Details about Arturo Antón-Sarabia
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Short-id: pan169
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Working Papers
- Financing Modes and Lender Monitoring
Research Working Paper, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City
- The Influence of Central Bank's Projections and Economic Narrative on Professional Forecasters' Expectations: Evidence from Mexico
Working Papers, Banco de México
- Taxing labor income in an economy with high employment informality
LSE Research Online Documents on Economics, London School of Economics and Political Science, LSE Library
See also Journal Article Taxing Labor Income in an Economy with High Employment Informality, Economía Journal, The Latin American and Caribbean Economic Association - LACEA (2022) (2022)
- El impuesto Daly-Correa: estimaciones preliminares sobre su potencial recaudatorio
Documentos de Proyectos, Naciones Unidas Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL)
- Reforma de la hacienda pública y de la seguridad social en México. Evolución reciente y factibilidad financiera
Working Papers, Centro de Estudios Espinosa Yglesias
- Aggregate Effects of a Universal Social Insurance Fiscal Reform
Working Papers, Banco de México
Also in IDB Publications (Working Papers), Inter-American Development Bank (2013)
- An Assignment Model of Monitored Finance
Working Papers, CIDE, División de Economía
- El impuesto sobre las gasolinas: una aplicación para el Ecuador, El Salvador y México
Documentos de Proyectos, Naciones Unidas Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL) View citations (2)
- Impacto Macroeconómico de la Reforma de Pensiones en México
Working Papers, CIDE, División de Economía
- Optimal Gasoline Tax in Developing, Oil-Producing Countries: The Case of Mexico
Working Papers, CIDE, División de Economía
See also Journal Article Optimal gasoline tax in developing, oil-producing countries: The case of Mexico, Energy Policy, Elsevier (2014) View citations (9) (2014)
- El papel de la tasa de interés real en el ciclo económico de México
Working Papers, CIDE, División de Economía
See also Journal Article El papel de la tasa de interés real en el ciclo económico de México, El Trimestre Económico, Fondo de Cultura Económica (2013) (2013)
- VAT Collection and Social Security Contributions under Tax Evasion: Is There a Link?
Working Papers, CIDE, División de Economía View citations (1)
- VAT Collection and Social Security Contributions: Is There a Link?
IDB Publications (Working Papers), Inter-American Development Bank
- Efectos del ciclo económico en EE. UU. sobre la producción y el empleo en México
Working Papers, CIDE, División de Economía
- Accounting for Output Fluctuations in Mexico
Working Papers, Banco de México
- El problema al final de la muestra en la estimación del PIB potencial
Working Papers, CIDE, División de Economía View citations (1)
- The Financial Accelerator from a Business Cycle Accounting Perspective
Working Papers, Banco de México
Journal Articles
- Taxing Labor Income in an Economy with High Employment Informality
Economía Journal, 2022, Volume 21, Number 2, (Spring 2021), 33-68
See also Working Paper Taxing labor income in an economy with high employment informality, LSE Research Online Documents on Economics (2021) (2021)
- (In)Effective tax enforcement and demand for cash
Journal of Macroeconomics, 2021, 70, (C) View citations (2)
- A Two‐sided Matching Model of Monitored Finance
Economica, 2020, 87, (345), 132-157
- Taxing crude oil: A financing alternative to mitigate climate change?
Energy Policy, 2020, 136, (C) View citations (2)
- Internalizando externalidades: El impuesto a la gasolina en Guatemala
Remef - Revista Mexicana de Economía y Finanzas Nueva Época REMEF (The Mexican Journal of Economics and Finance), 2019, 14, (1), 1-20 View citations (1)
- Informality and Productivity
Economics Bulletin, 2016, 36, (1), 205-217
- Universal social insurance for Mexico: Modeling of a financing scheme
Economic Modelling, 2016, 52, (PB), 838-850 View citations (2)
- Optimal gasoline tax in developing, oil-producing countries: The case of Mexico
Energy Policy, 2014, 67, (C), 564-571 View citations (9)
See also Working Paper Optimal Gasoline Tax in Developing, Oil-Producing Countries: The Case of Mexico, Working Papers (2013) (2013)
- The effect of payroll taxes on employment and wages under high labor informality
IZA Journal of Labor & Development, 2014, 3, (1), 1-23 View citations (2)
- El papel de la tasa de interés real en el ciclo económico de México
El Trimestre Económico, 2013, LXXX (4), (320), pp.773-803
See also Working Paper El papel de la tasa de interés real en el ciclo económico de México, Working Papers (2011) (2011)
- The End-of-Sample Problem in Output Gap Estimates
Economía Mexicana NUEVA ÉPOCA, 2010, XIX, (1), 5-29
- Average Effective Tax Rates in Mexico
Economía Mexicana NUEVA ÉPOCA, 2005, XIV, (2), 185-215 View citations (7)
- Fiscal reform, long-run growth and welfare in a monetary model: The case of Mexico
Estudios Económicos, 2005, 20, (2), 143-172
- La reforma fiscal y el crecimiento en México con gastos gubernamentales útiles
El Trimestre Económico, 2005, LXXII (3), (287), 581-616
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