgar Silgado-Gómez
453: The Societal Benefits of Money and Interest Bearing Debt Downloads
Luis Araujo and Leo Ferraris
452: A Horse Race in High Dimensional Space Downloads
Paolo Andreini and Donato Ceci
451: Robust Tests for Convergence Clubs Downloads
Luisa Corrado, Thanasis Stengos, Melvyn Weeks and Ege Yazgan
450: Forecasting Volatility with Time-Varying Leverage and Volatility of Volatility Effects Downloads
Leopoldo Catania and Tommaso Proietti
449: The Financial Decisions of Immigrant and Native Households: Evidence from Italy Downloads
Graziella Bertocchi, Marianna Brunetti and Anzelika Zaiceva
448: How to Set Budget Caps for Competitive Grants Downloads
Alessandro De Chiara and Elisabetta Iossa
447: Assessing the Effects of Fiscal Policy News under Imperfect Information: Evidence from Aggregate and Individual Data Downloads
Luisa Corrado and Edgar Silgado-Gómez
446: A Behavioral Model of the Credit Cycle Downloads
Barbara Annicchiarico, Silvia Surricchio and Robert Waldmann
445: Forecasting Realized Volatility Measures with Multivariate and Univariate Models: The Case of The US Banking Sector Downloads
Gianluca Cubadda, Alain Hecq and Antonio Riccardo
444: Wavelet analysis for temporal disaggregation Downloads
Chiara Perricone
443: Ambiguous economic news and heterogeneity: What explains asymmetric consumption responses? Downloads
Luisa Corrado, Edgar Silgado-Gómez, Donghoon Yoo and Robert Waldmann
442: New Technologies and Costs Downloads
Vincenzo Atella and Joanna Kopinska
441: On Competing Mechanisms under Exclusive Competition Downloads
Andrea Attar, Eloisa Campioni and Gwenaël Piaser
440: About Local Projection Impulse Response Function Reliability Downloads
Luca Brugnolini
439: Estimating Models with Dynamic Network Interactions and Unobserved Heterogeneity Downloads
Luisa Corrado and Salvatore Di Novo
438: Political Turnover and the Performance of Local Public Enterprises Downloads
Andrea De Meo and Lorenzo Ferrari
437: Home Sweet Home: the Effect of Sugar Protectionism on Emigration in Italy, 1876-1913 Downloads
Carlo Ciccarelli, Alberto Dalmazzo and Daniela Vuri
436: Fiscal Compact and Debt Consolidation Dynamics Downloads
Luca Brugnolini and Luisa Corrado
435: Protection for Sale with Price Interactions and Incomplete Pass-Through Downloads
Barbara Annicchiarico and Enrico Marvasi
434: How Hard Is It to Maximise Profit? Evidence from a 19-th Century Italian State Monopoly Downloads
Carlo Ciccarelli, Gianni De Fraja and Silvia Tiezzi
433: Consumption Dynamics, Housing Collateral and Stabilisation Policies: A Way Forward for Policy Co-Ordination? Downloads
Jagjit Chadha, Germana Corrado and Luisa Corrado
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