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Vienna Economics Papers

From University of Vienna, Department of Economics
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vie9906: Heterogeneous Discount Factors in an Assignment Model with Search Frictions Downloads
Andreas Ramsauer
vie9905: Parimutuel Lotteries: Gamblers' Behavior and the Demand for Tickets
Ursula Hauser and Ulrich König
vie9904: Corporate Vote-Trading as an Instrument of Corporate Governance
Zvika Neeman and Gerhard O. Orosel
vie9903: The Austrian current account deficit: Driven by twin deficits or by intertemporal expenditure allocation?
Sylvia Kaufmann, Johann Scharler and Georg Winckler
vie9902: Incomplete Markets and the Firm
Egbert Dierker, Hildegard Dierker and Birgit Grodal
vie9901: Powerful Wives and Faithful Husbands
Nina Maderner
vie9811: Quasi-Equilibrium and Equilibrium in a Large Production Economy with Differentiated Commodities
Konrad Podczeck
vie9810: Sunk costs, windows of profit opportunities, and the dynamics of entry
Georg Götz
vie9809: Bayes inference in common Markov switching trends models
Sylvia Kaufmann
vie9808: An Evolutionary Analysis of Insurance Markets Downloads
Ana B. Ania, Thomas Tröger and Achim Wambach
vie9807: Heterogeneous Discount Factors in an Assignment Model with Search Frictions Downloads
Andreas Ramsauer
vie9806: Are Two Good Representative for Many?
Rudolf Kerschbamer and Nina Maderner
vie9805: Optimal Incentives to Reduce Downstream Pollution Under Asymmetric Information
Rudolf Kerschbamer and Nina Maderner
vie9804: Product Differentation and Market Power
Egbert Dierker and Hildegard Dierker
vie9803: Dividends and Agency Costs
Klaus Gugler
vie9802: Perfect Foresight and Equilibrium Selection in Symmetric Potential Games Downloads
Josef Hofbauer and Gerhard Sorger
vie9711: Herding and the Winner's Curse in Markets with Sequential Bids
Zvika Neeman and Gerhard O. Orosel
vie9710: Measuring Business Cycles with a Dynamic Markov Switching Factor Model
Sylvia Kaufmann
vie9709: Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for the Transitivity of Majority Decision with Generalized Preferences
Ahmet Kara
vie9708: A Paradox of Social Rationalit
Ahmet Kara
vie9707: Efficiency with Incomplete Information
Stefan Krasa
vie9706: Shareholders' Surplus, Profits, and the Maximization of Shareholders' Real Wealth
Egbert Dierker and Birgit Grodal
vie9705: Investment Spending in Austria: Asymmetric Information Versus Managerial Discretion
Klaus Gugler
vie9704: Theoretically Robust But Empirically Invalid? An Experimental Investigation into Tax Equivalence
Rudolf Kerschbamer and Georg Kirchsteiger
vie9703: Decentralized Trading and the Walrasian Outcome: On the Impact of Quality Heterogeneity
Andreas Ramsauer
vie9702: Voluntary Contributions when the Public Good is not Necessarily Normal
Rudolf Kerschbamer and Clemens Puppe
vie9701: Excess Capacity as an Incentive Device
Rudolf Kerschbamer and Yanni Tournas
vie9616: The Price Normalization Problem in Imperfect Competition and the Objective of the Firm
Egbert Dierker and Birgit Grodal
vie9615: Deficits, Debt and European Monetary Union: Some Unpleasant Fiscal Arithmetic
Eduard Hochreiter and Peter Brandner
vie9614: To be (unionized) or not to be? A Case for Cost-Raising Strategies
Jacques Bughin and Stefano Vannini
vie9613: Imperfectly Observable Emissions, Adverse Selection, and Output Restrictions
Gerhard Clemenz
vie9612: Asset Pricing with Time-Varying Covariances: Evidence for the German Stock Market
Martin Scheicher
vie9611: Verifying Reports With a Self Interested Auditor
Muriel Götz and Martin Summer
vie9610: Monopolistic Competition and the Diffusion of New Technology
Georg Götz
vie9609: Moral Hazard and Credit Rationing: A Role for Research Joint Ventures?
Gerhard Clemenz
vie9608: On the Possibility of Efficient Private Provision of Public Goods through Government Subsidies
Georg Kirchsteiger and Clemens Puppe
vie9607: Nonlinear Dynamics: Evidence for a Small Stock Exchange
Martin Scheicher
vie9606: Immigration, Growth, and Distribution
Ingrid Kubin and Peter Rosner
vie9605: Internalizing Externalities in Second-Best Tax Systems
Gerhard O. Orosel and Ronnie Schöb
vie9604: Credit Markets with Moral Hazard and Heterogenous Valuations of Collateral
Clive Bell and Gerhard Clemenz
vie9603: Markets with Infinitely Many Commodities and a Continuum of Agents with Non-Convex Preferences
Konrad Podczeck
vie9602: Information Revelation via Takeovers in Correlated Environments
Rudolf Kerschbamer
vie9601: Disciplinary Takeovers and Industry Effects
Rudolf Kerschbamer
vie9507: Imperfectly Observable Commitments in n-Player Games
Werner Güth, Georg Kirchsteiger and Klaus Ritzberger
vie9506: Imperfect Competition and Capital Accumulation: The Role of Price Normalization
Gerhard Sorger
vie9505: On the Formation of Political Coalitions
Georg Kirchsteiger and Clemens Puppe
vie9504: A Qualitative Theory of "Preference for Opportunities and Diversity"
Klaus Nehring and Clemens Puppe
vie9503: Profit Maximization, Relative Prices, and the Maximization of Shareholders' Real Wealth
Egbert Dierker and Birgit Grodal
vie9502: Hostile Takeovers in Correlated Environments
Rudolf Kerschbamer
vie9501: The Stock Market When Market Participation is Costly
Gerhard O. Orosel
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