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Working Papers, Department of Economics

From University of São Paulo (FEA-USP)
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2024_26: Heterogeneity in pricing behavior in hybrid DSGE-ABM macrodynamics Downloads
Nikolas Schiozer, Gilberto Tadeu Lima and Michel Alexandre
2024_24: Asymmetric transmission of monetary policy on disaggregated inflation: lessons from Brazil Downloads
Rafael S. M. Ribeiro, Gilberto Tadeu Lima, Gustavo Pereira Serra and Marina Sanches
2024_23: Human Capital Accumulation and Output Growth in Demand-led Macrodynamics Downloads
Gilberto Lima, Laura Barbosa de Carvalho and Gustavo Pereira Serra
2024_22: Celso Furtado and the Reinterpretation of the Environment Downloads
Alexandre Macchione Saes
2024_21: Endogenous Asymmetry in Sequential Auctions Downloads
Mauricio Bugarin and Wilfredo Maldonado
2024_20: Is video streaming hurting box office revenues at U.S. theaters? Downloads
Gabriela Duarte de Souza, Marislei Nishijima and Mauro Rodrigues
2024_19: The Role of Public Security Reforms on Violent Crime Dynamics Downloads
Danilo Souza and Mateus Maciel
2024_18: A Tale of Gold and Blood: The Consequences of Market Deregulation on Local Violence Downloads
Leila Pereira and Rafael Pucci
2024_17: Can Tax Reforms Shape Food Consumption? An Investigation of the Impact of the Brazilian VAT Downloads
Paula C. Pereda, Taina Portela and Patricia Ravaioli
2024_16: On “Imputation of Counterfactual Outcomes when the Errors are Predictable'': Discussions on Misspecification and Suggestions of Sensitivity Analyses Downloads
Luis A. F. Alvarez and Bruno Ferman
2024_15: Cost and Environmental Impact Assessment of Mandatory Speed Reduction of Maritime Fleets Downloads
Cristofer H. Marques, Paula Carvalho Pereda, Ramiro F. Ramos, Olav Fiksdahl, Luiz F. Assis, Newton N. Pereira, Andrea Lucchesi and Jean-David Caprace
2024_14: COVID-19 and gender-biased violence: current knowledge, gaps, and implications for public policy Downloads
Fabiana Rocha, Maria Dolores Diaz, Paula Carvalho Pereda, Isadora Bousquat Arabe, Filipe Cavalcanti, Samuel Lordemus, Noemi Kreif and Rodrigo Moreno-Serra
2024_13: To Burn a Slum: Urban Land Conflicts and the Use of Arson against Favelas Downloads
Rafael Pucci
2024_12: What’s in a headline? News impact on the Brazilian economy Downloads
Gustavo Romero Cardoso and Marcio Nakane
2024_11: The interpretation of 2SLS with a continuous instrument: a weighted LATE representation Downloads
Luis Antonio Fantozzi Alvarez and Rodrigo Toneto
2024_10: Endogenous Tax Compliance and Macroeconomic Performance Driven by Satisficing Evolutionary Dynamics Downloads
Leonardo Barros Torres, Gilberto Lima and Jaylson Jair da Silveira
2024_09: Amazon Green Recovery and Labor Market in Brazil: Can Green Spending Reduce Gender and Race Inequalities? Downloads
Pedro Romero Marques, Luiza Nassif Pires, Tainari Taioka, Jose Bergamin and Gilberto Lima
2024_08: Detecting Bubbles in the Brazilian Commercial Real Estate Market: 2012-2023 Downloads
Enrico Campos de Mira and Wilfredo Maldonado
2024_07: Contagion by COVID-19 in the Cities: Commuting distance and Residential Density matter? Downloads
Denis Alves, Raul da Mota Silveira, Andre Luis Squarize Chagas and Tatiane Almeida de Menezes
2024_06: Activists and Victorians: The Langham Place Group and the advocacy of women's labor Downloads
Raisssa Vieira de Melo and Laura Mattos
2024_05: Household Electricity Default in Brazil: Evidence from Billing Data Downloads
Rodrigo Moita, Halisson Rodrigues, Thiago Rodrigues, Claudio Lucinda, Renata Lopes, Camila Stefanello and Thais Chaves
2024_04: How do incumbents react to the exit of a potential competitor? Evidence from the airline sector Downloads
Rafael Rocha Oliveira and Claudio Lucinda
2024_03: Evaluating the impact of a principals’ professional development program on school management practices: Evidence from Brazil Downloads
Bruna Borges, Gabriel Leite, Ricardo Madeira and Luis Meloni
2024_02: Staggered protection: a study of the dynamic effects of protected areas Downloads
Thiago Fonseca Morello Ramalho da Silva, Paula Carvalho Pereda, Ana Carolina M. Pessoa and Liana O. Anderson
2024_01: The gender difference in wage losses after leaving formal employment in Brazil Downloads
Eloiza Regina Ferreira de Almeida and Renata Narita
2023_15: Full-time Education Program and School Performance in Sao Paulo Downloads
Yuri Passuelo, Veneziano C. Araujo, Eloiza R. F. de Almeida and Solange Goncalves
2023_14: Impact of ISSQN on tolls on municipal revenues and expenditures: a spatial panel study Downloads
Leonardo Portes Merlini and Andre Luis Squarize Chagas
2023_13: ARIMA and LSTM: A Comparative Analysis of Financial Time Series Forecasting Downloads
Joao Vitor Matos Goncalves, Michel Alexandre and Gilberto Lima
2023_12: Determinants of Agricultural Fires: An Aggregative Games Approach Downloads
Wilfredo Maldonado and Jessica A. Barbosa
2023_11: The Multiplier Effects of Government Expenditures on Social Protection: A Multi-Country Analysis Downloads
Dante Cardoso, Laura Carvalho, Gilberto Lima, Luiza Nassif-Pires, Fernando Rugitsky and Marina Sanches
2023_10: Applying Machine Learning Algorithms to Predict the Size of the Informal Economy Downloads
Joao Felix, Michel Alexandre and Gilberto Lima
2023_09: Autopsy of a Myth: Dissecting the Anatocism Fallacy in Amortization Systems Downloads
Rodrigo De-Losso and Jose Carlos de Souza Santos
2023_08: Forest Protection and Human Health: The Case of Malaria in the Brazilian Amazon Downloads
Luiza M Karpavicius and Ariaster Chimeli
2023_07: Natural Gas Vehicles: Consequences to Fuel Markets and the Environment Downloads
Roberto Amaral-Santos, Ariaster Chimeli and João Paulo Pessoa
2023_06: Monetary policy rules and the inequality-augmented Phillips Curve Downloads
Lilian Rolim, Laura Carvalho and Dany Lang
2023_05: The Causes of Deindustrialization: a conceptual discussion Downloads
Alexandre Batista and Guilherme Grandi
2023_04: Carbon Tax in the Shipping Sector: Assessing Economic and Environmental Impacts Downloads
Paula Pereda, Andrea Lucchesi, Thais Diniz and Rayan Wolf
2023_03: Rentiers, Strategic Public Goods and Financialization in the Periphery Downloads
Gabriel Porcile and Gilberto Lima
2023_02: Confirmation Bias in Social Networks Downloads
Marcos Fernandes
2023_01: Achieving two policy targets with one policy instrument: heterogeneous expectations, countercyclical fiscal policy, and macroeconomic stabilization at the effective lower bound Downloads
Gilberto Lima, Mark Setterfield and Jaylson Jair da Silveira
2022_25: J.S. Mill, a Guerra Civil Americana e a escravidão Downloads
Laura Mattos
2022_24: Does monetary policy impact CO2 Emissions? A GVAR analysis Downloads
Luccas Assis Attilio, Joao Ricardo Faria and Mauro Rodrigues
2022_23: Household Debt, Knowledge Capital Accumulation and Macrodynamic Performance Downloads
Laura Barbosa de Carvalho, Gilberto Lima and Gustavo Pereira Serra
2022_22: Policy Enforcement in the Presence of Organized Crime: Evidence from Rio de Janeiro* Downloads
Raphael Bruce, Alexsandros Cavgias and Luis Meloni
2022_21: Demand and Distribution in a Dynamic Spatial Panel Model for the United States: Evidence from State-Level Data Downloads
Gilberto Lima and Andre M. Marques
2022_20: Brazilian economy in the 2000’s: A tale of two recessions Downloads
Matheus Cardoso Leal and Marcio Nakane
2022_19: The Impact of High-Speed Rail on Labor Spatial Misallocation– Based on Spatial Difference-in-Differences Analysis Downloads
Linnan Yan, Menger Tu, André Chagas and Lufeng Tai
2022_18: Labor Supply in Pandemics Environments: An Aggregative Games Approach Downloads
Luciana Fiorini and Wilfredo Maldonado
2022_17: Multiplier effects of social protection: a SVAR approach for Brazil Downloads
Marina Sanches and Laura Barbosa de Carvalho
2022_16: Elusive Unpleasantness Downloads
Carlos Goncalves, Mauro Rodrigues and Fernando Genta
Page updated 2024-11-06
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