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CEIS Research Paper

From Tor Vergata University, CEIS
CEIS - Centre for Economic and International Studies - Faculty of Economics - University of Rome "Tor Vergata" - Via Columbia, 2 00133 Roma.
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132: Cigarette Smoking, Pregnancy, Forward Looking Behavior and Dynamic Inconsistency Downloads
Carlo Ciccarelli, Luigi Giamboni and Robert Waldmann
131: Do collateral theories work in social banking ? Downloads
Leonardo Becchetti and Melody Garcia
130: Job Mobility and the Gender Wage Gap in Italy Downloads
Emilia Del Bono and Daniela Vuri
129: Dynamically Inconsistent Preferences and Money Demand Downloads
Emanuele Millemaci and Robert Waldmann
128: Money laundering in a two sector model: using theory for measurement Downloads
Amedeo Argentiero, Michele Bagella and Francesco Busato
127: Easterlin-types and Frustrated Achievers: the Heterogeneous E¤ects of Income Changes on Life Satisfaction Downloads
Leonardo Becchetti, Luisa Corrado and Fiammetta Rossetti
126: A "Double Coincidence" Search Model of Money Downloads
Nicola Amendola
125: Studying Co-Movements in Large Multivariate Data Prior to Multivariate Modelling Downloads
Gianluca Cubadda, Alain Hecq and Franz Palm
124: Height and the normal distribution: Evidence from Italian military data Downloads
Brian A'Hearn, Franco Peracchi and Giovanni Vecchi
123: Are employers discriminating with respect to weight? European Evidence using Quantile Regression Downloads
Vincenzo Atella, Noemi Pace and Daniela Vuri
122: On estimating the conditional expected shortfall Downloads
Franco Peracchi and Andrei V. Tanase
121: Aid and Corruption: Do Donors Use Development Assistance to Provide the “Right” Incentives? Downloads
Alessia Isopi and Fabrizio Mattesini
120: Lump-Sum Taxes in a R&D Model Downloads
Xin Long, Alessandra Pelloni and Robert Waldmann
119: Dual Labour Markets and Matching Frictions Downloads
Dario Sciulli, António Menezes and José Vieira
118: Bank shareholding and lending: complementarity or substitution? Some evidence from a panel of large Italian firms! Downloads
Emilio Barucci and Fabrizio Mattesini
117: Relational Goods, Sociability, and happiness Downloads
Leonardo Becchetti, Alessandra Pelloni and Fiammetta Rossetti
116: Informal central bank independence: an analysis for three European countries Downloads
David Cobham, Stefania Cosci and Fabrizio Mattesini
115: Active and Passive Waste in Government Spending: Evidence from a Policy Experiment Downloads
Oriana Bandiera, Andrea Prat and Tommaso Valletti
114: Is Volatility Good for Growth? Evidence from the G7 Downloads
Elena Andreou, Alessandra Pelloni and Marianne Sensier
113: The stock market and the Fed Downloads
Fabrizio Mattesini and Leonardo Becchetti
112: Real Time Estimation in Local Polynomial Regression, with Application to Trend-Cycle Analysis Downloads
Tommaso Proietti and Alessandra Luati
111: Indicators and Tests of Fiscal Sustainability: An Integrated Approach Downloads
Giancarlo Marini and Alessandro Piergallini
110: Testing the “Waterbed” Effect in Mobile Telephony Downloads
Christos Genakos and Tommaso Valletti
109: Structural Time Series Models for Business Cycle Analysis Downloads
Tommaso Proietti
108: Height and Economic Development in Italy, 1730–1980 Downloads
Franco Peracchi
107: Buyer Power and the “Waterbed Effect” Downloads
Roman Inderst and Tommaso Valletti
106: Common Shocks, Common Dynamics, and the International Business Cycle Downloads
Marco Centoni, Gianluca Cubadda and Alain Hecq
105: Technology shocks, structural breaks and the effects on the business cycle Downloads
Vincenzo Atella, Marco Centoni and Gianluca Cubadda
104: Band Spectral Estimation for Signal Extraction Downloads
Tommaso Proietti
103: Wealth Effects, the Taylor Rule and the Liquidity Trap Downloads
Barbara Annicchiarico, Giancarlo Marini and Alessandro Piergallini
102: A Unifying Framework for Analysing Common Cyclical Features in Cointegrated Time Series Downloads
Gianluca Cubadda
101: The Impact of Vintage on the Persistence of Gross Domestic Product Shocks Downloads
Christian Macaro
100: Forecasting Oil Price Movements: Exploiting the Information in the Future Market Downloads
Andrea Coppola
99: Polynomial Cointegration between Stationary Processes with Long Memory Downloads
Marco Avarucci and Domenico Marinucci
98: New proposals for the quantification of qualitative survey data Downloads
Tommaso Proietti and Cecilia Frale
97: A dynamic model for binary panel data with unobserved heterogeneity admitting a Vn-consistent conditional estimator Downloads
Francesco Bartolucci and Valentina Nigro
96: Maximum likelihood estimation of an extended latent markov model for clustered binary panel data Downloads
Francesco Bartolucci and Valentina Nigro
95: A sample selection model for unit and item nonresponse in cross-sectional surveys Downloads
Giuseppe De Luca and Franco Peracchi
94: Monetary Policy and Potential Output Uncertainty: A Quantitative Assessment Downloads
Simona Delle Chiaie
93: Inflation persistence: Implications for a design of monetary policy in a small open economy subject to external shocks Downloads
Karlygash Kuralbayeva
92: Welfare Implications of Capital Account Liberalization Downloads
Ester Faia
91: Monitoring Bands and Monitoring Rules: how currency intervention can change market composition Downloads
Luisa Corrado, Marcus Miller and Lei Zhang
90: Global social preferences and the demand for socially responsible products: empirical evidence from a pilot study on fair trade consumers Downloads
Leonardo Becchetti and Furio Rosati
89: Global Monetary Policy Shocks in the G5: a SVAR Approach Downloads
João Sousa and Andrea Zaghini
88: Bids for the UMTS system: An empirical evaluation of the Italian case
Pasquale Scandizzo and Marco Ventura
87: Bringing Social Standards into Project Evaluation Under Dynamic Uncertainty
Odin K. Knudsen and Pasquale Scandizzo
86: Economic Evaluation in the age of Uncertainty Downloads
Giuseppe Pennisi and Pasquale Scandizzo
85: Inflation Shocks and Interest Rate Rules Downloads
Barbara Annicchiarico and Alessandro Piergallini
84: On the Model Based Interpretation of Filters and the Reliability of Trend-Cycle Estimates Downloads
Tommaso Proietti
83: Measuring Core Inflation by Multivariate Structural Time Series Models Downloads
Tommaso Proietti
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