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TUPD Discussion Papers

From Graduate School of Economics and Management, Tohoku University
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56: Highway havens for hidden horrors: Expressway connections and child trafficking in China Downloads
Xinyan Liu, Yu Bai, Yanjun Li and Yajie Sun
55: AI and Financial Systemic Risk in the Global Market Downloads
Jingyi Tian and Jun Nagayasu
54: Using contingent behavior analysis to estimate benefits from coral reefs in Kume Island, Japan: A Poisson-inverse Gaussian approach with on-site correction Downloads
Katsuhito Nohara, Masaki Narukawa and Akira Hibiki
53: An Analytical Model of Search and Bargaining with Divisible Money Downloads
Kazuya Kamiya and So Kubota
52: Strategy-proof and anonymous allocation mechanisms in economies with an indivisible good Downloads
Zhen Zhao
51: Discrimination against birth month in the hiring process? The case of Japanese professional baseball Downloads
Koji Yashiki
50: Norms and Emotions Downloads
Hiroki Saruya and Masayuki Yagasaki
49: Substitution of Human and Physical Capitals in Farm Adaptation to Extreme Temperatures: Evidence from Corn Yields in US Downloads
Yi-Chun Ko, Shinsuke Uchida and Akira Hibiki
48: Subjective Monetary Policy Shocks Downloads
Kento Tango and Yoshiyuki Nakazono
47: Input Tariff in Oligopoly:Entry, Heterogeneity, and Demand Curvature Downloads
Tomohiro Ara, Arpita Chatterjee, Arghya Ghosh and Hongyong Zhang
46: Tariffs on Input Trade Margins under Vertical Oligopoly:Theory and Evidence Downloads
Tomohiro Ara, Arpita Chatterjee, Arghya Ghosh and Hongyong Zhang
45: Regional Policies’ Impacts on Urban Migration:Evidence from Special Economic Zones in China Downloads
Shutong Zhang and Jun Nagayasu
44: Financial Systemic Risk behind Artificial Intelligence:Evidence from China Downloads
Jingyi Tian and Jun Nagayasu
43: The Effect of Bank Recapitalization Policy on Credit Allocation, Investment, and Productivity: Evidence from a Banking Crisis in Japan Downloads
Hiroyuki Kasahara, Yasuyuki Sawada and Michio Suzuki
42: Trade with Search Frictions: Identifying New Gains from Trade Downloads
Tomohiro Ara
41: Information Effects of Monetary Policy Downloads
Yusuke Tanahara, Kento Tango and Yoshiyuki Nakazono
40: Regional dependencies and local spillovers:Insights from commuter flows Downloads
Melanie Krause and Sebastian Kripfganz
39: An exit policy from public assistance and work incentives(in Japanese with English summary) Downloads
Michio Yuda
38: Identification and Estimation of Production Function with Unobserved Heterogeneity Downloads
Hiroyuki Kasahara, Paul Schrimpf and CMichio Suzuki
37: The Impacts of Climate Change on Farmers and Indigenous Peoples’ Consumption: Evidence from Panama Downloads
Ambar Lineth Chavez Espinosa and Akira Hibiki
36: How Does Flood Affect Children Differently? The Impact of Flood on Children’s Education, Labor, Food Consumption, and Cognitive Development Downloads
Chinh Thi Tuyet Mai and Akira Hibiki
35: A Bayesian analysis of vegetable production in Japan Downloads
Akira Hibiki and Koji Miyawaki
34: Subjective Monetary Policy Shocks Downloads
Kento Tango and Yoshiyuki Nakazono
33: A Dynamic Analysis of Chinese Yuan (RMB) Internationalization with Bayesian-Based Time Series Model Downloads
Zihe Li and Jun Nagayasu
32: Optimal Inspection under Moral Hazard and Limited Liability of Polluter Downloads
Takayoshi Shinkuma, Akira Hibiki and Eiji Sawada
31: Expenditure Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic Downloads
Junichi Kikuchi, Ryoya Nagao and Yoshiyuki Nakazono
30: Willingness to Pay for Pesticide-free Vegetables: A Trade-off between Appearance and Pesticide Use Downloads
Katsuhito Nohara
29: Two-sided Heterogeneity:New Implications for Input Trade Downloads
Tomohiro Ara
28: Are Public Employees and People with High Public Service Motivation Risk-Averse? Downloads
Reona Hayashi, So Morikawa, Takeshi Ojima and Manami Tsuruta
27: When the Celtic Tiger relaxed its corporate tax bite: An analysis of the effects on the top and upper middle income shares in Ireland Downloads
Niklas Uliczka
26: Tax Salience and Attention Variation: Evidence from a Natural Experiment Downloads
Shinri Ishida and Yoshiyuki Nakazono
25: Excess Liquidity against Predation Downloads
Dai Zusai
24: Revelation principle under strategic uncertainty: application to financial contracts with limited liability Downloads
Dai Zusai
23: Adjustment costs in dynamically optimal pricing of a network good Downloads
Dai Zusai
22: The Quantity Quality Trade-off of Children and Quality of High School Downloads
Wataru Kureishi, Midori Wakabayashi, Colin McKenzie and Kei Sakata
21: Financial relief policy and social distancing duringthe COVID-19 pandemic Downloads
Cody Yu-Ling Hsiao, Stanley Iat-Meng Ko and Nan Zhou
20: Free-Rider Problem and Sovereignty Protection Downloads
Hitoshi Matsushima
19: The Role of Venture Capital in an Endogenously Growing Economy Downloads
Peichang Zhang
18: ardl: Estimating autoregressive distributed lag and equilibrium correction models Downloads
Sebastian Kripfganz and Daniel C. Schneider
17: Non-point source pollution control policy for stochastic but constant environmental damage Downloads
Eiji Sawada, Takayoshi Shinkuma and Akira Hibiki
16: Optimal Inspection under Moral Hazard and Limited Liability of Polluter Downloads
Takayoshi Shinkuma, Akira Hibiki and Eiji Sawada
15: Economic variable selection Downloads
Koji Miyawaki and Steven N. MacEachern
14: The Aging Tax on Potential Growth in Asia Downloads
Quang-Thanh Tran
13: Two-sided Heterogeneity: New Implications for Input Trade Downloads
Tomohiro Ara
12: Capacity to Adapt to Temperature Effects on Crop Yields: Evidence from Rice Production in Japan Downloads
Yi-Chun Ko, Shinsuke Uchida and Akira Hibiki
11: Natural Disasters, Social Isolation and Alcohol Consumption in the Long Run: Evidence from the Great East Japan Earthquake Downloads
Taiki Kakimoto and Shinsuke Uchida
10: Natural Inter-firm alliances accompanied by partial equity ownership: Theoretical analyses (Japanese) Downloads
Hodaka Morita, Kumpei Akiyama, Tomohiro Ara, Shosuke Noguchi and Arghya Ghosh
9: Estimating the Effects of Regulating University Face-to-Face Lectures on the Spread of COVID-19: Evidence from Japan Downloads
Michinao Okachi and Haewon Youn
8: Optimal Tariffs when the Trade Elasticity Varies Downloads
Tomohiro Ara
7: Natural Disasters and Firm Selection: Heterogeneous Effects of Flooding Events on Manufacturing Sectors in Japan Downloads
Jun Yoshida, Shinsuke Uchida, Katsuhito Nohara and Akira Hibiki
6: The Impact of Hurricane Katrina on Income Inequality: A Synthetic Control Analysis Downloads
Gabriel Fuentes Cordoba and Niklas Uliczka
5: The Impact of Mergers and Acquisitions on Top Income Shares Downloads
Niklas Uliczka
4: Dishonesty and Future Public Servant's Identity Downloads
Takeshi Ojima, Manami Tsuruta, Reona Hayashi and So Morikawa
3: Lyapunov's direct method for stability of a set and its transitivity under a differential inclusion Downloads
Dai Zusai
2: Evolutionary dynamics in heterogeneous populations: a general framework for an arbitrary type distribution Downloads
Dai Zusai
1: Using contingent behavior analysis to estimate benefits from coral reefs in Kume Island, Japan: A Poisson-inverse Gaussian approach with on-site correction Downloads
Katsuhito Nohara, Masaki Narukawa and Akira Hibiki
Page updated 2024-11-07
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