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BERG Working Paper Series

From Bamberg University, Bamberg Economic Research Group
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195: The (Dis-)equalizing effects of production networks Downloads
Leonhard Ipsen and Jan Schulz-Gebhard
194: Excessive white male privilege biases the measurement of intersectional wage discrimination Downloads
Jan Schulz-Gebhard, Caleb Agoha, Anna Gebhard, Bettina Gregg and Daniel Mayerhoffer
193: Fairness in round-robin tournaments with four players and endogenous sequences Downloads
Fabian Dietz and Marco Sahm
192: Fake news and asset price dynamics Downloads
Sarah Mignot, Paolo Pellizzari and Frank H. Westerhoff
191: Farkas' lemma and complete indifference Downloads
Florian Herold and Christoph Kuzmics
190: Vertical product differentiation, prominence, and costly search Downloads
Roberto Rozzi and Stefanie Y. Schmitt
189: Explaining the stylized facts of foreign exchange markets with a simple agent-based version of Paul de Grauwe's chaotic exchange rate model Downloads
Sarah Mignot and Frank H. Westerhoff
188: Stress-testing inflation exposure: Systemically significant prices and asymmetric shock propagation in the EU28 Downloads
Leonhard Ipsen, Armin Aminian and Jan Schulz-Gebhard
187: Complex dynamics in a nonlinear duopoly model with heuristic expectation formation and learning behavior Downloads
Sarah Mignot, Fabio Tramontana and Frank H. Westerhoff
186: Social segregation, misperceptions, and emergent cyclical choice patterns Downloads
Daniel Mayerhoffer and Jan Schulz-Gebhard
185: The impact of macroeconomic activity and yield valuation on mergers and acquisitions in Europe Downloads
Fabio E.G. Röhrer, Christian R. Proano and Lebogang Mateane
184: Competition with limited attention to quality differences Downloads
Stefanie Y. Schmitt
183: A model of quantitative easing at the zero lower bound Downloads
Stefan Dürmeier
182: Production delays, supply distortions and endogenous price dynamics Downloads
Roberto Dieci, Sarah Mignot, Noemi Schmitt and Frank Westerhoff
181: Tie formation in global production chains Downloads
Alexander Hempfing and Philipp Mundt
180: Efficient incentives with social preferences Downloads
Thomas Daske and Christoph March
179: Drivers of productivity change in global value chains: Reallocation vs. innovation Downloads
Philipp Mundt and Ivan Savin
178: Unaware consumers and disclosure of deficiencies Downloads
Sefanie Y. Schmitt and Dominik Bruckner
177: Boom-bust cycles and asset market participation waves: Momentum, value, risk and herding Downloads
Roberto Dieci, Noemi Schmitt and Frank Westerhoff
176: Optimal and fair prizing in sequential round-robin tournaments: Experimental evidence Downloads
Arne Lauber, Christoph March and Marco Sahm
175: Optimal accuracy of unbiased Tullock contests with two heterogeneous players Downloads
Marco Sahm
174: Production delays, technology choice and cyclical cobweb dynamics Downloads
Roberto Dieci, Sarah Mignot and Frank Westerhoff
173: A network approach to consumption Downloads
Jan Schulz and Daniel M. Mayerhoffer
172: Parents can tell! Evidence on classroom quality differences in German primary schools Downloads
Maria Daniela Araujo P. and Johanna Sophie Quis
171: Gender separation and academic achievement in higher education: Evidence from a natural experiment in Iran Downloads
Zahra Kamal
170: Market selection in global value chains Downloads
Philipp Mundt, Uwe Cantner, Hiroyasu Inoue, Ivan Savin and Simone Vannuccini
169: Speculative asset price dynamics and wealth taxes Downloads
Sarah Mignot, Fabio Tramontana and Frank Westerhoff
168: Are some people more equal than others? Experimental evidence on group identity and income inequality Downloads
Joep Lustenhouwer, Tomasz Makarewicz, Juan Carlos Peña and Christian Proaño
167: Revisiting the causal effect of education on political participation and interest Downloads
Nadja Bömmel and Guido Heineck
166: How wealthy are the rich? Downloads
Jan Schulz and Mishael Milaković
165: Does test-based teacher recruitment work in the developing world? Experimental evidence from Ecuador Downloads
Maria Daniela Araujo P., Guido Heineck and Yyannú Cruz Aguayo
164: Macroprudential capital buffers in heterogeneous banking networks: Insights from an ABM with liquidity crises Downloads
Andrea Gurgone and Giulia Iori
163: The role of stickiness, extrapolation and past consensus forecasts in macroeconomic expectations Downloads
Tim Hagenhoff and Joep Lustenhouwer
162: Survival and the ergodicity of corporate profitability Downloads
Philipp Mundt, Simone Alfarano and Mishael Milaković
161: Monetary policy with a state-dependent inflation target in a behavioral two-country monetary union model Downloads
Christian Proaño and Benjamin Lojak
160: Heterogeneous speculators and stock market dynamics: A simple agent-based computational model Downloads
Noemi Schmitt, Ivonne Schwartz and Frank Westerhoff
159: Poverty and limited attention Downloads
Stefanie Yvonne Schmitt and Markus G. Schlatterer
158: Capital-constrained loan creation, stock markets and monetary policy in a behavioral new Keynesian model Downloads
Naira Kotb and Christian Proaño
157: Inequality, macroeconomic performance and political polarization: A panel analysis of 20 advanced democracies Downloads
Christian Proaño, Juan Carlos Peña and Thomas Saalfeld
156: Heterogeneous expectations, housing bubbles and tax policy Downloads
Carolin Martin, Noemi Schmitt and Frank Westerhoff
155: The perks of being in the smaller team: Incentives in overlapping contests Downloads
Christoph March and Marco Sahm
154: The behavioral economics of artificial intelligence: Lessons from experiments with computer players Downloads
Christoph March
153: Low interest rates, bank's search-for-yield behavior and financial portfolio management Downloads
Benjamin Lojak, Tomasz Makarewicz and Christian Proaño
152: Topology and formation of production input interlinkages: Evidence from Japanese microdata Downloads
Yoshiyuki Arata and Philipp Mundt
151: Trend followers, contrarians and fundamentalists: Explaining the dynamics of financial markets Downloads
Noemi Schmitt and Frank Westerhoff
150: Measuring the effect of competitive teacher recruitment on student achievement: Evidence from Ecuador Downloads
Maria Daniela Araujo P.
149: Inequality, macroeconomic performance and political polarization: An empirical analysis Downloads
Christian Proaño, Juan Carlos Peña and Thomas Saalfeld
148: Animal spirits, risk premia and monetary policy at the zero lower bound Downloads
Christian Proaño and Benjamin Lojak
147: Exploiting ergodicity in forecasts of corporate profitability Downloads
Philipp Mundt, Simone Alfarano and Mishael Milaković
146: Autonomy of profit rate distribution and its dynamics from firm size measures: A statistical equilibrium approach Downloads
Ilfan Oh
Page updated 2024-09-14
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