Details about Istvan Abel
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Short-id: pab225
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Working Papers
- Retail Banking in Hungary: A Foreign Affair?
William Davidson Institute Working Papers Series, William Davidson Institute at the University of Michigan View citations (32)
- Will Restructuring Hungarian Companies Innovate? An Investigation Based on Joseph Berliners's Soviet Industry
William Davidson Institute Working Papers Series, William Davidson Institute at the University of Michigan
- Constraints on Enterprise Liquidity and its Impact on the Monetary Sector in Hungary
Working Papers, Wilfrid Laurier University, Department of Economics View citations (3)
- Constraints on Enterprise Liquidity and their Impact on the Monetary Sector in Formerly Centrally Planned Economies
CEPR Discussion Papers, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers View citations (10)
- Crippled Monetary Policy in Transforming Economies: Why Central Bank Does not Restore Control
Working Papers, Wilfrid Laurier University, Department of Economics
- The Economics of Bankruptcy and the Transition to a Market Economy
CEPR Discussion Papers, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers View citations (1)
- Debt Service, Foreign Direct Investment and Transformation to Market: A Simple Model
CEPR Discussion Papers, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers View citations (1)
- Household Portfolios in Hungary, 1970-1990
CEPR Discussion Papers, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers
- The `Big Bang' Versus `Slow but Steady': A Comparison of the Hungarian and the Polish Transformations
CEPR Discussion Papers, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers View citations (7)
Journal Articles
- A bankszabályozás lehetőségei és korlátai az endogén pénzelmélet keretében. A bankok puha költségvetési korlátja
(Possibilities and limits of banking regulation in the endogenous money theory framework - the banks soft budget contstraint)
Közgazdasági Szemle (Economic Review - monthly of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences), 2024, LXXI, (6), 604-623
- Changes in the explanation of inflation
Public Finance Quarterly, 2024, 70, (1), 108-130
- Macroeconomic Risks and Monetary Policy in Central European Countries: Parallels in the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Poland
Risks, 2023, 11, (11), 1-26
- A pénzelmélet megújulása válságok idején
(The renewal of monetary theory in times of crisis)
Közgazdasági Szemle (Economic Review - monthly of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences), 2022, LXIX, (4), 451-479
- Macroeconomic Components of the Risks to Fiscal Sustainability in Hungary
Risks, 2022, 10, (11), 1-13
- Lifting the Veil on Interest
Financial and Economic Review, 2019, 18, (3), 29-51 View citations (1)
- Real and Monetary Theories of the Interest Rate
International Journal of Political Economy, 2019, 48, (4), 353-363 View citations (1)
- A theory of economic cycles
Society and Economy, 2018, 40, (2), 169-184
- The controversial treatment of money and banks in macroeconomics
Financial and Economic Review, 2016, 15, (2), 33–58 View citations (9)
- A monetáris politika globális tendenciái és a stabilitási kockázatok
(Financial stability concerns and global exposure of monetary policy)
Közgazdasági Szemle (Economic Review - monthly of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences), 2015, LXII, (3), 284-304
- Hajlító csapások - Az állami segítség ára az Amerikai Egyesült Államok bankrendszerében
Financial and Economic Review, 2015, 14, (5), 14-32 View citations (1)
- Deflation fears in developed economies
MNB Bulletin (discontinued), 2014, 9, (2), 7-17 View citations (1)
- Inflation targeting in the light of lessons from the financial crisis
Financial and Economic Review, 2014, 13, (4), 35-56 View citations (5)
- Bródy András gazdaságiciklus-elmélete
(András Bródys theory of economic cycles)
Közgazdasági Szemle (Economic Review - monthly of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences), 2011, LVIII, (1), 8-19
- Növekedés, deficit és adósság - fenntartható keretben
(Growth, deficit and debt - in a sustainable framework)
Közgazdasági Szemle (Economic Review - monthly of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences), 2011, LVIII, (6), 511-528
- A monetáris restrikció hatása strukturális VAR keretben
(The effect of monetary restriction in a vector auto-regression framework)
Közgazdasági Szemle (Economic Review - monthly of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences), 2010, LVII, (5), 412-430
- Monetary policy, exchange rate and stability
Public Finance Quarterly, 2009, 54, (1), 34-49
- A Goodwin-modell szimmetriái. Gazdasági paradigmák ellentéte és békülése
(The symmetries of the Goodwin Model. Contradiction and reconciliation among economic paradigms)
Közgazdasági Szemle (Economic Review - monthly of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences), 2008, LV, (4), 333-343
- Kamatkülönbözet, spekulációs profit és árfolyam-változékonyság
(Interest-rate differentials, speculative capital flows and exchange-rate volatility)
Közgazdasági Szemle (Economic Review - monthly of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences), 2008, LV, (11), 941-961
- Mindentől függetlenül. A monetáris politika hatása a gazdasági ciklusra Magyarországon
(Irrespective of everything. The effect of monetary policy on the economic cycle)
Közgazdasági Szemle (Economic Review - monthly of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences), 2007, LIV, (11), 945-959
- Secrets to the successful Hungarian bank privatization: the benefits of foreign ownership through strategic partnerships
Economic Systems, 2004, 28, (2), 111-123 View citations (6)
- Is Hungary ready for inflation targeting?
Economic Systems, 2002, 26, (4), 309-333 View citations (18)
- A kilencvenes évek krónikása. Berács JózsefChikán Attila (szerk.): Managing Business in Hungary An International Perspective (Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, 1999, 506 oldal)
(Berács József-Chikán Attila (ed.): Managing Business in Hungary. An International Perspective)
Közgazdasági Szemle (Economic Review - monthly of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences), 2000, XLVII, (1), 94-98
- Finanszírozási szerkezet és tulajdonforma
(Financing structure and ownership form)
Közgazdasági Szemle (Economic Review - monthly of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences), 1999, XLVI, (10), 888-904
- A bankpiaci verseny Magyarországon a kilencvenes évek elején
(Bank market competition in Hungary in the early nineties)
Közgazdasági Szemle (Economic Review - monthly of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences), 1998, XLV, (6), 534-557 View citations (3)
- Will Restructuring Hungarian Companies Innovate&quest
Comparative Economic Studies, 1998, 40, (2), 53-74 View citations (4)
- A bankrendszer átalakulása Magyarországon 1987-1996 között
(Transformation of the banking system in Hungary between 1987-1996)
Közgazdasági Szemle (Economic Review - monthly of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences), 1997, XLIV, (7), 635-652
- Csőd a piacgazdasági átmenetben
(The failure of transition to market economy)
Közgazdasági Szemle (Economic Review - monthly of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences), 1995, XLII, (10), 942-954
- Constraints on Enterprise Liquidity and Its Impact on the Monetary Sector in Formerly Centrally Planned Economies&ast
Comparative Economic Studies, 1994, 36, (1), 13-32 View citations (3)
- Does levelling lead to shortages? An empirical test
International Journal of Production Economics, 1992, 26, (1-3), 5-11
- Stabilization and convertibility in the transition: the legacies of the twin deficits
Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 1992, 3, (1), 37-51
- Variants of Bankruptcy
Eastern European Economics, 1992, 31, (1), 47-64
- Earnings-Regulation and Inflation
Eastern European Economics, 1991, 29, (3), 39-54
- Credit, imports and inventories in cpes causality test for the hungarian economy
Engineering Costs and Production Economics, 1990, 19, (1-3), 11-17 View citations (1)
- Employment policy for an inventory-holding labor-managed firm
Engineering Costs and Production Economics, 1990, 19, (1-3), 3-9
- The impact of credit policy on macro inventory behavior in the Hungarian economy
Engineering Costs and Production Economics, 1989, 15, (1), 3-7
- The Labor Saving Principle with an Application to the Leontief-Type Economies
International Economic Review, 1981, 22, (2), 377-83
- Money and Finance in the Transition to a Market Economy
Books, Edward Elgar Publishing View citations (26)
- The Transition in Eastern Europe: The Case for Industrial Policy
Palgrave Macmillan View citations (1)
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