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Working Papers

From Stellenbosch University, Department of Economics
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03/2024: Click to read more? EdTech and foundational English Literacy in South Africa Downloads
Megan Borole, Maxine Schaefer, Heleen Hofmeyr and Bruce McDougall
02/2024: Mitigating the impact of intergenerational risk factors on stunting: Insights from the Grow Great Community Stunting Survey Downloads
Kate Rich, Liezel Engelbrecht, Gabrielle Wills and Edzani Mphaphuli
01/2024: Early-Modern Globalization and the Extent of Indigenous Agency: Trade, Commodities, and Ecology Downloads
Ann Carlos, Erik Green, Calumet Links and Angela Redish
06/2023: The effectiveness of macroprudential policies in managing extreme capital flow episodes Downloads
David De Villiers, Hylton Hollander and Dawie Van Lill
05/2023: Fiscal policy and dimensions of inequality in South Africa: A time-varying coefficient approach Downloads
Jeanne Terblanche, Dawie Van Lill and Hylton Hollander
04/2023: A critique of union density as a measure of union strength in South Africa Downloads
Pietman Roos and Derek Yu
03/2023: Place, race and language: Secondary school 'choice' in South Africa's Gauteng province Downloads
Eldridge Moses
02/2023: Excess deaths of publicly employed educators in South Africa during the COVID-19 pandemic Downloads
Martin Gustafsson, Tsekere Maponya, Faith Kumalo and Mfela Mahlangu
01/2023: Estimating historical inequality from social tables: Towards Methodological Consistency Downloads
Dieter von Fintel, Calumet Links and Erik Green
06/2022: Living standards in settler South Africa, 1865-1920 Downloads
Johan Fourie, Kris Inwood and Martine Mariotti
05/2022: The settlers’ fortunes: Comparing tax censuses in the Cape Colony and early American Republic Downloads
Johan Fourie and Frank W. Garmon Jr.
04/2022: Mind the gap – an analysis of gender differences in mathematics and science achievement in South Africa Downloads
Rebekka Rühle
03/2022: Labour market trends in South Africa in 2009-2019: A lost decade? Downloads
Charles Adams and Derek Yu
02/2022: What lies behind South Africa's improvements in PIRLS? An Oaxaca-Blinder analysis of the 2011 and 2016 data Downloads
Martin Gustafsson and Stephen Taylor
01/2022: School drop out and farm input subsidies: gender and kinship heterogeneity in Malawi Downloads
Martin Mwale, Dieter von Fintel and Anja Smith
10/2021: The Bureau for Economic Research's inflation expectations surveys: Know your data Downloads
Monique Reid and Pierre Siklos
09/2021: Stunting, double orphanhood and unequal access to public services in democratic South Africa Downloads
Grace Bridgman and Dieter von Fintel
08/2021: Voting and protest tendencies associated with changes in service delivery Downloads
Tina Fransman
07/2021: An In-Depth Investigation into the Relationship Between Municipal Solid Waste Generation and Economic Growth in the City of Cape Town Downloads
Carmen Van der Merwe and Martin De Wit
06/2021: A machine learning approach to domain specific dictionary generation. An economic time series framework Downloads
Hanjo Odendaal
05/2021: Disability support and accessibility in ordinary schools in South Africa Downloads
Nicola Deghaye
04/2021: Negative Item Response Bias in Education-Based Surveys - a Factor Modelling Approach Downloads
Alexander O’Riordan
03/2021: Better enforcement is essential, but may be inadequate: Findings of a survey on the factors affecting payment of speeding fines in Cape Town, South Africa Downloads
Jason Bantjes, Sophia Du Plessis, Ada Jansen and Franz Siebrits
02/2021: Efficiency of tax revenue administration in Africa Downloads
Onesmo Kaiya Mackenzie
01/2021: Learner flow through patterns in the Western Cape using CEMIS datasets from 2007 to 2019: A longitudinal cohort analysis Downloads
Chris Van Wyk
25/2020: Hunger in South Africa during 2020: Results from Wave 2 of NIDS-CRAM Downloads
Grace Bridgman, Servaas van der Berg and Leila Patel
24/2020: The impact of the Coronavirus and lockdown on children's welfare in South Africa: Evidence from NIDS-CRAM Wave 1 Downloads
Servaas van der Berg, Linda Zuze and Grace Bridgman
23/2020: How is the COVID-19 pandemic affecting educational quality in South Africa? Evidence to date and future risks Downloads
Martin Gustafsson and Carol Nuga Deliwe
22/2020: Household resource flows and food poverty during South Africa’s lockdown: Short-term policy implications for three channels of social protection Downloads
Gabrielle Wills, Servaas van der Berg, Leila Patel and Bokang Mpeta
21/2020: The gendered effects of the ongoing lockdown and school closures in South Africa: Evidence from NIDS-CRAM Waves 1 and 2 Downloads
Daniela Casale and Debra Shepherd
20/2020: Schools in the time of COVID-19: Possible implications for enrolment, repetition and dropout Downloads
Servaas van der Berg, Chris Van Wyk and Rebecca Selkirk
19/2020: Chronic child poverty and health outcomes in South Africa using a multidimensional poverty measure Downloads
Marisa von Fintel and Ronelle Burger
18/2020: Safer Spaces: The impact of a reduction in road fatalities on the life expectancy of South Africans Downloads
Liliana de Abreu and Anke Hoeffler
17/2020: South Africa’s Pro-Girl Gap in PIRLS and TIMSS: How Much Can Be Explained? Downloads
Heleen Hofmeyr
16/2020: Analysing matric data to identify 'promising' schools in mathematics performance Downloads
Debra Shepherd and Servaas van der Berg
15/2020: Covid-19, economic growth and South African fiscal policy Downloads
Philippe Burger and Estian Calitz
14/2020: The settlers of South Africa and the expanding frontier Downloads
Johan Fourie
13/2020: Better measures of progress: Developing reliable estimates of educational access and quality in Francophone sub-Saharan Africa Downloads
Adaiah Lilenstein
12/2020: The causes and consequences of the 1918 influenza in South Africa Downloads
Daniel de Kadt, Johan Fourie, Jan Greyling, Elie Murard and Johannes Norling
11/2020: Long and short-distance internal migration motivations in post-apartheid Namibia: a gravity model approach Downloads
Eldridge Moses
10/2020: Causes of haze and its health effects in Singapore: a replication study Downloads
Jan Kiviet
09/2020: Instrument-free inference under confined regressor endogeneity; derivations and applications Downloads
Jan Kiviet
08/2020: Are South Africa’s teachers among the best paid in the world? Using household assets as a proxy for monetary pay Downloads
Martin Gustafsson and Tsekere Maponya
07/2020: How does South Africa’s Covid-19 response compare globally? A preliminary analysis using the new OxCGRT dataset Downloads
Martin Gustafsson
06/2020: Perseverance, Passion, and Poverty: Examining the association between grit and reading achievement in high-poverty schools Downloads
Heleen Hofmeyr
05/2020: Technology and Welfare - Investigating the relationship between the ownership of technology-based assets and subjective measures of well-being Downloads
Alexander O'Riordan
04/2020: A Forward Guidance Indicator For The South African Reserve Bank: Implementing A Text Analysis Algorithm Downloads
Ruan Erasmus and Hylton Hollander
03/2020: Correspondence between mathematics and mathematical literacy scores: an analysis from 2010 to 2018 Downloads
Grace Bridgman
02/2020: A revised PIRLS 2011 to 2016 trend for South Africa and the importance of analysing the underlying microdata Downloads
Martin Gustafsson
01/2020: Socioeconomic Status and Class Size in South African Secondary Schools Downloads
Timothy Köhler
Page updated 2025-02-18
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