SAFE White Paper Series
From Leibniz Institute for Financial Research SAFE Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by ZBW - Leibniz Information Centre for Economics (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 110: Hessenmonitor Finanzkompetenz: Was wissen junge Erwachsene in Hessen über Geld und Finanzen? Abschlussbericht

- Kamila Duraj, Christine Laudenbach and Vincent Lindner
- 109: Decoding sentiment: Methodology behind SAFE's Manager Sentiment Index

- Sara Fadavi and Alexander Hillert
- 108: Assessing the ECB's monetary policy stance by comparing tightening cycles

- Ignazio Angeloni
- 107: Can Banking Union foster market integration, and what lessons does that hold for capital markets union?

- Ignazio Angeloni, Rainer Haselmann, Florian Heider, Loriana Pelizzon, Jonas Schlegel and Tobias Tröger
- 106: Winners and losers in bank resolution: Recent examples and a modest reform proposal

- Benoît Cœuré, Elke König, Jan Pieter Krahnen, Harry Huizinga and Jonas Schlegel
- 105: 10 years of Banking Union case law: How did CJEU judgments shape supervision and resolution practice in the Banking Union?

- Bart Joosen, Juana Pulgar Ezquerra and Tobias Tröger
- 104: Broad support for climate action in the EU

- Peter Andre and Angelina Hackmann
- 103: Bridging the biodiversity financing gap

- Angelina Hackmann
- 102: The geopolitical case for CMU and two different pathways toward capital market integration

- Florian Heider, Jan Pieter Krahnen, Katja Langenbucher, Vincent Lindner, Jonas Schlegel and Tobias Tröger
- 101: Overly reliant on central bank funding? Consequences of exiting TLTRO

- Florian Heider and Jonas Schlegel
- 100: Vehicle identifiers: The key to jumpstarting the European Green Auto ABS market?

- Angelina Hackmann, Vincent Lindner, Loriana Pelizzon and Max Riedel
- 99: The next goal: Euro area banking integration

- Ignazio Angeloni
- 98: Do "white knights" make excessive profits in bank resolution?

- Florian Heider, Jonas Schlegel, Tobias Tröger and Mark Wahrenburg
- 97: Gruppendenken und Corporate Governance - illustriert am Beispiel des Wirecard-Skandals

- Katja Langenbucher
- 96: KI in der Leitungsentscheidung des Vorstands der Aktiengesellschaft

- Katja Langenbucher
- 95: Mind the gap?! The current state of biodiversity reporting

- Gerrit von Zedlitz
- 94: Quo vadis sustainable funds? Sustainability and taxonomy-aligned disclosure in Germany under the SFDR

- Nikolai Badenhoop, Angelina Hackmann, Christian Mücke and Loriana Pelizzon
- 93: Completing the banking union: Economic requirements and legal conditions

- Thorsten Beck, Jan Pieter Krahnen, Philippe J. Martin, Franz C. Mayer, Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tobias Tröger, Beatrice Weder, Nicolas Véron and Jeromin Zettelmeyer
- 92: Is there a "retail challenge" to banks' resolvability? What do we know about the holders of bail-inable securities in the Banking Union?

- Tatiana Farina, Jan Pieter Krahnen, Irene Mecatti, Loriana Pelizzon, Jonas Schlegel and Tobias Tröger
- 91: Monitoring complex financial instruments in banks' balance sheets

- Jannis Bischof, Rainer Haselmann and Tobias Tröger
- 90: Die Generationenrente ab Geburt: Vorschlag für eine Altersarmut vermeidende ergänzende kapitalgedeckte Alterssicherung

- Raimond Maurer and Hans-Peter Schwintowski
- 89: The weaponization of global payment infrastructures: A strategic dilemma

- Andreas Nölke
- 88: Institutional protection schemes: What are their differences, strengths, weaknesses, and track records?

- Rainer Haselmann, Jan Pieter Krahnen, Tobias Tröger and Mark Wahrenburg
- 87: A primer on green finance: From wishful thinking to marginal impact

- Jan Pieter Krahnen, Jörg Rocholl and Marcel Thum
- 86: What are the main differences between the practice of supervising large banks in the UK and in the euro area, and what are the main risks of regulatory divergence?

- Rainer Haselmann and Tobias Tröger
- 85: Reset required: The euro area crisis management and deposit insurance framework

- Thomas F. Huertas
- 84: Non-performing loans - new risks and policies? NPL resolution after COVID-19: Main differences to previous crises

- Johannes Kasinger, Jan Pieter Krahnen, Steven Ongena, Loriana Pelizzon, Maik Schmeling and Mark Wahrenburg
- 83: When and how to unwind COVID-support measures to the banking system?

- Rainer Haselmann and Tobias Tröger
- 82: BaFin (in)dependence - a reform proposal

- Ann-Katrin Kaufhold, Katja Langenbucher, Patrick Blank and Jan Pieter Krahnen
- 80: KI in der Finanzbranche: Im Spannungsfeld zwischen technologischer Innovation und regulatorischer Anforderung

- Kevin Bauer, Oliver Hinz and Patrick Weber
- 79: Corona and banking: A financial crisis in slow motion? An evaluation of the policy options

- Arnoud Boot, Elena Carletti, Hans-Helmut Kotz, Jan Pieter Krahnen, Loriana Pelizzon and Marti G. Subrahmanyam
- 78: EMU reform proposals and their (non) implementation: An overview

- Sandra Eckert, Vincent Lindner and Andreas Nölke
- 77: Captured by financial institutions? New academic insights for EU policy makers

- Thomas Mosk
- 76: Fiscal policies and household consumption during the COVID-19 pandemic: A review of early evidence

- Andreas Hackethal and Annika Weber
- 75: Beitragsgarantien in der kapitalgedeckten Altersversorgung: Ein Reformvorschlag in Zeiten des Niedrigzinsniveaus

- Andreas Hackethal and Raimond Maurer
- 74: What are the wider supervisory implications of the Wirecard case?

- Katja Langenbucher, Christian Leuz, Jan Pieter Krahnen and Loriana Pelizzon
- 73: Plug the gap: Make resolution ready for corona

- Thomas F. Huertas
- 72: Beyond moral hazard arguments: The role of national deposit insurance schemes for member states' preferences on EDIS

- Mario Tümmler and Matthias Thiemann
- 71: Der Verlustrücktrag als Mittel der Konjunkturpolitik - Ausweitung des Verlustrücktrags auch auf die Gewerbesteuer erforderlich

- Philipp Lamprecht and Alfons Weichenrieder
- 69: Bank capital and the European recovery from the COVID-19 crisis

- Moritz Schularick, Sascha Steffen and Tobias Tröger
- 68: Encompassing monetary policy strategy review

- Otmar Issing
- 67: Emerging evidence of a silver lining: A ridge walk to avoid an economic catastrophe in Italy and Spain

- Christopher Busch, Alexander Ludwig and Raul Santaeulalia-Llopis
- 66: Zur Reform der Einlagensicherung: Elemente einer anreizkompatiblen Europäischen Rückversicherung

- Klaus Adam, Thiess Büttner, Joachim Hennrichs, Jan Pieter Krahnen and Jörg Rocholl
- 65: What are the main factors for the subdued profitability of significant banks in the Banking Union, and is the ECB's supervisory response conclusive and exhaustive? A critical assessment of the 2018 SSM report on bank profitability and business models

- Tatiana Farina, Jan Pieter Krahnen, Loriana Pelizzon and Mark Wahrenburg
- 63: Completing banking union

- Thomas F. Huertas
- 62: Fiscal-financial vulnerabilities

- Ludger Schuknecht
- 61: On the change of the German financial system

- Reinhard H. Schmidt
- 60: Diversity in finance: An overview

- Reinhard H. Schmidt
- 59: The next SSM term: Supervisory challenges ahead

- Martin Götz, Tobias Tröger and Mark Wahrenburg
- 58: Grunderwerbsteuer: Eine Steuer für das 21. Jahrhundert?

- Kunka Petkova and Alfons Weichenrieder
Papers sorted by number 110 57