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Details about Jose Roberto Balmori-de-la-Miyar

Workplace:Facultad de Economía y Negocios (School of Economics and Business), Universidad Anáhuac México (Mexico Anahuac University), (more information at EDIRC)

Access statistics for papers by Jose Roberto Balmori-de-la-Miyar.

Last updated 2024-10-05. Update your information in the RePEc Author Service.

Short-id: pba1831

Jump to Journal Articles

Working Papers


  1. Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on University New Entry, Enrolment, and Graduation on STEM and Non-STEM Majors in Mexico
    Working Papers of Business and Economics School. Anahuac University (Mexico). Downloads

Journal Articles


  1. Do earthquakes increase or decrease crime?
    World Development, 2024, 182, (C) Downloads
  2. The (temporary) Covid-19 baby bust in Mexico
    Population Studies, 2024, 78, (1), 113-126 Downloads


  1. Disputes between neighbors in Mexican cities during the COVID‐19 pandemic
    Regional Science Policy & Practice, 2023, 15, (3), 626-643 Downloads
  2. Marriage and divorce during a pandemic: the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on marital formation and dissolution in Mexico
    Review of Economics of the Household, 2023, 21, (3), 757-788 Downloads View citations (1)


  1. Remittances and domestic violence
    Review of Development Economics, 2022, 26, (4), 2274-2295 Downloads
  2. The impact of the COVID-19 recession on Mexican households: evidence from employment and time use for men, women, and children
    Review of Economics of the Household, 2022, 20, (3), 763-797 Downloads View citations (3)


  1. Are OECD Countries in a Rule of Law Recession?
    The Law and Development Review, 2021, 14, (2), 401-428 Downloads
  2. COVID-19 and women’s health: Examining changes in mental health and fertility
    Economics Letters, 2021, 199, (C) Downloads View citations (5)
  3. COVID-19 blues: Lockdowns and mental health-related google searches in Latin America
    Social Science & Medicine, 2021, 281, (C) Downloads View citations (5)
  4. Druglords don’t stay at home: COVID-19 pandemic and crime patterns in Mexico City
    Journal of Criminal Justice, 2021, 72, (C) Downloads View citations (10)
  5. The great crime recovery: Crimes against women during, and after, the COVID-19 lockdown in Mexico
    Economics & Human Biology, 2021, 41, (C) Downloads View citations (10)
  6. The long downturn: The impact of the great lockdown on formal employment
    Journal of Economics and Business, 2021, 115, (C) Downloads View citations (13)


  1. Breaking sad: drug-related homicides and mental well-being in Mexico
    International Review of Economics, 2020, 67, (4), 513-531 Downloads
    Also in International Review of Economics, 1-19 Downloads


  1. Violence and Avoidance Behavior: The Case of the Mexican Drug War
    Peace Economics, Peace Science, and Public Policy, 2019, 25, (4), 7 Downloads


  1. The effect of conditional cash transfers on reporting violence against women to the police in Mexico
    International Review of Law and Economics, 2018, 56, (C), 73-91 Downloads View citations (1)


  1. The Economic Consequences of the Mexican Drug War
    Peace Economics, Peace Science, and Public Policy, 2016, 22, (3), 213-246 Downloads View citations (7)


  1. Smoking behavior of Mexicans: patterns by birth-cohort, gender, and education
    International Journal of Public Health, 2013, 58, (3), 335-343 Downloads View citations (4)
Page updated 2024-10-06