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Health, Econometrics and Data Group (HEDG) Working Papers

From HEDG, c/o Department of Economics, University of York
HEDG/HERC, Department of Economics and Related Studies, University of York, York, YO10 5DD, United Kingdom.
Contact information at EDIRC.

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08/26: Testing For Asymmetric Information In Insurance Markets With Unobservable Types Downloads
Valentino Dardanoni and Paolo Li Donni
08/25: Urbanization and the spread of diseases of affluence in China Downloads
Ellen Van de Poel, Owen O'Donnell and Eddy Van Doorslaer
08/24: Inequality in Opportunities in Health in France: A first pass Downloads
Alain Trannoy, Sandy Tubeuf, Florence Jusot and M Devaux
08/23: Labour and income effects of caregiving across Europe: an evaluation using matching techniques Downloads
David Casado-Marín, Pilar Garcia-Gomez and Ángel López-Nicolás
08/22: A comparison of the health status and health care utilisation patterns between foreigners and the national population in Spain: new evidence from the Spanish National Health Survey Downloads
C Hernández Quevedo and Dolores Jiménez Rubio
08/21: Record rewards: the effect on risk factor monitoring of new financial incentives for UK general practices Downloads
Matt Sutton, Ross Elder, Bruce Guthrie and Graham Watt
08/20: Using propensity score methods to analyse individual patient-level cost-effectiveness data from observational studies Downloads
A Manca and P. C Austin
08/19: Contractual Conditions, Working conditions, Health and Well-Being in the British Household Panel Survey Downloads
Silvana Robone, Andrew Jones and Nigel Rice
08/18: Modelling and Measuring Inequality of Opportunity in Health: Evidence from a Cohort Study Downloads
Pedro Rosa Dias
08/17: Impact of Private Health Insurance on the Choice of Public versus Private Hospital Services Downloads
Preety Pratima Srivastava and Xueyan Zhao
08/16: Job loss does not cause ill health Downloads
Martin Salm
08/15: The Effects of Financial Incentives on Quality of Care: The Case of Diabetes Downloads
Anthony Scott, Stefanie Schurer, Paul Jensen and Peter Sivey
08/14: Health and Income Poverty in Ireland, 2003-2006 Downloads
David Madden
08/13: Trade-off between formal and informal care in Spain Downloads
Sergi Jimenez-Martin and C. V Prieto
08/12: The Impact of Universal Health Insurance on Catastrophic and Out-of-Pocket Health Expenditures in Mexico: a Model with an Endogoenous Treatment Variable Downloads
Omar Galarraga, S. G Sosa-Rubí, A Salinas and S Sesma
08/11: Use of propensity scores in non-linear response models: The case for health care expenditures Downloads
Anirban Basu, D Polsky and Willard Manning
08/10: Food Price Policies and the Distribution of Body Mass Index: Theory and Empirical Evidence from France Downloads
Fabrice Etilé
08/09: Ordinal and Cardinal Measures of Health Inequality: An Empirical Comparison Downloads
David Madden
08/08: Gender Differences in Mental Well- Being: A Decomposition Analysis Downloads
David Madden
08/07: An Analysis of Mental Stress in Ireland, 1994-2000 Downloads
David Madden
08/06: Health care deprivation profiles in the measurement of inequality and inequity: an application to GP fundholding in the English NHS Downloads
Mauro Laudicella, R Cookson, Andrew Jones and Nigel Rice
08/05: The measurement and comparison of health system responsiveness Downloads
Nigel Rice, Silvana Robone and P.c Smith
08/04: Income-related inequalities in self-assessed health: comparisons of alternative measurements of health Downloads
Sandy Tubeuf
08/03: Health effects on labour market exits and entries Downloads
P García-Gómeza, Andrew Jones and Nigel Rice
08/02: Decomposing Bodymass Index gaps between Mediterranean countries: A Counterfactual Quantile Regression Analysis* Downloads
Joan Costa-Font, Daniele Fabbri and Joan Gil
08/01: New prospects in the analysis of inequalities in health: a measurement of health encompassing several dimensions of health Downloads
Sandy Tubeuf and Marc Perronnin
07/28: Health care deprivation profiles in the measurement of inequality and inequity: an application to GP fundholding in the English NHS Downloads
Mauro Laudicella, Richard Cookson, Andrew Jones and Nigel Rice
07/27: Health Care Utilization and Self-Assessed Health Specification of Bivariate Models Using Copulas* Downloads
José M. R. Murteira and Óscar Lourenço
07/26: Why the Econometrician is in Good Spirits – a workshop through the looking glass Downloads
Carl Hampus Lyttkens
07/25: Using copulas to estimate reduced-form systems of equations Downloads
Casey Quinn
07/24: Using copulas to measure association between ordinal measures of health and income Downloads
Casey Quinn
07/23: Improving precision in cost-effectiveness analysis using copulas Downloads
Casey Quinn
07/22: The health-economic applications of copulas: methods in applied econometric research Downloads
Casey Quinn
07/21: Inter-DRG Resource Allocation in a Prospective Payment System: A Stochastic Kernel Approach* Downloads
Anurag Sharma
07/20: Evaluation of the introduction of a pay for performance contract for UK family doctors using participant perceptions Downloads
Matt Sutton, Divine Ikenwilo and Diane Skatun
07/19: Health and Retirement among Older Workers Downloads
Eugenio Zucchelli, Anthony Harris, Nigel Rice and Andrew Jones
07/18: Panel data methods and applications to health economics Downloads
Andrew Jones
07/17: Measurement of horizontal inequity in health care utilisation using European Panel data Downloads
Teresa Bago d’Uva, Andrew Jones and Eddy Van Doorslaer
07/16: Dental Insurance and Dental Care: the Role of Insurance and Income Downloads
Murat Munkin and Pravin Trivedi
07/15: Genetic Information, Obesity, and Labor Market Outcomes Downloads
Edward Norton and Euna Han
07/14: The Quantile Regression Approach to Efficiency Measurement: Insights from Monte Carlo Simulations Downloads
ChunpingLiu, Audrey Laporte and Brian Ferguson
07/13: Expenditure Dispersion and Dietary Quality: Evidence from Canada Downloads
Timothy Beatty
07/12: Maternal Employment and Overweight Children: Does Timing Matter? Downloads
Stephanie von Hinke
07/11: Restrictions on the number of physicians and Intergenerational Inequalities: Experience, Time and Vintage effects in GPs’ earnings* Downloads
Brigitte Dormont and Anne-Laure Samson
07/10: Reporting expected longevity and smoking: evidence from the SHARE Downloads
Silvia Balia
07/09: Looking for private information in self-assessed health Downloads
James Banks, Thomas Crossley and Simo Goshev
07/08: Measuring efficiency in health care: an application to out of hours primary care services in the island of Ireland Downloads
Grace Lordan
07/07: Use of instrumental variables in the presence of heterogeneity and self-selection: An application in breast cancer patients Downloads
Anirban Basu, James Heckman, Salvador Navarro and Sergio Urzua
07/06: Unravelling the influence of smoking initiation and cessation on premature mortality using a common latent factor model Downloads
Silvia Balia and Andrew Jones
07/05: How does heterogeneity shape the socioeconomic gradient in health satisfaction? Downloads
Andrew Jones and Stefanie Schurer
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