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LEM Papers Series

From Laboratory of Economics and Management (LEM), Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies, Pisa, Italy
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2024/32: Industrial policies for global commons: why it is time to think at the ghetto rather than at the moon Downloads
Giovanni Dosi, Lorenzo Cresti, Federico Riccio and Maria Enrica Virgillito
2024/31: Shockflation in the EU: sectoral shocks, cost-push inflation and structural asymmetries in core and periphery countries Downloads
Vicente Ferreira, Joao Pedro Ferreira, Dario Guarascio and Francesco Zezza
2024/30: An Empirical Inquiry into the Distributional Consequences of Energy Price Shocks Downloads
Luca Eduardo Fierro and Mario Martinoli
2024/29: Profit-led and export-led accumulation regimes in Chinese manufacturing firms Downloads
Xiaodan Yu, Giovanni Dosi, Maria Enrica Virgillito, Can Huang and Lanhua Li
2024/28: Identification of one independent shock in structural VARs Downloads
Gabriele Fiorentini, Alessio Moneta and Francesca Papagni
2024/27: Two halves don't make a whole: instability and idleness emerging from the co-evolution of the production and innovation processes Downloads
Patrick Llerena, Corentin Lobet and André Lorentz
2024/26: Tackling the regressivity of the Italian tax system: An optimal taxation framework with heterogeneous returns to capital Downloads
Matteo Dalle Luche, Demetrio Guzzardi, Elisa Palagi, Andrea Roventini and Alessandro Santoro
2024/25: Cloud technologies, firm growth and industry concentration: Evidence from France Downloads
Bernardo Caldarola and Luca Fontanelli
2024/24: The complex interplay between exchange rate and real markets: an agent-based model exploration Downloads
Domenico Delli Gatti, Tommaso Ferraresi, Filippo Gusella, Lilit Popoyan, Giorgio Ricchiuti and Andrea Roventini
2024/23: Green Intelligence: The AI content of green technologies Downloads
Gianluca Biggi, Martina Iori, Julia Mazzei and Andrea Mina
2024/22: Digital Technologies, Labor market flows and Training: Evidence from Italian employer-employee data Downloads
Valeria Cirillo, Andrea Mina and Andrea Ricci
2024/21: Creating Jobs Out of the Green: The Employment Effects of the Energy Transition Downloads
Elisabetta Cappa, Francesco Lamperti and Gianluca Pallante
2024/20: The agents of industrial policy and the North-South convergence: State-owned enterprises in an international-trade macroeconomic ABM Downloads
Lucrezia Fanti, Marcelo Pereira and Maria Enrica Virgillito
2024/19: Taxing Carbon Emissions and Green Transition: The Case of the Italian Electricity Market Downloads
Marco Amendola and Marco Valente
2024/18: Generalized Optimization Algorithms for Complex Models Downloads
Mario Martinoli, Raffaello Seri and Fulvio Corsi
2024/17: Decarbonisation and Specialisation Downgrading: the double harm of GVC Integration Downloads
Giovanni Dosi, Federico Riccio and Maria Enrica Virgillito
2024/16: A New Geography of Inequality: Top incomes in Italian Regions and Inner Areas Downloads
Demetrio Guzzardi and Salvatore Morelli
2024/15: Accounting for the Multiple Sources of Inflation: an Agent-Based Model Investigation Downloads
Leonardo Ciambezi, Mattia Guerini, Mauro Napoletano and Andrea Roventini
2024/14: Pricing anomalies in a general equilibrium model with biased learning Downloads
Andrea Antico, Giulio Bottazzi and Daniele Giachini
2024/13: The political economy of complex evolving systems: the case of declining unionization and rising inequalities Downloads
Giovanni Dosi, Marcelo Pereira, Andrea Roventini and Maria Enrica Virgillito
2024/12: Industrial relations and firm-level innovation. A comparative analysis of establishment data in Germany and Italy Downloads
Guendalina Anzolin, Chiara Benassi and Armanda Cetrulo
2024/11: Opinion Dynamics meet Agent-based Climate Economics: An Integrated Analysis of Carbon Taxation Downloads
Teresa Lackner, Luca E. Fierro and Patrick Mellacher
2024/10: Sustainable development in a center-periphery model Downloads
Gabriel Porcile
2024/09: The DSK-SFC stock-flow consistent agent-based integrated assessment model Downloads
Severin Reissl, Luca E. Fierro, Francesco Lamperti and Andrea Roventini
2024/08: Robust-less-fragile: Tackling Systemic Risk and Financial Contagion in a Macro Agent-Based Model Downloads
Gianluca Pallante, Mattia Guerini, Mauro Napoletano and Andrea Roventini
2024/07: The nature and the strength of agglomeration drivers and their technological specificities Downloads
Giovanni Dosi and Anna Snaidero
2024/06: Deindustrialization paths and growth models: Germany and Spain in comparative perspective Downloads
Miguel Angel Casau and Daniel Herrero
2024/05: Towards sustainable agriculture: behaviors, spatial dynamics and policy in an evolutionary agent-based model Downloads
Matteo Coronese, Martina Occelli, Francesco Lamperti and Andrea Roventini
2024/04: Two neglected origins of inequality: hierarchical power and care work Downloads
Armanda Cetrulo, Dario Guarascio and Maria Enrica Virgillito
2024/03: Will robot replace workers? Assessing the impact of robots on employment and wages with meta-analysis Downloads
Dario Guarascio, Alessandro Piccirillo and Jelena Reljic
2024/02: Evolutionary Growth Theory Downloads
Giovanni Dosi and Andrea Roventini
2024/01: Attributes and trends of rentified capitalism Downloads
Giovanni Dosi, Lucrezia Fanti and Maria Enrica Virgillito
2023/47: Blurring boundaries: an analysis of the digital platforms-military nexus Downloads
Andrea Coveri, Claudio Cozza and Dario Guarascio
2023/46: Technological diversification and the growth of regions in the short and long run Downloads
Silvia Rocchetta, Martina Iori, Andrea Mina and Robert Gillanders
2023/45: A unified repository for pre-processed climate data weighted by gridded economic activity Downloads
Marco Gortan, Lorenzo Testa, Giorgio Fagiolo and Francesco Lamperti
2023/44: Monopoly power upon the world of work: a workplace analysis in the logistic segment under automation Downloads
Valeria Cirillo, Francesco Massimo, Matteo Rinaldini, Jacopo Staccioli and Maria Enrica Virgillito
2023/43: Wealth, Inheritance, and Concentration: An 'Old' New Perspective on Italy and its Regions from Unification to the Great War Downloads
Giacomo Gabbuti and Salvatore Morelli
2023/42: There are different shades of green: heterogeneous environmental innovations and their effects on firm performance Downloads
Gianluca Biggi, Andrea Mina and Federico Tamagni
2023/41: Digital Advantage: Evidence from a Policy Evaluation of Adoption Subsidies Downloads
Antonio Ughi and Andrea Mina
2023/40: Raided by the storm: how three decades of thunderstorms shaped U.S. incomes and wages Downloads
Matteo Coronese, Federico Crippa, Francesco Lamperti, Francesca Chiaromonte and Andrea Roventini
2023/39: Incomes and Employment of Italian Women, 1900-1950 Downloads
Giacomo Gabbuti and Maria Gomez Leon
2023/38: From the edge to the heart: female employment in 19th-century Italy Downloads
Giuliana Freschi
2023/37: The dynamics of automation adoption: Firm-level heterogeneity and aggregate employment effects Downloads
Laura Bisio, Angelo Cuzzola, Marco Grazzi and Daniele Moschella
2023/36: Automation, digitalization and decarbonization in the European automotive industry: a roadmap towards a just transition Downloads
Armanda Cetrulo, Giovanni Dosi, Angelo Moro, Linnea Nelli and Maria Enrica Virgillito
2023/35: Artificial intelligence, complementary assets and productivity: evidence from French firms Downloads
Flavio Calvino and Luca Fontanelli
2023/34: Artificial Intelligence and Employment: A Look into the Crystal Ball Downloads
Dario Guarascio, Jelena Reljic and Roman Stollinger
2023/33: The Effect of Government Cuts of Doctoral Scholarships on Science Downloads
Giulia Rossello
2023/32: Technological Sovereignty and Strategic Dependencies: The case of the Photovoltaic Supply Chain Downloads
Serenella Caravella, Francesco Crespi, Giacomo Cucignatto and Dario Guarascio
2023/31: Smile without a reason why: functional specialisation and income distribution along global value chains Downloads
Federico Riccio, Giovanni Dosi and Maria Enrica Virgillito
2023/30: Systemically important banks - emerging risk and policy responses: An agent-based investigation Downloads
Lilit Popoyan, Mauro Napoletano and Andrea Roventini
Page updated 2024-12-08
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