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Discussion Papers, Working Group Transformation of Science Systems

From WZB Berlin Social Science Center
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P 02-401: Science in formerly socialist countries: Asset or liability within new societal conditions? Downloads
Werner Meske
P 00-401: Vietnam's research and development system in the 1990s: Structural and functional change. Research report Downloads
Meske, Werner (Ed.) and Thinh, Dang Duy (Ed.)
P 99-402: Where do the actants, mangles come from? Downloads
Jochen Gläser and Grit Laudel
P 99-401: Theoriegeleitete Textanalyse? Das Potential einer variablenorientierten qualitativen Inhaltsanalyse Downloads
Jochen Gläser and Grit Laudel
P 98-403: Institutional transformation of S&T systems in the European economies in transition: Comparative analysis Downloads
Werner Meske
P 98-402: Kognitive Neuorientierung der ostdeutschen außeruniversitären Grundlagenforschung als Folge des Institutionentransfers Downloads
Jochen Gläser
P 98-401: What are institutional boundaries and how can they be overcome? Germany's collaborative research centres as boundary-spanning networks Downloads
Grit Laudel and Jochen Gläser
Page updated 2025-01-23
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