ERSA conference papers
From European Regional Science Association Welthandelsplatz 1, 1020 Vienna, Austria. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Gunther Maier (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 16p1002: Energy consumption and CO2 emissions in the northern cities (case of Yakutia)

- Tuyara Gavrilyeva
- 16p994: Challenges that face cultural tourism development in conflict and post-conflict regions: the case of Kurdistan

- Kadhim Braim, Scott McCabe, Jillian Rickly and Mohamed Gadi
- 16p991: Innovation and investments in a regional cross-sectoral growth model: A change is needed in European cohesion policies

- Riccardo Cappellin
- 16p986: Challenges of smart cities in India

- Chitta Pathak
- 16p983: Regional development in Spain 1989-2010: Capital widening and productivity stagnation

- Paulino Montes-Solla, Andres Faina and Jesus Lopez-Rodriguez
- 16p977: Relationship between value chain governance and value chain integration (as an outcome of a public private partnership to promote value chain competiveness at the regional level). The case of the value chain cotton/textile/clothing in Tolima (Colombia)

- Alexander Blandon Lopez and Janeth Gonzalez Rubio
- 16p933: Elections and externalities of health expenditures: Spatial patterns and opportunism in the local budget allocation

- Jorge Ferreira, Alexandre Alves and Emilie Caldeira
- 16p931: Investments, balance of payment equilibrium and a new industrial policy in Europe

- Riccardo Cappellin
- 16p902: Tourist tax-fee as a mechanism of urban renovation and upgrade of tourist product: Implementation on the municipality of Athens

- Vasiliki Delitheou and Georgios Papastamatiou
- 16p885: The de-industrialization process in South Italy and the new industrial policies in Europe

- Michele Sabatino
- 16p882: Transferring local human capital: Geographical proximity and perceived employees' productivity

- Gintare Morkute
- 16p850: Employability of Portuguese Graduates: hard x soft skills

- Cássio Rolim and Maria de Lourdes Machado-Taylor
- 16p846: Collective ideation within the context of science and technology park and regional triple helix network

- Ger Post and Lotte Geertsen
- 16p830: Ecological territory and ecocity as result of smart, sustainable, integrated planning policies

- Stefano Aragona
- 16p829: Cum-cives, ie citizens of the polis, and urban policy

- Stefano Aragona
- 16p824: Economic-geographical position as a factor of regional development in Russia

- Stepan Zemtsov and Vyacheslav Baburin
- 16p808: Health begins with people: An RCT study to test the effects of a housing provider's health interventions

- Paul Cheshire, Jemma Mouland and Stephen Gibbons
- 16p799: Local Public Service Provision and Spatial Inequality in Chinese Cities

- Weizeng Sun, Siqi Zheng and Yuming Fu
- 16p796: Price asymmetry and retailers heterogeneity in Brazilian gas stations

- Leonardo Cardoso, Mauricio Bittencourt and Elena Irwin
- 16p773: Capitalization of Local Taxes and Expenditures - The case of Bavarian Municipalities

- Benjamin Wirth, Davidt Hardt and Isabella Lehmann
- 16p759: University spin-off firms in sustainable energy in five countries: What determines their reaching of the market?

- Marina Van Geenhuizen and Razie Nejabat
- 16p746: Mental cognition of scattered farms in the Great Plain

- Andrea Szekely
- 16p744: Living in the South - looking to the North: The internationalization process of higher education institutions in Brazil and a case study

- Paula Pavarina
- 16p741: Job access and the labor market entry and spatial mobility trajectories of higher education graduates in the Netherlands

- Marten Middeldorp
- 16p735: University impact evaluation: Counterfactual methods

- Balazs Kotosz
- 16p723: Parallel convergence of income and educational achievements on a local level in Poland - Joint distribution dynamics

- Piotr Wójcik
- 16p722: Cluster activities in different institutional environments. Case studies of ICT-Clusters from Austria, Germany, Ukraine and Serbia

- Anastasiia Konstantynova and Tine Lehmann
- 16p714: Optimal energy taxation in cities

- Rainald Borck and Jan Brueckner
- 16p700: The socioeconomic impacts of low income housing programs in São Paulo state, Brazil

- Rodger Campos and Joaquim Guilhoto
- 16p693: Provincial valuations of human capital in urban China, inter-regional inequality and the implicit value of a Guangdong hukou

- Jeffrey Zax
- 16p691: Greek tourism sector and signs of resilience

- Stella Karoulia, Eleni Gaki, Stella Kostopoulou and Dimitrios Lagos
- 16p666: A cohort integration analysis of work and education participation among internal mobile and non-mobile immigrants by reason for immigration

- Lasse Sigbjørn Stambøl
- 16p642: Real estate in studentified neighborhoods

- Mira G. Baron and Ella R. Diamant
- 16p640: Tree canopies, urban green amenities and the residential real estate market: Remote sensing and spatial hedonic applications to Lisbon, Portugal

- Jacob Macdonald and Sofia Franco
- 16p615: Quantifying the effect of labor market size on learning externalities

- Jan Cornelius Peters
- 16p614: A spatial-filtering zero-inflated approach to the estimation of the gravity model of trade

- Rodolfo Metulini, Roberto Patuelli and Daniel Griffith
- 16p607: Do Slot Machines Cause Bankruptcy? A Regulatory Natural Experiment with Exogenous Changes to Slot Locations

- Barry Scholnick and Hyungsuk Byun
- 16p600: Inbound tourism as a driving force of the regional innovation system: An impact study on China

- Jingjing Liu and Peter Nijkamp
- 16p579: Spatio-temporal variation in peer effects - The case of rooftop photovoltaic systems in Germany

- Johannes Rode and Sven Müller
- 16p539: Do open borders tempt a saint? Evidence from Schengen on crime rates in German border regions

- Pia Wassmann
- 16p524: Where in cities do "rich" and "poor" people live? The urban economics model revisited

- Rémi Lemoy, Charles Raux and Pablo Jensen
- 16p499: The impact of economic crisis on R&D convergence in Romania

- Zizi Goschin, Steliana Sandu and Georgiana Gloria Goschin
- 16p473: On the convergence in female participation rates

- Yukiko Abe
- 16p436: Internationalization of Supply Chain of Apparel Industry

- G.Pelin Olcay
- 16p425: Cost-benefit analysis of small hydroelectric generation project utilizing resident volunteers

- Eiji Ohno, Ryuta Mori and Akira Matsumoto
- 16p423: Multilateral mechanism analysis of interprovincial migration flows in China

- Yingxia Pu and Ying Ge
- 16p412: Interprovincial efficiency differentials in Indonesia's pre-and post-crisis economy

- Mitsuhiko Kataoka
- 16p405: Capability factors in changing patterns of international knowledge relationships among university spin-off firms in Northwest Europe

- Marina Van Geenhuizen
- 16p387: A contribution for the identification of indicators for the evaluation of the impact on regional innovation and development of an EU program for university research in the north of Portugal

- Maria Estela Ferreira
- 16p361: On the Link between Job Polarisation and Wage Inequality - A regional approach for Germany

- Mario Reinhold
- 16p357: The Quality of Regional Government and Firm Performance

- Fernanda Ricotta
- 16p351: Business networks, social capital and the productivity of creative industries in Indonesia

- Fikri Zul Fahmi
- 16p326: The Virtual Production Line as a model for the innovative global economy

- Stanislaw Walukiewicz
- 16p320: Real and structural convergence in the Romanian counties in the pre-accession and post-accession periods

- Mihaela-Nona Chilian, Marioara Iordan and Carmen Beatrice Pauna
- 16p308: Does administrative status matter for urban growth? Evidence from present and former county capitals in East Germany

- Bastian Heider, Martin T.W. Rosenfeld and Albrecht Kauffmann
- 16p307: A new career in a new town. Job search methods and regional mobility of unemployed workers

- Andrea Morescalchi
- 16p295: The evaluation of tourism satisfaction in island destinations: The case of the Ionian Islands of Greece

- Eleni Gaki, Stella Kostopoulou, Evangelia Parisi and Dimitris Lagos
- 16p293: The sustainability of yachting tourism: A case study on Greece

- Jamie Chen, Chrysanthi Balomenou, Peter Nijkamp, Panoraia Poulaki and Dimitris Lagos
- 16p279: A comprehensive analysis of the wage curve in Brazil: Non-linearities, urban size, and the spatial dimension

- Ana Maria Barufi, Eduardo Haddad and Peter Nijkamp
- 16p256: Nocturnal satellite imagery and the analysis of spatial change

- Rolf Bergs
- 16p244: Trends in the relation between regional convergence and economic growth in EU

- Lucian Albu
- 16p238: Computing functional urban areas using a hierarchical travel time approach

- Moisés Obaco Álvarez, Vicente Royuela and Xavier VÃtores
- 16p232: Evolution of ICT and software industry: Crisis, resilience and the role of emerging clusters

- Mete Basar Baypinar
- 16p220: Home country bias in divestment decisions of multinational corporations in the EU

- Laura Resmini and Giuseppe Vittucci Marzetti
- 16p217: Regional trade agreements: The impact of the Transatlantic Trade & Investment Partnership (TTIP) on low income countries: Agreement heterogeneity and supply chain linkages

- Steven Brakman, Tristan Kohl and Charles Marrewijk
- 16p211: Valuation of coral reefs using site choice model

- Katsuhito Nohara, Azusa Okagawa, Akira Hibiki and Hiroya Yamano
- 16p203: Does built form matter in a moving urban fringe? Evidence from a Land Use-Transport Interaction (LUTI) model

- Mingfei Ma and Ying Jin
- 16p196: Simulation modelling of public-private partnership in the Arctic regions

- Olga Tarasova
- 16p192: Immigration - a way out of the Swedish rural population crisis?

- Mats Johansson
- 16p178: Impact of Recession on the employment in Catalonia from a gender and age perspective

- Ma.Jesus Gomez Adillon, M.Angels Cabases Pique and Agnes Pardell Vea
- 16p172: Internal migration and EU regional policy transfer payments: A panel data analysis for the EU-28 member countries

- Peter Schmidt
- 16p169: Regional payroll tax cuts and individual wages: Heterogeneous effects across education groups

- Hildegunn Stokke
- 16p167: Regional distribution of bank institutions in Russia: Role of state and education

- Anna Mishura and Svetlana Ageeva
- 16p165: Climate and Happiness in the Tropics

- Arief Yusuf, Martin Siyaranamual, Aisyah Ghina and Megananda Suryana
- 16p158: Comparison of smart specialization in coastal regions in Poland

- Jacek Soltys and Dorota Kamrowska-Zaluska
- 16p157: Assessment of labour market returns in the case of gender unique human capital

- Tiiu Paas and Maryna Tverdostup
- 16p154: The role of firms' location on persistency of various types of innovation

- Charlie Karlsson and Sam Tavassoli
- 16p134: Let Tiebout pick up the tab: Pricing out externalities with free mobility

- Axel Watanabe
- 16p127: A spatial analysis of inter-regional patient mobility in Italy

- Emanuela Marrocu, Silvia Balia and Rinaldo Brau
- 16p125: Monetary policy and currency wars: National economic interests vs international partnership

- Svetlana Bekareva, Alexander Baranov and Ekaterina Meltenisova
- 16p124: A spatial analysis of urban labour markets and submarkets in the metropolitan area of Mexico City

- Alejandra Trejo-Nieto
- 16p118: Spatial issues revisited: A note on the role of shared transportation modes

- Marion Drut
- 16p114: Job polarization on local labor markets?

- Uwe Blien and Wolfgang Dauth
- 16p113: A study on evaluation of the factors for the industrial complex regeneration projects successful by applying the PCSI model and revised-IPA matrix based on the Kano theory

- Yeong Kim, Jae-Won Shin and Hwa-Soo Kim
- 16p104: Trends toward the concentration of economic activity and uneven spatial development of Russia

- Anna Bufetova
- 16p101: Determining minimum wages in China: Do economic factors dominate?

- Christian Dreger, Reinhold Kosfeld and Yanqun Zhang
- 16p97: Innovation, income and regional development: An assessment of the importance of differences in regional potentials

- Andreas Cornett and Nils Karl Sørensen
- 16p86: Resilience capacity and vulnerability: The case of Slovakia

- Aura Reggiani, Oto Hudec and Monika Siserova
- 16p77: A game model of new and remanufactured goods, brown and green consumers, and market share dominance

- Amitrajeet Batabyal and Hamid Beladi
- 16p75: Creative capital in production, inefficiency, and inequality: A theoretical analysis

- Amitrajeet Batabyal and Peter Nijkamp
- 16p64: Externalities of urban agglomerations: An empirical study on Chinese case

- Jin Guo and Yingzhi Xu
- 16p58: Austrian outbound foreign direct investment in Europe: A spatial econometric study

- Nico Pintar, Benedikt Sargant and Manfred Fischer
- 16p50: Labour market dynamics following a regional disaster

- Richard Fabling, Arthur Grimes and Levente Timar
- 16p49: Two countries, sixteen cities, five thousand kilometres: How many housing markets?

- Ryan Greenaway-McGrevy, Arthur Grimes and Mark Holmes
- 16p17: Climate change related risks, opportunities and adaptation actions in European cities - Insights from responses to the CDP cities program

- Markus Groth, Maria Brück and Teresa Oberascher
- 15p1788: Aerated concrete on basis of volcanic rocks waste as efficient thermal insulation material

- Anahit Harutyunyan
- 15p1783: Comments by the Executive Director of SADF

- Paulo Casaca
- 15p1777: Political Participation of Armenian minority in Georgia

- Stanislav Mezhdoyan
- 15p1728: Economic approach to nature conservation - Land use change

- Pedro Nogueira
- 15p1724: Analysing spatial concentration of Hungarian knowledge intensive manufacturing sectors on city-region level 1996-2012

- Izabella Szakálné Kanó
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