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Working Papers

From School of Economics, University College Dublin
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199411: Evolution with state-dependent mutations Downloads
James Bergin and Barton Lipman
199410: Recent trends in fertility and population in Ireland, North and South Downloads
Cormac Ó Gráda and Brendan M. Walsh
199409: Factor mobility and international trade Downloads
J. Peter Neary
199408: Anthropometric history: what's in it for Ireland? Downloads
Cormac Ó Gráda
199407: Height and health in the United Kingdom 1815–1860: evidence from the East India company army Downloads
Joel Mokyr and Cormac Ó Gráda
199406: Wage convergence and integrated labour markets Ireland and Britain, 1841-1991 Downloads
Brendan M. Walsh
199405: Learning by doing, precommitment and infant-industry protection Downloads
Dermot Leahy and J. Peter Neary
199404: How does unemployment affect direct and indirect tax reform? Downloads
David (David Patrick) Madden
199403: Labour market performance in the EU periphery: lessons and implications Downloads
Frank Barry, John Bradley, Kieran Anthony Kennedy and Nuala O'Donnell
199402: A (weak) exogeneity test of the German leadership hypothesis Downloads
Rodney Thom
199401: Export enhancing tariff protection with strategic precommitment Downloads
Dermot Leahy
199332: Strategic and rent extracting tariffs in the presence of persuasive advertising Downloads
Dermot Leahy
199331: The economic impact of the famine in the short and long run Downloads
Kevin O'Rourke
199330: Labour supply, commodity demand and marginal tax reform Downloads
David (David Patrick) Madden
199329: Conditional demands and marginal tax reform Downloads
David (David Patrick) Madden
199328: External shocks, policy response and economic performance Downloads
J. Peter Neary
199327: Irish economic growth, 1945-1988 Downloads
Cormac Ó Gráda and Kevin O'Rourke
199326: The impact of emigration on real wages in Ireland 1850-1914 Downloads
Kevin O'Rourke, George R. Boyer and Timothy Hatton
199325: Mass migration, commodity market integration and real wage convergence: the late nineteenth century Atlantic economy Downloads
Kevin O'Rourke, Jeffrey G. Williamson and Timothy Hatton
199324: The economic development of Ireland since 1870 Downloads
Cormac Ó Gráda
199323: EC air transport liberalisation: implications for small communities Downloads
Aisling Reynolds-Feighan
199322: An empirical analysis of exchange rate and interest rate shocks in a small economy: Ireland 1979 to 1991 Downloads
Rodney Thom
199321: Fertility control early in marriage in Ireland c. 1900: some local contrasts Downloads
Cormac Ó Gráda and Niall Duffy
199320: Exchange rate liberalization and market efficiency in the Gambia Downloads
Brendan M. Walsh
19931pp: Transformation in Central and Eastern Europe: economic theory in pratice: provision of private pension schemes in Poland Downloads
Joe Durkan and Moore McDowell
199319: Did labor flow uphill?: international migration and wage rates in twentieth century Ireland Downloads
Kevin O'Rourke
199318: An analysis of indirect tax reform in Ireland in the 1980s Downloads
David (David Patrick) Madden
199317: Revealed preference for taxation and spending Downloads
Moore McDowell
199316: Empirical models of firm-level profitability based on UK panel data Downloads
Kevin Denny and John van Reenen
199315: Tax competition and the internal market Downloads
Moore McDowell and Rodney Thom
199314: The Irish pound and the ERM: lessons from the September crisis and its aftermath Downloads
Brendan M. Walsh
199313: Inflation volatility and economic growth: some international evidence Downloads
Rodney Thom
199312: EC and US air freight markets: network organisation in a deregulated environment Downloads
Aisling Reynolds-Feighan
199311: Land, labor and the wage-rental ratio: factor price convergence in the late nineteenth century Downloads
Kevin O'Rourke, Alan Taylor and Jeffrey G. Williamson
199310: Productivity and trade unions in British manufacturing industry 1973-85 Downloads
Kevin Denny
199309: Learning by doing in international subsidy games Downloads
Dermot Leahy
199308: The contribution of human capital formation to post-war economic growth in Ireland Downloads
Brendan M. Walsh
199307: Measuring the restrictiveness of trade policy Downloads
James Anderson and J. Peter Neary
199306: Two-stage game models of international oligopoly Downloads
Dermot Leahy
199305: Entrepreneurship and endogenous market structure: an analysis of format innovation and vertical integration in the record industry Downloads
Andrew E. Burke
199304: Simple tests of target zones: the Irish case Downloads
Jenny Hughes and Margaret J. Hurley
199303: Marginal tax reform and the specification of consumer demand systems Downloads
David (David Patrick) Madden
199302: Capital consumption and output in OECD non-market services Downloads
William K. O'Riordan
199301: Credibility, interest rates and the ERM: the Irish experience, 1986-92 Downloads
Brendan M. Walsh
19925pp: Education, training and the Culliton report Downloads
John Sheehan
19924pp: Industrial policy from the 1930s to Culliton Downloads
Joe Durkan
19922pp: The Culliton Report: a critical response Downloads
Moore McDowell
19921pp: Social consensus and incomes policy Downloads
Joe Durkan
199217: Domestic distortions and international trade Downloads
James Anderson and J. Peter Neary
199216: The impact of capital grants on entrepreneurship: a model of the supply of general entrepreneurs Downloads
Andrew E. Burke
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