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Kiel Working Papers

From Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel)
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579: Who will win the ozone game? On building and sustaining cooperation in the Montreal protocoll on substances that deplete the ozone layer Downloads
Johannes Heister
578: Stabilization without crisis: The case of Vietnam Downloads
Markus Diehl
577: On the empirics of capital accumulation and economic growth Downloads
Erich Gundlach
576: De-industrialization or re-industrialization? On the future of the Eastern German economy Downloads
Klaus-Dieter Schmidt and Petra Naujoks
575: Energy and transition: the case of Bulgaria Downloads
Federico Foders
574: The return of foreign capital to Latin America: good news from the reform front or a case for policy intervention? Downloads
Peter Nunnenkamp
573: Privatisierung staatlichen Eigentums in den mittel- und osteuropäischen Ländern: Eine kritische Analyse Downloads
Hans H. Glismann and Klaus Schrader
572: East-West-wage rigidity in united Germany: Causes and consequences Downloads
Karl-Heinz Paqué
571: Internationale Wanderungsbewegungen: Erklärungsansätze und Gestaltungsfragen Downloads
Horst Siebert
570: National and international policies for tropical rain forest conservation: a quantitative analysis for Cameroon Downloads
Rainer Thiele and Manfred Wiebelt
569: The characteristics of international trade union competition Downloads
Oliver Lorz
568: Pooling sovereignty risks: The case of environmental treaties and international debt Downloads
Ernst Mohr and Jonathan Thomas
567: Lessons from exchange rate based stabilization in Argentina Downloads
Rainer Schweickert
566: Past and current policy issues concerning tropical deforestation in Brazil Downloads
Ronaldo Serôa da Motta
565: The user structure in Brazil's tropical rain forest Downloads
Peter Herman May and Eustáquio J. Reis
564: Spieltheoretische Ansätze in der Rent-Seeking-Theorie: Ein Literaturüberblick Downloads
Elga Bartsch and Ingo P. Thomas
563: The role of nonrivalries in the new growth theory Downloads
Rainer Maurer
562: Environmental legislation and the impact of lobbying activities Downloads
Elga Bartsch, Ingo P. Thomas and Michael Rauscher
561: Preisniveaustabilität: Geldmengen auch für unabhängige Notenbanken Downloads
Joachim Scheide
560: An institutional approach to banking reform in Eastern Europe Downloads
Claudia Buch
559: Managing waste exports when closure risks are endogenous Downloads
Frank Stähler and Peter Michaelis
558: Biased policy decisions and the provision of public inputs in open economies Downloads
Michael Rauscher
557: Systemtransformation in Vietnam: Liberalisierungserfolge - Stabilisierungsprobleme Downloads
Markus Diehl
556: Indirect transfers in trade among former Soviet Union Republics: Sources, patterns and policy responses in the post-Soviet period Downloads
Lucjan Orlowski
555: Modeling deforestation in a computable general equilibrium model Downloads
Rainer Thiele and Manfred Wiebelt
554: Polish agriculture and food processing industry: Facts and prospects Downloads
Hugo Dicke and Józef Misala
553: Maastricht und das Subsidiaritätsprinzip Downloads
Jürgen Stehn
552: Timing and sequencing of reforms: Competing views Downloads
Norbert Funke
551: Identifying sources of unit value dynamics in international trade Downloads
Ingeborg Menzler-Hokkanen, Dean Spinanger and Rolf Langhammer
550: Foreign investors' activities in Eastern Germany motivations and strategies Downloads
Birgit Sander
549: Soft budget constraints: An institutional interpretation of stylised facts in economic transformation in Central Eastern Europe Downloads
Martin Raiser
548: Institutional competition versus centralization: Quo vadis Europe? Downloads
Horst Siebert and Michael J. Koop
547: Sparpotentiale im Bundeshaushalt Downloads
Astrid Rosenschon
546: Keine Alternative zu Geldmengenzielen: zur Debatte um die deutsche Geldpolitik Downloads
Joachim Scheide
545: Relative human capital endowments: estimates for selected countries and implications for international capital flows Downloads
Erich Gundlach
544: EC 92 and its effect on foreign direct investment in developing countries Downloads
Jamuna Prasad Agarwal
543: Direct transfers between the former Soviet Union central budget and the republics: Past evidence and current implications Downloads
Lucjan Orlowski
542: Managing global pollution problems by reduction and adaptation policies Downloads
Frank Stähler
541: Pareto improvements by in-kind-transfers Downloads
Frank Stähler
540: Umweltpolitik und technologisches Anpassungsverhalten im End-of-Pipe-Fall Downloads
Peter Michaelis
539: Economic policies and attractiveness for foreign capital: the experience of highly indebted Latin American countries Downloads
Peter Nunnenkamp
538: Grenzüberschreitende Umweltprobleme am Beispiel der Schwefeldioxidemissionen in Europa Downloads
Elga Bartsch
537: Importance and patterns of Poland's trade with Germany Downloads
Józef Misala
536: Division of labour between Poland and member countries of the European Communities: Past experiences and prospects Downloads
Józef Misala
535: The diffusion of process innovations in industrialized and developing countries: a case study of the world textile and steel industries Downloads
Matthias Lücke
534: Technical progress and the pattern of specialization in world trade in manufactures, 1965 to 1987 Downloads
Matthias Lücke
533: Theorie der strategischen Handelspolitik und neue Wachstumstheorie als Grundlage für eine Industrie- und Technologiepolitik? Downloads
Henning Klodt
532: Non-point pollution with cadmium Downloads
Gernot Klepper and Gudrun Mahlau
531: Reducing cadmium emission into the air Downloads
Gernot Klepper and Peter Michaelis
530: Ownership structure and enterprise performance in the transition process: Evidence from Eastern Germany Downloads
Klaus-Dieter Schmidt
529: The international management of biodiversity Downloads
Frank Stähler
528: The economics of greenhouse gas accumulation: A simulation approach Downloads
Peter Michaelis
527: Methods and sequencing of privatization: what post-socialist countries can learn from Chile Downloads
Jamuna Prasad Agarwal and Peter Nunnenkamp
526: Export subsidies and endogenous market structures: Some neglected issues Downloads
Oliver Lorz
525: Why has potential growth declined? The case of Germany. A note Downloads
Horst Siebert
524: EC integration widening towards Eastern Europe: Reconciling the political and economic rationale of supporting the transformation process Downloads
Rolf Langhammer
523: On ecological dumping Downloads
Michael Rauscher
522: The impact of sovereign intertemporal trade and cross-default clauses on the sustainability and efficiency of environmental treaties Downloads
Ernst Mohr
521: Zur sektoralen Belastungswirkung der geplanten Abfallabgabe Downloads
Peter Michaelis
520: The Baltic connection: industrial structure in and intergration between Southern Sweden and Nothern Germany Downloads
Magnus Lagnevik, Konrad Lammers, Kristina Genell, Claus-Friedrich Laaser, Göran Lundin, Karl-Johann Lundqvist and Lars-Olof Olander
519: Strategien globaler Umweltpolitik: die UNCED-Konferenz aus ökonomischer Sicht Downloads
Johannes Heister, Gernot Klepper and Frank Stähler
518: Finanzreform 1995 - was tun? Downloads
Astrid Rosenschon
517: Rüstung und Wohlfahrt: Theoretische und strukturelle Besonderheiten des Rüstungsmarktes Downloads
Hans H. Glismann and Ernst-Jürgen Horn
516: Testing growth theories: Time series evidence Downloads
Erich Gundlach
515: Russian exports by regional origin: disparities, diversity and decentralization in the transformation process Downloads
Rolf Langhammer and Matthias Lücke
514: Wage formation and monetary policy rules Downloads
Norbert Funke
513: Environmental norms, society, and economics Downloads
Ernst Mohr
512: International financing of environmental protection: North-South conflicts on concepts and financial instruments and possible solutions Downloads
Peter Nunnenkamp
511: The experience of the Mediterranean countries with accession to the European Communities: Lessons for Poland Downloads
Józef Misala
510: West-East technology transfer: internalizing global external effects Downloads
Birgit Sander
509: International capital flows: recent developments, major determinants, and the position of Brazil in worldwide competition for foreign capital Downloads
Peter Nunnenkamp, Norbert Funke and Rainer Schweickert
508: Ansätze der neuen Wachstumstheorie: ein Literaturüberblick Downloads
Michael Stolpe
507: Real adjustment in the transformation process: Risk factors in East Germany Downloads
Horst Siebert
506: Explaining the Argentine growth paradox: new evidence applying cointegration techniques Downloads
Federico Foders and Hans H. Glismann
505: Measuring structural unemployment: Some neglected issues Downloads
Karl-Heinz Paqué
504: Integrating segmented markets pharmaceuticals after 1992 Downloads
Gernot Klepper
503: Will the Dual System manage packaging waste? Downloads
Gernot Klepper and Peter Michaelis
502: Einige Anmerkungen zu den Auswirkungen der deutschen Vereinigung auf die polnische Wirtschaft Downloads
Józef Misala
501: Openness and competitiveness of economies of the East European countries and the former Soviet Union Downloads
Józef Misala
500: Die reale Anpassung bei der Transformation einer Planwirtschaft Downloads
Horst Siebert
499: Transfrontier pollution and global environmental media Downloads
Horst Siebert
498: External protection for the emerging market economies? The case for financial liberalisation instead of import barriers in Eastern Europe Downloads
Holger Schmieding
497: Transforming the financial system in Eastern Europe's market economies: A proposal for clean balance sheets and an institutional transfer Downloads
Holger Schmieding
496: Salient features of trade among former Soviet Union republics: facts, flaws and findings Downloads
Rolf Langhammer
495: Unit root tests of the current account balance: implications for international capital mobility Downloads
Erich Gundlach and Stefan Sinn
494: Cadmium in West Germany: how much do we know about stocks and flows? Downloads
Gernot Klepper and Peter Michaelis
493: Technologischer und gesellschaftlicher Wandel: Theorien im Vergleich Downloads
Gerrit van Roon
492: Strategic trade policy and multinational enterprises Downloads
Henning Klodt
491: Die Integration Osteuropas in die Weltwirtschaft Downloads
Horst Siebert
490: Designing markets for CO 2 emissions and other pollutants Downloads
Johannes Heister and Peter Michelis
489: Structural wage rigidity in West Germany 1950-1989: Some new econometric evidence Downloads
Karl-Heinz Paqué
488: Deforestation in the tropics: a framework for economic analysis Downloads
Torsten Amelung and Manfred Wiebelt
487: Ansätze strategischer Handels- und Industriepolitik: Ein Überblick Downloads
Georg Bletschacher
486: Complex dynamics in fashion life cycles Downloads
Bert Hofman and Michael Rauscher
485: Political economy of privatisation: Poland in comparative perspective Downloads
Jan Winiecki
484: Fisherian and Ricardian trade Downloads
Stefan Sinn
483: Defence and space expenditures in the US: An inter-firm analysis Downloads
Alok K. Chakrabarti, Hans H. Glismann and Ernst-Jürgen Horn
482: Zum staatlichen Ausgabe- und Einnahmesystem in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland - Privatisierung und steuerpolitischer Wettbewerb geboten Downloads
Astrid Rosenschon
481: Lending stability to Europe's emerging market economies: On the importance of the EC and the ECU for East-Central Europe Downloads
Holger Schmieding
480: From socialism to an institutional void: Notes on the nature of the transformation crisis Downloads
Holger Schmieding
Page updated 2025-03-31
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