Freiburg Discussion Papers on Constitutional Economics
From Walter Eucken Institut e.V. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by ZBW - Leibniz Information Centre for Economics (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 24/4: Spontaneous order, evolution and common law: Some notes on F. A. Hayek's system of social thought
- Viktor Vanberg
- 24/3: Why whistleblowing does not deter collaborative tax evasion
- Lilith Burgstaller and Katharina Pfeil
- 24/2: Die Rolle der EU-Kohäsionspolitik für die Klimapolitik
- Lars Feld and Joshua Hassib
- 24/1: Polycentric governance in collusive agreements
- Wolfgang Schmal
- 23/5: Examining the ordoliberal tradition in classical liberal thought
- Lars Feld and Daniel Nientiedt
- 23/4: On the fiscal sustainability of Swiss Cantons since 1905
- Yannick Bury, Lars Feld and Ekkehard Köhler
- 23/3: The long shadow of Versailles: An unusual controversy on John Maynard Keynes between the German ordoliberals Walter Eucken and Wilhelm Röpke
- Karen Horn
- 23/2: Standing on the shoulders of giants or science? Lessons from ordoliberalism
- Lars Feld and Ekkehard Köhler
- 23/1: Compliance management in research institutes: Boon or bane?
- Katharina Pfeil, Sarah Necker and Lars Feld
- 22/9: Do party ties increase transfer receipts in cooperative federalism? Evidence from Germany
- Yannick Bury, Lars Feld and Ekkehard Köhler
- 22/8: Competitive federalism, individual autonomy, and citizen sovereignty
- Viktor Vanberg
- 22/7: Working in the shadow: Survey techniques for measuring and explaining undeclared work
- Lilith Burgstaller, Lars Feld and Katharina Pfeil
- 22/6: You don't need an invoice, do you? An online experiment on collaborative tax evasion
- Lilith Burgstaller and Katharina Pfeil
- 22/5: Zum Zusammenhang zwischen kommunaler Finanzverfassung und kommunaler Finanzlage
- Yannick Bury and Lars Feld
- 22/4: Fiscal federalism and foreign direct investment: An empirical analysis
- Lars Feld, Ekkehard Köhler, Leonardo Palhuca and Christoph Schaltegger
- 22/3: Walter Eucken on competitive order at the founding meeting of the Mont Pèlerin Society 1947
- Stefan Kolev and Karen Horn
- 22/2: Compliance in außeruniversitären Forschungseinrichtungen
- Lars Feld, Sarah Necker and Katahrina Pfeil
- 22/1: Hayekian economic policy
- Lars Feld and Daniel Nientiedt
- 21/10: The German "debt brake": Success factors and challenges
- Lars Feld and Wolf Heinrich Reuter
- 21/9: Freiheitliche Wirtschaftspolitik ist Ordnungspolitik: 15. Berliner Rede zur Freiheit
- Lars Feld
- 21/8: Von der Corona-bedingten Schuldenaufnahme zur Wiedereinhaltung der Schuldenbremse
- Lars Feld, Lukas Nöh, Wolf Heinrich Reuter and Mustafa Yeter
- 21/7: The concept of Ordnungspolitik: Rule-based economic policy-making from the perspective of the Freiburg School
- Jan Schnellenbach
- 21/6: Herausforderungen für die Finanzpolitik in Deutschland nach der Covid-Krise: Schuldenbremse und Vermögensbesteuerung
- Jan Schnellenbach
- 21/5: Ordoliberalism and the social market economy
- Lars Feld, Ekkehard Köhler and Daniel Nientiedt
- 21/4: Skimming the achieved? Quantifying the fiscal incentives of the German fiscal equalization scheme and its reforms since 1970
- Yannick Bury, Lars Feld and Heiko Burret
- 21/3: Monetary incentives and the contagion of unethical behavior
- Benoît Le Maux, David Masclet and Sarah Necker
- 21/2: When liberty presupposes order: F. A. Hayek's learning ordoliberalism
- Stefan Kolev
- 21/1: Fiscal federalism and economic performance: New evidence from Switzerland
- Heiko Burret, Lars Feld and Christoph Schaltegger
- 20/10: Heterogeneous price and quantity effects of the real estate transfer tax in Germany
- Désirée Christofzik, Lars Feld and Mustafa Yeter
- 20/9: "Whatever it takes!": How tonality of TV-news affects government bond yield spreads during crises
- Patrick Hirsch, Ekkehard Köhler, Lars Feld and Tobias Thomas
- 20/8: Die wirtschaftlichen Rahmenbedingungen nach dem Corona-Schock
- Lars Feld
- 20/7: Wohlstand für alle - Was dieses Versprechen heute bedeutet. Ein Vorwort
- Lars Feld
- 20/6: Wirtschaftskrisen der Zukunft
- Lars Feld
- 20/5: The German Federal Constitutional Court ruling and the European Central Bank's strategy
- Lars Feld and Volker Wieland
- 20/4: Fiscal federalism in Germany
- Yannick Bury and Lars Feld
- 20/3: Walter Euckens Weg zum Ordoliberalismus
- Viktor Vanberg
- 20/2: Verfahren zum Anleihekaufprogramm der EZB (2 BvR 859/15, 2 BvR 1651/15, 2 BvR 2006/15, 2 BvR 980/16): Stellungnahme zum Fragenkatalog für sachverständige Dritte
- Lars Feld
- 20/1: Öffentliche Investitionen: Die Schuldenbremse ist nicht das Problem
- Lars Feld, Wolf Heinrich Reuter and Mustafa Yeter
- 19/6: Antipathy for Heidelberg, sympathy for Freiburg? Vincent Ostrom on Max Weber, Walter Eucken, and the compound history of order
- Stefan Kolev
- 19/5: Fiscal federalism and income inequality: An empirical analysis for Switzerland
- Lars Feld, Christian Frey, Christoph Schaltegger and Lukas A. Schmid
- 19/4: Klimaschutz auf Kosten der Armen? Vorschläge für eine markt- und sozialverträgliche Umsetzung von CO2-Steuern und des Emissionshandels
- Nils Goldschmidt and Stephan Wolf
- 19/3: The difficult relationship between historical ordoliberalism and Adam Smith
- Karen Horn
- 19/2: Öffentliche Investitionen: Wie viel ist zu wenig?
- Désirée Christofzik, Lars Feld and Mustafa Yeter
- 19/1: Zur Grundsteuerreform
- Lars Feld and Patrick Hirsch
- 18/13: Toward an understanding of collaborative tax evasion: A natural field experiment with businesses
- Annabelle Doerr and Sarah Necker
- 18/12: Die Heterogenität der kommunalen Haushalts- und Aufsichtsregeln als Herausforderung im vertikalisierten Fiskalföderalismus
- Yannick Bury and Lars Feld
- 18/11: The German anti-Keynes? On Walter Eucken's macroeconomics
- Lars Feld, Ekkehard Köhler and Daniel Nientiedt
- 18/10: Habent sua fata professores: Joseph A. Schumpeter an Walter Eucken
- Uwe Dathe and Ulrich Hedtke
- 18/09: The quest for fiscal rules
- Lars Feld
- 18/08: Does the Swiss debt brake induce sound federal finances? A synthetic control analysis
- Christian F. Pfeil and Lars Feld
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