Health, Econometrics and Data Group (HEDG) Working Papers
From HEDG, c/o Department of Economics, University of York HEDG/HERC, Department of Economics and Related Studies, University of York, York, YO10 5DD, United Kingdom. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Jane Rawlings (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 16/29: The impact of technology diffusion in health care markets - Evidence from heart attack treatment
- Corinna Hentschker and Wübker, A.
- 16/28: Closing Down the Shop: Optimal Health and Wealth Dynamics near the End of Life
- Julien Hugonnier, F. Pelgrin and Pascal St-Amour
- 16/27: Does My High Blood Pressure Improve Your Survival? Overall and Subgroup Learning Curves in Health
- R.V. Gestel, Müller, T. and J. Bosmans
- 16/26: A New Econometric Method for Estimating Disease Prevalence: An Application to Multi-Drug Resistant Tuberculosis
- Zoë McLaren and Rulof Burger
- 16/25: Can the use of Electronic Health Records in General Practice reduce hospitalizations for diabetes patients? Evidence from a natural experiment
- L.P. Kongstad, Giovanni Mellace and K.R. Olsen
- 16/24: Incentive Design and Quality Improvements: Evidence from State Medicaid Nursing Home Pay-for-Performance Programs
- R.T. Konetzka, Meghan Skira and R.M. Werner
- 16/23: The Welfare Effects of Single Rooms in German Nursing Homes: A Structural Approach
- Annika Herr and A. Saric
- 16/22: Physician Group Practices and Technology Diffusion: Evidence from New Antidiabetic Drugs
- K. Nosal
- 16/21: Crawling Up the Cash Cliff? Behavioral Responses to a Disability Insurance Reform
- E. Deuchert and Beatrix Eugster
- 16/20: Semiparametric Count Data Modeling with an Application to Health Service Demand
- P. Bach, Helmut Farbmacher and M. Spindler
- 16/19: Generalized Difference in Differences for Ordinal Responses with a Varying Number of Categories
- Y-S. Kim and Myoung-jae Lee
- 16/18: Globalisation and national trends in nutrition and health - a grouped fixed effects approach to inter-country heterogeneity
- Oberländer, L., Anne-Célia Disdier and Etilé, F.
- 16/17: Marginal effects of physician coverage on infant and disease mortality
- Helge Liebert and M㤠der, B.
- 16/16: Pay less, consume more? Estimating the price elasticity of demand for home care services of the disabled elderly
- Quitterie Roquebert and Marianne Tenand
- 16/15: What Does a Deductible Do? The Impact of Cost-Sharing on Health Care Prices, Quantities and Spending Dynamics
- Zarek Brot-Goldberg, A. Chandra, B. Handel and Jonathan Kolstad
- 16/14: Differential item functioning in the EQ-5D: An exploratory analysis using anchoring vignettes
- R. Knott, Paula Lorgelly, Nicole Black and Bruce Hollingsworth
- 16/13: What Explains the Difference in the Effect of Retirement on Health?: Evidence from Global Aging Data
- H. Motegi, Yoshinori Nishimura and Masato Oikawa
- 16/12: Child and Adolescent Obesity in Ireland: A Longitudinal Perspective
- David Madden
- 16/11: Retirement and Cognitive Decline: Evidence from Global Aging Data
- H. Motegi, Yoshinori Nishimura and Masato Oikawa
- 16/10: Smoking for the poor and vaping for the rich? Distributional concerns of new smoking methods
- Vincenzo Carrieri and Andrew Jones
- 16/09: 'Cultural Persistence' of Health Capital: Evidence from European Migrants
- J. Costa-Font and A. Sato
- 16/08: Like Mother, Like Father? Gender Assortative Transmission Of Child Overweight
- J. Costa-Font and A. Sato
- 16/07: The effects of non-adherence on health care utilisation: panel data evidence on uncontrolled diabetes
- Joan Gil, A. Sicras-Mainar and Eugenio Zucchelli
- 16/06: Birth Weight and Family Resource Allocations: New Evidence from Twins
- B. Carrillo and D. Branco
- 16/05: Inequality of opportunity in health: a decomposition-based approach
- Vincenzo Carrieri and M.A. Jones
- 16/04: Acute health shocks and labour market outcomes
- M.A. Jones, Nigel Rice and Francesca Zantomio
- 16/03: Should I stay or should I go? Hospital emergency department waiting times and demand
- Peter Sivey
- 16/02: Do individuals return to baseline levels of well-being after recovering from poor health?
- P. Howley
- 16/01: Valuing the benefits from health care interventions using life satisfaction data
- P. Howley
- 15/30: Do you have to win it to fix it? A longitudinal study of lottery winners and their health care demand
- Terence Cheng, J. Costa-i-Font and Nattavudh Powdthavee
- 15/29: Does the Extent of Per-Case Payment System Affect Hospital Efficiency? Evidence from the Italian NHS
- Marina Cavalieri, Calogero Guccio, Domenico Lisi and Giacomo Pignataro
- 15/28: Non-Separable Time Preferences and Novelty Consumption: Theory and Evidence from the East German Transition to Capitalism
- Davide Dragone and Nicolas Ziebarth
- 15/27: Sleep and Human Capital: Evidence from Daylight Saving Time
- Lawrence Jin and Nicolas Ziebarth
- 15/26: Parents' education and child body weight in France: The trajectory of the gradient in the early years
- Bénédicte Apouey and Pierre Geoffard
- 15/25: Caesarean section and the manipulation of exact delivery time
- Daniele Fabbri, Chiara Monfardini, I. Castaldini and A. Protonotari
- 15/24: Heterogeneity in Marginal Non-monetary Returns to Higher Education
- Kamhöfer, D.A., Hendrik Schmitz and Matthias Westphal
- 15/23: How does fiscal decentralization affect within-regional disparities in well-being? Evidence from health inequalities in Italy
- Cinzia Di Novi, Massimiliano Piacenza, Silvana Robone and Gilberto Turati
- 15/22: The Income-Health Relationship “Beyond the Meanâ€: New Evidence from Biomarkers
- Vincenzo Carrieri and Andrew Jones
- 15/21: Health status over the life cycle
- R. van Ooijen, R. Alessi and Marike Knoef
- 15/20: Free primary care in Zambia: an impact evaluation using a pooled synthetic control method
- Lépine, A., M. Lagarde and A. Le Nestour
- 15/19: Learning to trust flu shots: quasi-experimental evidence on the role of learning in influenza vaccination decisions from the 2009 influenza A/H1N1 (swine flu) pandemic
- J. Maurer and Katherine Harris
- 15/18: In-utero social interaction of twins
- Eskil Heinesen, S. Imai and Shiko Maruyama
- 15/17: Social interactions in inappropriate behavior for childbirth services: theory and evidence from the Italian hospital sector
- Calogero Guccio and Domenico Lisi
- 15/16: Does health insurance encourage the rise in medical prices?
- Brigitte Dormont and Péron, M.
- 15/15: Risk selection under public health insurance with opt-out
- Panthöfer, S.
- 15/14: Complexity and doctor choices when discussing contraceptives
- Denzil Fiebig, Rosalie Viney, Marion Haas, Stephanie Knox, D. Street, E. Weisberg and D. Bateson
- 15/13: Missing work is a pain: the effect of Cox-2 inhibitors on sickness absence and disability pension receipt
- Bütikofer, A. and Meghan Skira
- 15/12: Efficiency of health investment: education or intelligence?
- Govert Bijwaard and H. van Kippersluis
- 15/11: Folic acid advisories, a public health challenge?
- Daniel Herrera-Araujo
- 15/10: Getting a healthy start: The effectiveness of targeted benefits for improving dietary choices
- Rachel Griffith, Stephanie von Hinke and Sarah Smith
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