wiiw Working Papers
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- 201: Do Corporate Tax Cuts Boost Economic Growth?
- Sebastian Gechert and Philipp Heimberger
- 200: A Skill-specific Dynamic Labour Supply and Labour Demand Framework: A Scenario Analysis for the Western Balkan Countries to 2030
- Sandra Leitner
- 199: Potential Mobility from Africa, Middle East and EU Neighbouring Countries to Europe
- Richard Grieveson, Michael Landesmann and Isilda Mara
- 198: Migration from Africa, the Middle East and European Neighbouring Countries to the EU: An Augmented Gravity Modelling Approach
- Michael Landesmann and Isilda Mara
- 197: Net Migration and its Skill Composition in the Western Balkan Countries between 2010 and 2019: Results from a Cohort Approach Analysis
- Sandra Leitner
- 196: Interrelationships between Human Capital, Migration and Labour Markets in the Western Balkans: An Econometric Investigation
- Michael Landesmann and Isilda Mara
- 195: Exploring ‘Non-Tariff Measures Black Box’: Whose Regulative NTMs on Which Products Improve the Imported Quality?
- Mahdi Ghodsi
- 194: Firm Profits and Government Activity: An Empirical Investigation
- Petar Jolakoski, Branimir Jovanovic, Joana Madjoska, Viktor Stojkoski and Dragan Tevdovski
- 193: Breaking Through the Digital Ceiling: ICT Skills and Labour Market Opportunities
- David Pichler and Robert Stehrer
- 192: Marching to Good Laws: The Impact of War, Politics, and International Credit on Reforms in Ukraine
- Artem Kochnev
- 191: GARCH Analyses of Risk and Uncertainty in the Theories of the Interest Rate of Keynes and Kalecki
- Hubert Gabrisch
- 190: Employers’ Skills Requirements in the Austrian Labour Market: On the Relative Importance of ICT, Cognitive and Non-cognitive Skills over the Past 15 Years
- Sandra Leitner and Oliver Reiter
- 189: Non-Tariff Measures and the Quality of Imported Products
- Mahdi Ghodsi and Robert Stehrer
- 188: Refugees’ Integration into the Austrian Labour Market: Dynamics of Occupational Mobility and Job-Skills Mismatch
- Michael Landesmann and Sandra Leitner
- 187: Does Asymmetric Nonlinear Approach Explain the Relationship Between Exchange Rate and Trade of Iran?
- Mahdi Ghodsi, Mohammad Sharif Karimi and Robert Stehrer
- 186: Greater than the Sum of its Parts? How does Austria Profit from a Widening Network of EU Free Trade Agreements?
- Julia Grübler and Oliver Reiter
- 185: The Effects of the EU Cohesion Policy on Regional Economic Growth: Using Structural Equation Modelling for Impact Assessment
- Stefan Jestl, Ambre Maucorps and Roman Römisch
- 184: Estimating Demand Spillovers of EU Cohesion Policy Using European Regional Input-Output Tables
- Roman Römisch
- 183: On the Economic Effects of a Reallocation of EU Cohesion Policy Expenditures
- Stefan Jestl and Roman Römisch
- 182: Non-tariff Trade Policy Analysis: An Ex-post Assessment of the EU-Korea Agreement
- Julia Grübler and Oliver Reiter
- 181: The Impact of Sanctions Imposed by the European Union against Iran on their Bilateral Trade: General versus Targeted Sanctions
- Mahdi Ghodsi and Huseyin Karamelikli
- 180: Distributional National Accounts (DINA) with Household Survey Data: Methodology and Results for European Countries
- Stefan Ederer, Stefan Humer, Stefan Jestl and Emanuel List
- 179: The Impact of the EAEU-Iran Preferential Trade Agreement
- Amat Adarov and Mahdi Ghodsi
- 178: New Productivity Drivers: Revisiting the Role of Digital Capital, FDI and Integration at Aggregate and Sectoral Levels
- Amat Adarov and Robert Stehrer
- 177: Robotisation, Employment and Industrial Growth Intertwined Across Global Value Chains
- Mahdi Ghodsi, Oliver Reiter, Robert Stehrer and Roman Stöllinger
- 176: Does Employment Protection Affect Unemployment? A Meta-analysis
- Philipp Heimberger
- 175: Distributional National Accounts (DINA) for Austria, 2004-2016
- Stefan Jestl and Emanuel List
- 174: Immigration and Offshoring: Two Forces of Globalisation and Their Impact on Employment and the Bargaining Power of Occupational Groups
- Michael Landesmann and Sandra Leitner
- 173: The Impact of Income Inequality on Household Indebtedness in Euro Area Countries
- Stefan Jestl
- 172: Public and Private Pension Systems and Macroeconomic Volatility in OECD Countries
- Mario Holzner, Stefan Jestl and David Pichler
- 171: The Automatisation Challenge Meets the Demographic Challenge: In Need of Higher Productivity Growth
- Sandra Leitner and Robert Stehrer
- 170: Implications of Foreign Direct Investment, Capital Formation and its Structure for Global Value Chains
- Amat Adarov and Robert Stehrer
- 169: The Effect of Stressors and Resilience Factors on Mental Health of Recent Refugees in Austria
- Isabella Buber-Ennser, Judith Kohlenberger, Michael Landesmann, Sebastian Leitner and Bernhard Rengs
- 168: Various Domains of Integration of Refugees and their Interrelationships: A Study of Recent Refugee Inflows in Austria
- Michael Landesmann and Sandra Leitner
- 167: Employment Gaps Between Refugees, Migrants and Natives: Evidence from Austrian Register Based Labour Market Data
- Stefan Jestl, Michael Landesmann, Sebastian Leitner and Barbara Wanek-Zajic
- 166: Financial Cycles in Europe: Dynamics, Synchronicity and Implications for Business Cycles and Macroeconomic Imbalances
- Amat Adarov
- 165: Does Economic Globalisation Affect Income Inequality? A Meta-analysis
- Philipp Heimberger
- 164: The Impact of Labour Market Institutions and Capital Accumulation on Unemployment: Evidence for the OECD, 1985-2013
- Philipp Heimberger
- 163: Testing the Smile Curve: Functional Specialisation in GVCs and Value Creation
- Roman Stöllinger
- 162: Dynamic Interactions Between Financial and Macroeconomic Imbalances: A Panel VAR Analysis
- Amat Adarov
- 161: Dying Light: War and Trade of the Separatist-Controlled Areas of Ukraine
- Artem Kochnev
- 160: How Do Technical Barriers to Trade Affect Foreign Direct Investment?
- Mahdi Ghodsi
- 159: Eco-Innovation: Drivers, Barriers and Effects – A European Perspective
- Sandra Leitner
- 158: Immigration and Innovation
- Michael Landesmann and Sandra Leitner
- 157: Measuring Economic Openness
- Claudius Gräbner-Radkowitsch, Philipp Heimberger, Jakob Kapeller and Florian Springholz
- 156: Immigration and Offshoring
- Michael Landesmann and Sandra Leitner
- 155: Factors Driving Wealth Inequality in European Countries
- Sebastian Leitner
- 154: The Relative Impact of Different Forces of Globalisation on Wage Inequality: A Fresh Look at the EU Experience
- Stefan Jestl, Sebastian Leitner and Sandra Leitner
- 153: Avoiding and Escaping the ‘Commodity Trap’ in Development
- Mahdi Ghodsi and Robert Stehrer
- 152: Inheritance Tax Regimes: A Comparison
- Stefan Jestl
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