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CASE Network Studies and Analyses

From CASE-Center for Social and Economic Research
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266: Exchange Rate Regimes and the Nominal Convergence Downloads
Mateusz Szczurek
265: Future EMU Membership and Wage Flexibility in Selected EU Candidate Countries Downloads
Artur Radziwill and Mateusz Walewski
264: Corporate Governance and Ownership Structure in the Transition: The Current State of Knowledge and Where to Go from Here Downloads
Barbara Blaszczyk, Iraj Hashi, Alexander Radygin and Richard Woodward
263: Corporate Governance and Secondary Privatisation in Poland: Legal Framework and Changes in Ownership Structure Downloads
Piotr Kozarzewski
262: ECB Decision-making and the Status of the Eurogroup in an Enlarged EMU Downloads
Wojciech Paczynski
261: Short-run Macroeconomic Effects of Discretionary Fiscal Policy Changes Downloads
Piotr Bujak and Joanna Siwinska-Gorzelak
260: Do Acceding Countries Need Higher Fiscal Deficits? Downloads
Malgorzata Antczak
259: Economic Regime for Iraq: the Foreign Trade Perspective Downloads
Bartlomiej Kaminski
258: Exchange Rate Variability and Foreign Direct Investment - Consequences of EMU Enlargement Downloads
Michał Brzozowski
257: Uneven Growth in a Monetary Union: on the Possible Implications for its Slow-Growing Members Downloads
Nikolai Zoubanov
256: Nominal and Real Convergence in Spain, Portugal and Greece During Their Accession to the EMU Downloads
Marek Jarocinski
255: Moldova: Assessment of Civil Society and Democratic Institutions Downloads
Jacek Cukrowski, Radzislawa Gortat and Piotr Kazmierkiewicz
254: The Development of Insolvency Procedures in Transition Economies: a Comparative Analysis Downloads
Ewa Balcerowicz, Iraj Hashi, Jens Lowitzsch and Miklos Szanyi
253: When Should the Central Europeans Join EMU? Downloads
Jacek Rostowski
251: Some Benefits of Reducing Inflation in Transition Economies Downloads
Monika Blaszkiewicz, Jerzy Konieczny, Anna Myslinska and Przemyslaw Wozniak
248: Exchange Rate Regimes and the Real Sector: a Sectoral Analysis of CEE Countries Downloads
Przemyslaw Kowalski, Wojciech Paczynski and Lukasz Rawdanowicz
247: Poland's Accession to EMU - Choosing the Exchange Rate Parity Downloads
Lukasz Rawdanowicz
246: Monetary Policy in Transition: Structural Econometric Modelling and Policy Simulations Downloads
Wojciech Maliszewski
245: Monitoring Processes of National Development in the Kyrgyz Republic Downloads
Jacek Cukrowski and Julia Mironova
244: Key Issues of Governance and Finance of Kyrgyz Education Downloads
Jan Herczynski
242: Political Determinants of Economic Reforms in Former Communist Countries Downloads
Marek Dabrowski and Radzislawa Gortat
241: Inflation and Monetary Policy in Russia: Transition Experience and Future Recommendations Downloads
Marek Dabrowski, Wojciech Paczynski and Lukasz Rawdanowicz
240: The Financing of Georgian Education Downloads
Jan Herczynski
234: Reforming the financial system. The Case of Uzbekistan Downloads
Alexandr Akimov
231: Tax Reforms in Transition Economies – a Mixed Record and Complex Future Agenda Downloads
Marek Dabrowski and Magdalena Tomczynska
224: Predicting Currency Crises, the Ultimate Significance of Macroeconomic Fundamentals in Linear Specifications with Nonlinear Extensions Downloads
Marcin Sasin
220: Is Moldova Ready to Grow? Assessment of Post-crisis Policies (1999-2000) Downloads
Larisa Lubarova, Oleg Petrushin and Artur Radziwill
219: Currency Crises and Fiscal Imbalances. The Transition Countries Perspective Downloads
Joanna Siwinska-Gorzelak
218: Indicators of Currency Crisis: Empirical Analysis of some Emerging and Transition Economies Downloads
Malgorzata Jakubiak
215: Financing the Deficit of the State Budget by National Bank of Georgia (1996-1999) Downloads
Jacek Cukrowski
212: Poland's Accession to the EMU Downloads
Artur Radziwill
211: Theoretical Aspects of Currency Crises Downloads
Rafal Antczak
210: Labour Developments in Moldova Downloads
Elena Jarocińska
209: What Factors led to the Asian Financial Crisis: Were or were not Asian Economics Sound? Downloads
Monika Blaszkiewicz
208: Early Indicators of Currency Crises. Review of some literature Downloads
Magdalena Tomczynska
207: Ukraine’s Foreign Trade Developments and Forecasts Downloads
Yurij M. Kuz'myn
206: Impact of the Russian Crisis on the Belarussian Economy Downloads
Vladymir Usowski, Rafal Antczak, Stanislav Bogdankiewich, Pavel Daneiko and Krzysztof Polomski
205: Moldova in 1995 - 1999: Macroeconomic and Monetary Consequences of Fiscal Imbalances Downloads
Marek Jarocinski
204: The Banking and Currency Crises in Bulgaria: 1996 - 1997 Downloads
Preslava Kovatchevska
203: Design and Operation of Existing Currency Board Arrangements Downloads
Malgorzata Jakubiak
200: Institutional arrangements of Currency Boards - Comparative Macroeconomic Analysis Downloads
Lubomira Anastassova-Chirmiciu
196: An Approach to Forecasting Ukrainian GDP from the Supply Side Downloads
Alina Kudina
192: Financial Crisis in Moldova - Causes and Consequences Downloads
Artur Radziwill, Octavian Scerbatchi and Constantin Zaman
190: Macroeconomic Model for Ukraine Downloads
Miroslaw Gronicki and Katarzyna Pietka
188: VAR-ing Monetary Policy in Poland Downloads
Wojciech Maliszewski
187: Household Saving in Poland Downloads
Barbara Liberda
186: Private, Public and Foreign Savings Downloads
MJakubiak Jakubiak, Pawel Kaczorowski, Joanna Siwinska-Gorzelak and Tomasz Tokarski
185: Asset and Liabilities Management. The Institutional Approach to ALM by Commercial Banks in Poland: a Special Focus on Risk Management Downloads
Katarzyna Zawalińska
182: Comparative Notes on Pension Developments and Reforms in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Romania Downloads
Stanislaw Gomulka
181: Tax Systems in the Selected Transition Economies. An overview Downloads
Krzysztof Polomski
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