Kiel Working Papers
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- 1184: Tax exemption for biofuels in Germany: Is bio-ethanol really an option for climate policy?

- Jan Michael Henke, Gernot Klepper and Norbert Schmitz
- 1183: Economic policy, institutional development, and income growth: How Arab countries compare with other developing countries

- Peter Nunnenkamp
- 1182: Why Germany has such a weak growth performance

- Horst Siebert
- 1181: On the Coexistence of National Companies and Multinational Enterprises

- Joern Kleinert
- 1180: Did the Bundesbank follow a Taylor rule? An analysis based on real-time data

- Jens Clausen and Carsten-Patrick Meier
- 1179: Is European Money Demand Still Stable?

- Kai Carstensen
- 1178: Steuerharmonisierung oder Steuerwettbewerb?

- Alfred Boss
- 1177: Ressourcen und Ergebnisse der globalen Gesundheitsökonomie: Einführung und Überblick

- Michael Stolpe
- 1176: Foreign direct investment and economic growth in developing countries: how relevant are host-country and industry characteristics?

- Peter Nunnenkamp and Julius Spatz
- 1175: Zur Frage einer Infrastrukturlücke Ostdeutschlands gegenüber Westdeutschland

- Henning Sichelschmidt
- 1174: Macroeconomic policy coordination in Europe: An agnostic view

- Joachim Scheide
- 1173: Ist die Finanzpolitik der Bundesländer nachhaltig?

- Astrid Rosenschon
- 1172: Driving Forces of Venture Capital Investments in Europe: A Dynamic Panel Data Analysis

- Andrea Schertler
- 1171: Die Reform der Arbeitslosenversicherung im Zuge der Agenda 2010 und ihr Einfluss auf die Arbeitslosigkeitsdauer: Simulationsergebnisse auf Basis der nicht-stationären Suchtheorie

- Björn Christensen
- 1170: Comparing Monetary Policy Strategies: Towards a Generalized Reaction Function

- Felix Hammermann
- 1169: The failure of the German labor market

- Horst Siebert
- 1168: Assessing EU concessions for service trade liberalization in the Doha Round: What frequency indices suggest

- Rolf Langhammer
- 1167: Intellectual property rights and foreign direct investment: the role of industry and host-country characteristics

- Peter Nunnenkamp and Julius Spatz
- 1166: Keeping Up with the Joneses: Implications for the Welfare Effects of Monetary Policy in Open Economies

- Christian Pierdzioch
- 1165: The Effects of Japanese Foreign Exchange Market Interventions on the Yen/U.S. Dollar Exchange Rate Volatility

- Michael Frenkel, Christian Pierdzioch and Georg Stadtmann
- 1164: Capital Mobility and the Effectiveness of Fiscal Policy in Open Economies

- Christian Pierdzioch
- 1163: Property rights and their impact on the wealth of nations: a cross-country study

- Bernhard Heitger
- 1162: Selektionsverzerrungen, erfragte Reservationslöhne und Arbeitslosigkeitsdauer

- Björn Christensen
- 1161: The Integration of Imperfect Financial Markets: Implications for Business Cycle Volatility

- Claudia Buch and Christian Pierdzioch
- 1160: The effectiveness of the interventions of the Swiss National Bank: an event-study analysis

- Christian Pierdzioch and Georg Stadtmann
- 1159: The Distance Puzzle: On the Interpretation of the Distance Coefficient in Gravity Equations

- Claudia Buch, Joern Kleinert and Farid Toubal
- 1158: Determinants of Business Cycles in Small Scale Macroeconomic Models: The German Case

- Alfred Maussner and Julius Spatz
- 1157: Die Beitrittsverträge der EU: eine Bilanzierung

- Hugo Dicke
- 1156: Learning and signalling in the French and German venture capital industries

- Michael Stolpe
- 1155: Germany's social security system under strain

- Horst Siebert
- 1154: Schooling Quality in Eastern Europe: Educational Production During Transition

- Andreas Ammermüller, Hans Heijke and Ludger Wößmann
- 1153: Macroeconomic interval forecasting: the case of assessing the risk of deflation in Germany

- Dóra Borbély and Carsten-Patrick Meier
- 1152: Educational Production in East Asia: The Impact of Family Background and Schooling Policies on Student Performance

- Ludger Wößmann
- 1151: Die Validität erfragter Reservationslöhne: ein Test auf Basis der stationären Suchtheorie

- Björn Christensen
- 1150: Deutschland in der Krise - wie wird die Starre aufgelöst?

- Horst Siebert
- 1149: DART97: a description of the multi-regional, multi-sectoral trade model for the analysis of climate policies

- Gernot Klepper, Sonja Peterson and Katrin Springer
- 1148: Arbeits- und Investitionsanreize in Deutschland: die Rolle der Abgaben- und Transferpolitik als Determinante des Wachstums des Produktionspotentials

- Alfred Boss
- 1147: Reform-Notwendigkeiten der Alters- und Gesundheitsvorsorge: Zwölf Thesen

- Horst Siebert
- 1146: Zur Finanzlage Berlins - ein Vergleich mit Hamburg

- Astrid Rosenschon
- 1145: Which School Systems Sort Weaker Students into Smaller Classes? International Evidence

- Martin R. West and Ludger Wößmann
- 1144: Zur Einführung privater Arbeitslosenversicherungen in Deutschland

- Hans H. Glismann and Klaus Schrader
- 1143: Foreign Direct Investment in Central and Eastern European Countries: A Dynamic Panel Analysis

- Kai Carstensen and Farid Toubal
- 1142: Border effects in passenger air traffic

- Henning Klodt
- 1141: Home-Product Bias, Capital Mobility, and the Effects of Monetary Policy Shocks in Open Economies

- Christian Pierdzioch
- 1140: Noise Trading and the Effects of Monetary Policy Shocks on Nominal and Real Exchange Rates

- Christian Pierdzioch
- 1139: Prognosegüte alternativer Frühindikatoren für die Konjunktur in Deutschland

- Joachim Benner and Carsten-Patrick Meier
- 1138: On the robustness of marginal abatement cost curves: the influence of world energy prices

- Gernot Klepper and Sonja Peterson
- 1137: Trade effects of monetary integration in large, mature economies: a primer on the European Monetary Union

- Lucio Vinhas de Souza
- 1136: Steuerbefreiung für Biokraftstoffe: Ist Bio-Ethanol wirklich eine klimapolitische Option?

- Jan Michael Henke, Gernot Klepper and Jens Netzel
- 1135: European integration and the case for compensatory regional policy

- Christiane Krieger-Boden
- 1134: Weshalb die Europäische Währungsunion den Stabilitätspakt braucht

- Horst Siebert
- 1133: Trading hot air: the influence of permit allocation rules, market power and the US withdrawal from the Kyoto Protocol

- Gernot Klepper and Sonja Peterson
- 1132: Alternative Paths Towards EMU: Lessons from an Expanded Mundell-Fleming Model for the Accession Countries

- Lucio Vinhas de Souza and Elisabeth Ledrut
- 1131: Consumer preferences and the reliability of Euler equation tests of capital mobility: some simulation-based evidence

- Christian Pierdzioch, Joerg Doepke and Claudia Buch
- 1130: Worker Remittances and Capital Flows

- Claudia Buch, Anja Kuckulenz and Marie-Helene Le Manchec
- 1129: Business Cycle Volatility in Germany

- Claudia Buch, Joerg Doepke and Christian Pierdzioch
- 1128: To what extent can foreign direct investment help achieve international development goals?

- Peter Nunnenkamp
- 1127: Finanzhilfen der Bundesländer: eine Aktualisierung

- Astrid Rosenschon
- 1126: Post-reform trends in wage inequality: the case of urban Bolivia

- Susan Steiner and Julius Spatz
- 1125: Towards a European constitution: fiscal federalism and the allocation of economic competences

- Jürgen Stehn
- 1124: Bestimmungsgründe deutscher Direktinvestitionen in Entwicklungs- und Reformländern: hat sich wirklich etwas verändert?

- Thomas Jost and Peter Nunnenkamp
- 1123: Price incentives, non-price factors, and agricultural production in Sub-Saharan Africa: a cointegration analysis

- Rainer Thiele
- 1122: Determinants of FDI in developing countries: has globalization changed the rules of the game?

- Peter Nunnenkamp
- 1121: Financial Openness and Business Cycle Volatility

- Christian Pierdzioch, Jörg Döpke and Claudia Buch
- 1120: Path dependencies in venture capital markets

- Andrea Schertler
- 1119: Under what conditions do venture capital markets emerge

- Andrea Schertler
- 1118: Comparative Advantages of Public Loan and Public Equity Schemes in Venture Capital Markets

- Andrea Schertler
- 1117: Venture Capitalists Investment Incentives Under Public Equity Schemes

- Andrea Schertler
- 1116: Halving poverty by doubling aid: how well founded is the optimism of the World Bank?

- Rolf Langhammer
- 1115: Financial Market Integration and Business Cycle Volatility in a Monetary Union

- Christian Pierdzioch
- 1114: Regulatory choices and commitment: challenges for electricity market regulation in Kosovo

- Lars Kumkar
- 1113: Die Entwicklungschancen Lateinamerikas: Ein Blick über die Argentinien-Krise hinaus

- Rainer Schweickert
- 1112: Die Reform der deutschen Arbeitslosenversicherung vor dem Hintergrund ihrer Geschichte

- Klaus Schrader and Hans H. Glismann
- 1111: "Schlusslicht Deutschland": Was können die Unterschiede in der Finanzpolitik erklären?

- Alfred Boss
- 1110: Capital Mobility, Consumption Substitutability, and the Effectiveness of Monetary Policy in Open Economies

- Christian Pierdzioch
- 1109: Exchange Rate Expectations Redux and Monetary Policy

- Christian Pierdzioch
- 1108: The Accuracy of Press Reports Regarding the Foreign Exchange Interventions of the Bank of Japan

- Michael Frenkel, Christian Pierdzioch and Georg Stadtmann
- 1107: Business Cycle Volatility and Globalization: A Survey

- Claudia Buch
- 1106: An iron law of currency crisis: the divergence of the nominal and the real exchange rate and increasing current account deficits

- Horst Siebert
- 1105: The Relationship between Bank Capital, Risk-Taking, and Capital Regulation: A Review of the Literature

- Stephanie Stolz
- 1104: Trade and the Internationalization of Production

- Joern Kleinert
- 1103: Shooting the messenger of good news: a critical look at the World Bank's success story of effective aid

- Peter Nunnenkamp
- 1102: The bias against agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa: Has it survived 20 years of structural adjustment programs?

- Rainer Thiele
- 1101: Multivariate Cointegration Analysis of Aggregate Exports: Empirical Evidence for the United States, Canada, and Germany

- Hubert Strauß
- 1100: Macroeconomic impacts of external shocks and anti-shock policies in Bolivia: a CGE analysis

- Luis Carlos Jemio and Manfred Wiebelt
- 1099: Class-Size Effects in School Systems Around the World: Evidence from Between-Grade Variation in TIMSS

- Martin R. West and Ludger Wößmann
- 1098: European fiscal policies under the stability pact - some first insights

- Harmen Lehment
- 1097: Das kalifornische Strommarktdebakel: von Liberalisierungsversprechen und Regulierungsversagen

- Lars Kumkar
- 1096: Keynesian and monetarist views on the German unemployment problem: theory and evidence

- Jan Gottschalk
- 1095: Reservation wages, offered wages, and unemployment duration: new empirical evidence

- Björn Christensen
- 1094: Constructing a social accounting matrix with a distributional focus: the case of Bolivia

- Rainer Thiele and Daniel Piazolo
- 1093: Globalization of the automobile industry: traditional locations under pressure?

- Julius Spatz and Peter Nunnenkamp
- 1092: Causes and consequences of merger waves

- Joern Kleinert and Henning Klodt
- 1091: Why economic growth trends differ so much across developing countries: the globalization debate and its relevance to Pakistan

- Peter Nunnenkamp
- 1090: Monetary Policy Rules and Oil Price Shocks

- Christian Pierdzioch and Christophe Kamps
- 1089: Geldpolitik und vorausschauende Taylor-Regeln: Theorie und Empirie am Beispiel der Deutschen Bundesbank

- Christian Pierdzioch and Christophe Kamps
- 1088: European integration and changing trade patterns: the case of the Baltic states

- Claus-Friedrich Laaser and Klaus Schrader
- 1087: Venture Capital in Europe's Common Market: A Quantitative Description

- Andrea Schertler
- 1086: Markov or not Markov - this should be a question

- Frank Bickenbach and Eckhardt Bode
- 1085: Institutional Effects in a Simple Model of Educational Production

- Ludger Wößmann and John H. Bishop
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