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Workplace:University of Cambridge, Department of Geography

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Last updated 2024-03-07. Update your information in the RePEc Author Service.

Short-id: pbe1238

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Working Papers


  1. Business entry and exit: career changes of proprietors in England and Wales (1851-81) using record-linkage
    LSE Research Online Documents on Economics, London School of Economics and Political Science, LSE Library Downloads
  2. Changes in Victorian entrepreneurship in England and Wales 1851-1911: methodology and business population estimates
    LSE Research Online Documents on Economics, London School of Economics and Political Science, LSE Library Downloads View citations (1)
  3. Profitability of small- and medium-sized enterprises in Marshall’s time: sector and spatial heterogeneity in the nineteenth century
    LSE Research Online Documents on Economics, London School of Economics and Political Science, LSE Library Downloads


  1. Entrepreneurship in Scotland, 1851–1911
    LSE Research Online Documents on Economics, London School of Economics and Political Science, LSE Library Downloads View citations (1)
  2. Large-scale Victorian manufacturers: reconstructing the lost 1881 UK employer census
    LSE Research Online Documents on Economics, London School of Economics and Political Science, LSE Library Downloads
    See also Journal Article Large‐scale Victorian manufacturers: Reconstructing the lost 1881 UK employer census, Economic History Review, Economic History Society (2022) Downloads (2022)


  1. Households and entrepreneurship in England and Wales, 1851-1911
    MPRA Paper, University Library of Munich, Germany Downloads View citations (1)
    Also in LSE Research Online Documents on Economics, London School of Economics and Political Science, LSE Library (2020) Downloads View citations (1)
  2. The population of non-corporate business proprietors in England and Wales 1891–1911
    LSE Research Online Documents on Economics, London School of Economics and Political Science, LSE Library Downloads View citations (2)


  1. Female entrepreneurship: business, marriage and motherhood in England and Wales, 1851–1911
    LSE Research Online Documents on Economics, London School of Economics and Political Science, LSE Library Downloads
  2. Shifts in agrarian entrepreneurship in mid-Victorian England and Wales
    LSE Research Online Documents on Economics, London School of Economics and Political Science, LSE Library Downloads View citations (6)


  1. Business Advice: The Influence of Distance
    Working Papers, Centre for Business Research, University of Cambridge View citations (22)
    See also Journal Article Business Advice: The Influence of Distance, Regional Studies, Taylor & Francis Journals (2000) Downloads View citations (20) (2000)
  2. Government Advice Networks For Smes: An Assessment Of The Influence Of Local Context On Business Link Use, Impact And Satisfaction
    Working Papers, Centre for Business Research, University of Cambridge Downloads View citations (1)
    See also Journal Article Government advice networks for SMEs: an assessment of the influence of local context on Business Link use, impact and satisfaction, Applied Economics, Taylor & Francis Journals (2001) Downloads View citations (12) (2001)
  3. The Influence of Location on the Use by SMEs of External Advice and Collaboration: Detailed Econometric Estimates
    Working Papers, Centre for Business Research, University of Cambridge Downloads View citations (4)
  4. The Small Business Service: Business Support, Use, Fees And Satisfaction: Econometric Estimates
    Working Papers, Centre for Business Research, University of Cambridge Downloads View citations (7)


  1. Intensity of Interaction in Suppy of Business Advice and Client Impact: A Comparison of Consultancy, Business Associations and Government Support Initiatives for SMEs
    Working Papers, Centre for Business Research, University of Cambridge Downloads View citations (17)
  2. The Market for External Business Advice Services in Britain
    Working Papers, Centre for Business Research, University of Cambridge Downloads View citations (1)
  3. The Use and Impact of Business Advice by SMEs in Britain: An Empirical Assessment Using Logit and Ordered Logit Models
    Working Papers, Centre for Business Research, University of Cambridge Downloads
    See also Journal Article The use and impact of business advice by SMEs in Britain: an empirical assessment using logit and ordered logit models, Applied Economics, Taylor & Francis Journals (2000) Downloads View citations (20) (2000)

Journal Articles


  1. Large‐scale Victorian manufacturers: Reconstructing the lost 1881 UK employer census
    Economic History Review, 2022, 75, (3), 830-856 Downloads
    See also Working Paper Large-scale Victorian manufacturers: reconstructing the lost 1881 UK employer census, LSE Research Online Documents on Economics (2021) Downloads (2021)


  1. A tale of two tails: Do Power Law and Lognormal models fit firm-size distributions in the mid-Victorian era?
    Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2019, 523, (C), 858-875 Downloads View citations (7)


  1. Management adaptation of business association services: long-term stability 1783-2012 and ‘change points’ for Irish chambers of commerce
    The Irish Journal of Management, 2016, 35, (1), 58-73 Downloads


  1. Review: Intervention: The Battle for Better Business
    Environment and Planning C, 2012, 30, (3), 553-554 Downloads


  1. Exploring the use of trade and professional association services
    Applied Economics, 2011, 43, (13), 1595-1605 Downloads View citations (1)


  1. Paying fees for government business advice: an assessment of Business Link experience
    Applied Economics, 2010, 42, (1), 37-48 Downloads View citations (8)


  1. Reflecting on Editorial and Publishing Challenges: Government and Policy; The First 25 Years
    Environment and Planning C, 2008, 26, (1), 1-16 Downloads
  2. SME Policy Support in Britain since the 1990s: What have We Learnt?
    Environment and Planning C, 2008, 26, (2), 375-397 Downloads View citations (45)


  1. Editorial
    Environment and Planning C, 2007, 25, (1), 1-3 Downloads
    Policy Studies, 2007, 28, (3), 225-245 Downloads


  1. The Advisor-SMF Client Relationship: Impact, Satisfaction and Commitment
    Small Business Economics, 2005, 25, (3), 255-271 Downloads View citations (7)


  1. A New Coeditor for Government and Policy
    Environment and Planning C, 2004, 22, (1), 1-1 Downloads
    Also in Environment and Planning C, 1999, 17, (3), 253-253 (1999) Downloads
  2. Support Services for SMEs: Does the ‘Franchisee’ Make a Difference to the Business Link Offer?
    Environment and Planning C, 2004, 22, (6), 859-880 Downloads View citations (11)


  1. Changing Use of External Business Advice and Government Supports by SMEs in the 1990s
    Regional Studies, 2003, 37, (8), 795-811 Downloads View citations (27)
  2. Use, satisfaction and the influence of local governance regime
    Policy Studies, 2003, 24, (4), 163-186 Downloads


  1. The Economic Development Role of English RDAs: The Need for Greater Discretionary Power
    Regional Studies, 2002, 36, (4), 421-428 Downloads View citations (8)
  2. The End of TECs: A Challenge for Partners and Successor Bodies to Maintain Discretionary Activity
    Policy Studies, 2002, 23, (3), 231-246 Downloads


  1. Government advice networks for SMEs: an assessment of the influence of local context on Business Link use, impact and satisfaction
    Applied Economics, 2001, 33, (7), 871-885 Downloads View citations (12)
    See also Working Paper Government Advice Networks For Smes: An Assessment Of The Influence Of Local Context On Business Link Use, Impact And Satisfaction, Working Papers (2000) Downloads View citations (1) (2000)


  1. Business Advice: The Influence of Distance
    Regional Studies, 2000, 34, (9), 813-828 Downloads View citations (20)
    See also Working Paper Business Advice: The Influence of Distance, Working Papers (2000) View citations (22) (2000)
  2. Central Government Support to SMEs Compared to Business Link, Business Connect and Business Shop and the Prospects for the Small Business Service
    Regional Studies, 2000, 33, (8), 779-787 Downloads View citations (2)
  3. SME Growth: The Relationship with Business Advice and External Collaboration
    Small Business Economics, 2000, 15, (3), 193-208 Downloads View citations (78)
  4. The Logic of Membership of Sectoral Business Associations
    Review of Social Economy, 2000, 58, (1), 17-42 Downloads View citations (8)
  5. The Small Business Service: Business Support, Use, Fees and Satisfaction
    Policy Studies, 2000, 21, (3), 173-190 Downloads
  6. The use and impact of business advice by SMEs in Britain: an empirical assessment using logit and ordered logit models
    Applied Economics, 2000, 32, (13), 1675-1688 Downloads View citations (20)
    See also Working Paper The Use and Impact of Business Advice by SMEs in Britain: An Empirical Assessment Using Logit and Ordered Logit Models, Working Papers (1999) Downloads (1999)


  1. Business Associations: Their Potential Contribution to Government Policy and the Growth of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises
    Environment and Planning C, 1999, 17, (5), 593-608 Downloads View citations (2)
  2. Explaining the Membership of Sectoral Business Associations
    Environment and Planning A, 1999, 31, (5), 877-898 Downloads View citations (6)


  1. Business Associations and Their Potential to Contribute to Economic Development: Reexploring an Interface between the State and Market
    Environment and Planning A, 1998, 30, (8), 1367-1387 Downloads View citations (6)
  2. Reviews: An Unruly World? Globalization, Governance and Geography: Justice, Society and Nature: An Exploration of Political Ecology, Modern Public Economics, Innovations in Public Management: Perspectives from East and West Europe, Further Key Issues in Tax Reform
    Environment and Planning C, 1998, 16, (6), 769-774 Downloads


  1. Administrative Systems and Economic Spaces
    Regional Studies, 1997, 31, (3), 323-336 Downloads View citations (17)
  2. Reviews: Governing the UK in the 1990s: Policies for Cities in Britain and France: A Comparative Assessment, Local Government in Scotland: Reform or Decline, Public Sector Economics: Theory, Policy and Practice, The British Economy in Transition: From the Old to the New
    Environment and Planning C, 1997, 15, (3), 373-378 Downloads


  1. Reviews: Service Industries in the World Economy, Success and Failure in Housing Provision: European Systems Compared, Servicing the Middle Classes: Class, Gender and Waged Domestic Work in Contemporary Britain, Small Firms and Local Economic Networks: The Death of the Local Economy?, Local Government in the United Kingdom, Critical Perspectives in Rural Change Series. Volume VI. Gender and Rurality, the New Political Geography of Eastern Europe, the Slow Plague: A Geography of the AIDS Pandemic
    Environment and Planning A, 1996, 28, (5), 935-950 Downloads
  2. The Draft Merger Guidelines and Market Definition: An Analysis of Two Recent Cases
    Australian Economic Review, 1996, 29, (3), 279-285 Downloads


  1. Review: Social Justice and Local Development Policy, People in Cities: A Transatlantic Policy Exchange, Economic Reforms in New Democracies, Sources of Metropolitan Growth
    Environment and Planning C, 1995, 13, (4), 525-530 Downloads
  2. The Logic of Local Business Associations: an Analysis of Voluntary Chambers of Commerce*
    Journal of Public Policy, 1995, 15, (3), 251-279 Downloads View citations (6)


  1. Review: Hovels to High Rise: State Housing in Europe since 1850, European Urban Land and Property Markets 2. Urban Land and Property Markets in Germany, Interaction, Evolution and Chaos in Space, Visions and Strategies in European Integration: A North European Perspective
    Environment and Planning B, 1994, 21, (4), 505-512 Downloads
  2. Review: Successful Tax Reform: Lessons from an Analysis of Tax Reform in Six Countries
    Environment and Planning C, 1994, 12, (3), 381-382 Downloads
  3. The Hiring Function in Local Labour Markets in Britain
    Environment and Planning A, 1994, 26, (12), 1957-1974 Downloads View citations (8)


  1. Review: Subsidiarity: The Challenge of Change. Proceedings of the Jacques Delors Colloquium, Housing Policies in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union, Challenges to Local Government
    Environment and Planning C, 1992, 10, (3), 371-374 Downloads
  2. Reviews: Regional Innovation and Decentralization: High Tech Industry and Government Policy, Back to Work: Testing Reemployment Services to Displaced Workers, Business and Politics: A Comparative Introduction, Innovation Networks: Spatial Perspectives, the Aesthetics of Landscape, Transport in a Free Market Economy, Economy, Polity and Urban Public Expenditure, Nitrate Pollution and Politics: Great Britain, the Federal Republic of Germany and the Netherlands, Third World Regional Development: A Reappraisal
    Environment and Planning A, 1992, 24, (4), 601-612 Downloads


  1. Review: Urban Planning under Thatcherism: The Challenge of the Market, Place, Policy and Politics: Do Localities Matter?, Studies in Society and Space 4. The Shek Kip Mei Syndrome: Economic Development and Public Housing in Hong Kong and Singapore, the Politics and Economics of the Poll Tax—Mrs Thatcher's Downfall, American Federalism: The Third Century, Changes in the State: Causes and Consequences, Race and Public Policy
    Environment and Planning C, 1991, 9, (4), 485-492 Downloads
  2. Reviews: Retailing Environment in Developing Countries, Radical Planning Initiatives: New Directions for Urban Planning in the 1990s, America's Historic Landscapes: Community Power and the Preservation of Four National Historic Sites, World Nuclear Power, Deregulation and Transport: Market Forces in the Modern World, Power Generation and the Environment, City Sense and City Design: Writings and Projects of Kevin Lynch, the Tourist Gaze: Leisure and Travel in Contemporary Societies, the State in Action: Public Policy and Politics, Equalization Grants and Local Expenditure Needs: The Price of Equality
    Environment and Planning A, 1991, 23, (9), 1375-1386 Downloads


  1. Statistical Analysis of Spatial Data in the Presence of Missing Observations: A Methodological Guide and an Application to Urban Census Data
    Environment and Planning A, 1989, 21, (11), 1511-1523 Downloads View citations (10)


  1. Review: Economic Change in British Cities. Inner Cities Research Programme Series 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7, Uneven Development and Regionalism: State, Territory and Class in Southern Europe, the Geography of the National Health: An Essay in Welfare Geography, the Geography of Health Services in Britain, the Search for Government Efficiency: From Hubris to Helplessness, Urban Affairs Annual Reviews 30. Cities in Stress, Drought and Hunger in Africa: Denying Famine a Future
    Environment and Planning C, 1988, 6, (4), 489-496 Downloads
  2. Review: International Capitalism and Industrial Restructuring: A Critical Analysis, the Capitalist City: Global Restructuring and Community Politics, Health, Disease and Society: An Introduction to Medical Geography, Landscapes of Despair: From Deinstitutionalization to Homelessness, Location Strategies for Retail and Service Firms, Evaluation Methodologies for Transport Investment, the Economic Theory and Measurement of Environmental Benefits, Cities of the United States: Studies in Urban Anthropology, Land Use and Urban Form: The Consumption Theory of Land Rent
    Environment and Planning A, 1988, 20, (12), 1673-1684 Downloads
  3. Review: Race and Politics: Ethnic Minorities and the British Political System, Black Politics and Urban Crisis in Britain, Progress in Political Geography, the Federal Government and Urban Housing: Ideology and Change in Public Policy, the Political Economy of Innovation, the Common Good: Its Politics, Policies and Philosophy, Local Government in the Modern State, Parties, Opposition and Society in West Germany, Decentralisation and Change in Contemporary France, the Growth of Government in Developed Economies, from Nation to States: The Small Cities Community Development Block Grant Program, Sunbelt City? A Study of Economic Change in Britain's M4 Growth Corridor
    Environment and Planning C, 1988, 6, (2), 237-248 Downloads
  4. Review: The Political Economy of Corporatism, Studies in Urban and Regional Policy 4. Race, Class and State Housing: Inequality and the Allocation of Public Housing in Britain, Positive Discrimination, Social Justice, and Social Policy: Moral Scrutiny of Policy Practice, the Crisis of Growth Politics: Cleveland, Kucinich and the Challenge of Urban Populism, Industrial Change in Advanced Economies, the Built Environment Series. Local Planning in Practice, Local Government in the Soviet Union: Problems of Implementation and Control, New Technology and Regional Development, Political Communications: The General Election Campaign of 1983, Immigrant Labour and Government Policy: The Cases of the Federal Republic of Germany and France, the City in Transition: Policies and Agencies for the Economic Regeneration of Clydeside, Transportation Planning in a Changing World
    Environment and Planning C, 1988, 6, (3), 359-370 Downloads


  1. A General Accounting Model of Intergovernmental Tax and Benefit Effects on Business
    Environment and Planning A, 1987, 19, (11), 1495-1510 Downloads View citations (1)
  2. Local Business Taxes
    Environment and Planning C, 1987, 5, (1), 1-5 Downloads
  3. Local Business Taxes in Britain and Germany: Assessment of Comparative Burdens 1960–1984 by Use of the ‘Costs of Capital’ Methodology
    Environment and Planning C, 1987, 5, (1), 25-41 Downloads
  4. Local Business Taxes: Theory and Practice
    Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 1987, 3, (2), 60-80 View citations (1)
  5. Regional Government and the Case of Spain
    Environment and Planning C, 1987, 5, (3), 237-238 Downloads
  6. Review: Service Industries: A Geographical Appraisal, Neighborhoods and Friendship Networks: A Study of Three Residential Neighborhoods in Jerusalem, Half a Century of Municipal Decline, 1935–1985, Rural Enterprise in Kenya: Development and Spatial Organization of the Nonfarm Sector, Change in the Amazon Basin. Volume 1: Man's Impact on Forests and Rivers. Volume 2: The Frontier after a Decade of Colonisation, Urban Social Movements: The City after Castells, Setting Municipal Priorities, 1986, Regional Population Projection Models, Spatial Transportation Modeling, Regional Input—Output Analysis, Human Migration, the State of Population Theory: Forward from Malthus, the World We Have Gained: Histories of Population and Social Structure
    Environment and Planning A, 1987, 19, (3), 419-430 Downloads
  7. Review: Urban and Regional Studies 11. Planning in Europe: Urban and Regional Planning in the EEC, Self-Reliant Development in Europe: Theory, Problems, Actions, Theatres of Accumulation: Studies in Asian and Latin American Urbanization, Urban Growth and Change in Britain: An Introduction, the Regulation Game: How British and West German Companies Bargain with Government, a World in Crisis? Geographical Perspectives, the Housing Crisis, Decentralization: The Territorial Dimension of the State, the Politics of Local Expenditure
    Environment and Planning C, 1987, 5, (2), 225-236 Downloads
  8. Tax Assignment in Multilevel Systems of Government: A Political-Economic Approach and the Case of Spain
    Environment and Planning C, 1987, 5, (3), 267-285 Downloads


  1. Review: Demographic Research and Spatial Policy: The Dutch Experience, Spatial Divisions of Labour: Social Structures and the Geography of Production, the Atlas of British Politics, the Economics of Nuclear Energy, the Metropolitan Problem, Policies and Politics in Western Europe: The Impact of the Recession, Defense Planning in Less-Industrialized States, Planning to Care: Social Policy and the Quality of Life, Capital and Labour in the Urbanised World, the Political Economy of Coal, Political Parties in Western Democracies, a Question of Life: The Warnock Report on Human Fertilization and Embryology, Public Expenditure and Government Growth, Regionalisation in France, Italy and Spain, Gastarbeiter: Leben in Zwei Gesellschaften
    Environment and Planning C, 1986, 4, (1), 103-118 Downloads
  2. Review: Economy, Territory, Identity: Politics of West European Peripheries, the Politics of Territorial Identity: Studies in European Regionalism, the Disabled State, Public Planning in the Netherlands: Perspectives and Change since the Second World War, State Apparatus: Structures and Language of Legitimacy, Urban Economics: An Introduction, Structure Plans and Local Plans—Planning in Crisis, the Public Interest on Education, the Public Interest on Crime and Punishment, the New Urban Reality
    Environment and Planning C, 1986, 4, (2), 247-256 Downloads
  3. Review: Neighborhood Revitalization and the Postindustrial City: A Multinational Perspective, Electoral Change in Western Democracies: Patterns and Sources of Electoral Volatility, Progress in Planning, Volume 24, Part 3. The New Urban Studies in Literature: A Review with Special Reference to Australia, Policy and Politics. Environmental Policy and Politics, Intergovernmental Finance in Colombia: Final Report of the Mission on Intergovernmental Finance, Women's Rights at Work: Campaigns and Policy in Britain and the United States
    Environment and Planning C, 1986, 4, (4), 491-496 Downloads
  4. The impact of non-domestic rates on profitability and investment
    Fiscal Studies, 1986, 7, (1), 34-50 View citations (5)


  1. Central City - City Region Fiscal Disparities in Austria: Estimates for 1979
    Urban Studies, 1985, 22, (1), 69-81 Downloads
  2. Regional Movements in Britain: A Review of Aims and Status
    Environment and Planning C, 1985, 3, (1), 75-96 Downloads
  3. Review: Democratic Politics in Spain: Spanish Politics after Franco, Espaces et Culture, Public Service Provision and Urban Development, the Nature of Public Enterprise, the Rise and Decline of Nations: Economic Growth, Stagflation, and Social Rigidities, the Land and the Law: Report on the Proceedings at the Rome Seminar 1983, Law in Eastern Europe 25. The Citizenship Law of the USSR, Law in Eastern Europe 26. The Soviet Law of Property: The Right to Control Property and the Construction of Communism, State and Economy in Australia, Introduction to British Politics: Analysing a Capitalist Democracy, Capital Goods Production in the Third World: An Economic Study of Technology Acquisition, Modern Federalism: An Analytic Approach
    Environment and Planning C, 1985, 3, (2), 243-252 Downloads
  4. Review: Nationalism in the Contemporary World: Political and Sociological Perspectives, Public Administration and Public Policy 16. Public Budgeting and Finance: Behavioral, Theoretical, and Technical Perspectives, the Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Volume 469: Nuclear Armament and Disarmament, Guides to European Taxation 1984, the Dynamics of Development and Development Administration, Public-Private Partnership in American Cities: Seven Case Studies, Sage Library of Social Research. Volume 154. Neighborhoods: Their Place in Urban Life, Regional Restructuring under Advanced Capitalism, Micro Hydroelectric Power Stations, the Cambridge Phenomenon: The Growth of High Technology Industry in a University Town, Joint Studies in Public Policy 9. Education and Economic Performance, Local Government Law, the Politics of Planning and Development
    Environment and Planning C, 1985, 3, (3), 371-382 Downloads
  5. Review: Regional Development Agencies in Europe: An International Comparison of Selected Agencies, Local Government Briefings 1. The Case for Local Government, Butterworths Legal Systems of the World. Soviet Law, Sage Modern Politics Series Volume 8. Unemployment: Policy Responses of Western Democracies, Public Expenditure: Its Defence and Reform, State of the World: A Worldwatch Institute Report on Progress towards a Sustainable Society, Local Socialism? Labour Councils and New Left Alternatives
    Environment and Planning C, 1985, 3, (1), 121-126 Downloads
  6. Review: The New Service Economy: The Transformation of Employment in Industrial Societies, Industrial Development in Merseyside: Motor Vehicle Assembly and the Port of Liverpool, Urban Affairs Annual Reviews, Volume 26: Cities in Transformation: Class, Capital and the State, Crisis and Conservation: Conflict in the British Countryside, Cities of the Mind: Images and Themes of the City in the Social Sciences, Financing State and Local Government in the 1980s, Automation: The Technology and Society
    Environment and Planning A, 1985, 17, (5), 711-722 Downloads
  7. Reviews: Socialism, the State and Public Policy in France, Municipal Empire: The Town Halls and Their Beneficiaries, Ethnic Separatism and World Politics, the Family, Law and Society: Cases and Materials, Residential Housing and Nuclear Attack, Superpower: Comparing American and Soviet Foreign Policy, Rural Transport and Planning: A Bibliography with Abstracts, State and Government in the Federal Republic of Germany: The Executive at Work, Housing and Urban Development in the USSR: Studies in Soviet History and Society
    Environment and Planning C, 1985, 3, (4), 475-484 Downloads
  8. Spatial Structure, Spatial Interaction, and Their Integration: A Review of Alternative Models
    Environment and Planning A, 1985, 17, (5), 625-645 Downloads View citations (7)
    Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 1985, 76, (4), 298-309 Downloads


  1. Editorials
    Environment and Planning C, 1984, 2, (4), 371-374 Downloads
  2. Guest Editorial
    Environment and Planning A, 1984, 16, (7), 849-850 Downloads
  3. Local Fiscal Incidence
    Environment and Planning C, 1984, 2, (2), 115-116 Downloads
  4. Review: The Car Market: A Study of the Statics and Dynamics of Supply-Demand Equilibrium, Transport and Public Policy Planning, Public Rights and Private Interests: The Second V K Krishna Menon Law Lectures, Community Planning and Conceptions of Change, Local Government: The Conditions of Local Choice, the Politics of Technology Assessment, Wiley IIASA International Series on Applied Systems Analysis 11. National Perspectives on Management of Energy/Environment Systems, Urban and Rural Change in West Germany, Modern Politics and Government, the Tools of Government
    Environment and Planning C, 1984, 2, (2), 239-248 Downloads
  5. Review: The Fragmented State: The Political Geography of Power, Power and Crisis in the City: Corporations, Unions and Urban Policy, Comparative Public Policy: The Politics of Social Choice in Europe and America, across the Border: Rural Development in Mexico and Recent Migration to the United States, US Immigration and Refugee Policy: Global and Domestic Issues, Butterworths European Series. Political Forces in Spain, Greece and Portugal, La Décentralisation Urbaine en Suisse, European Regional Incentives: 1982. A Survey in Regional Incentives in the Countries of the European Community. Portugal, Spain and Sweden, the European Community Transport Policy: Towards a Common Transport Policy, Financing the 1980 Election
    Environment and Planning C, 1984, 2, (3), 361-370 Downloads
  6. T. M. Clark and L. Ferguson, 1983, City Money: Political Pressures, Fiscal Strain, and Retrenchment, New York: Columbia University Press, lx + 440 pp., $49.00 cloth, $19.50 paper
    Journal of Public Policy, 1984, 4, (3), 266-267 Downloads


  1. A Model of Local Authority Fiscal Behavior: A Comment on the Paper by Cuthbertson, Foreman-Peck, and Gripaios
    Public Finance = Finances publiques, 1983, 38, (2), 317-21
  2. Editorial
    Environment and Planning C, 1983, 1, (1), 1-3 Downloads
  3. Local Government Finance in Britain: A Liberal Party View of Possible Reforms
    Environment and Planning C, 1983, 1, (3), 357-370 Downloads
  4. Review: Policy and Politics in France: Living with Uncertainty, the New Local Government Series 22. British Dogmatism and French Pragmatism: Central-Local Policymaking in the Welfare State, Economic Crisis, Cities and Regions: An Analysis of Current Urban and Regional Problems in Australia, Sydney Boom Sydney Bust: The City and its Property Market 1850–1981, Analysis of the German Tax System, Corporate Control, Corporate Power, Structural Change and Economic Growth: A Theoretical Essay on Dynamics of the Wealth of Nations, Policy Styles in Western Europe, Fiscal Stress in Cities, the Division of Europe after World War II: 1946
    Environment and Planning C, 1983, 1, (4), 489-498 Downloads
  5. Review: The Taxation of Urban Land, Why Cities Change: Urban Development and Economic Change in Australia, Cambridge Geographical Studies 16: Industrial Organisation and Location, the Geography of Multinationals: Studies in the Spatial Development and Economic Consequences of Multinational Corporations, Institutions and Geographical Patterns, Applied Geography: Selected Perspectives, London Papers in Regional Science 11: Regional Planning in Europe, Palanpur: The Economy of an Indian Village, Urbanization in Contemporary Latin America: Critical Approaches to the Analysis of Urban Issues, Developments in Landscape Management and Urban Planning 5. The Role of Water in Urban Ecology, Social Science Research and Public Policy-Making: A Reappraisal, Choosing the Right Policy Instruments: An Investigation of Two Types of Instrument, Physical and Financial, and a Study of Their Application to Local Problems of Unemployment, Urban and Regional Studies 10. Planning the Urban Region: A Comparative Study of Policies and Organizations
    Environment and Planning A, 1983, 15, (7), 995-1010 Downloads
  6. Review: Urban and Regional Studies 10. Planning the Urban Region: A Comparative Study of Policies and Organizations, Sweden: Choices for Economic and Social Policy in the 1980s, the Politics of Town Planning, Solving Local Government Problems: Practical Applications of Operations Research in Cities and Regions
    Environment and Planning C, 1983, 1, (3), 371-374 Downloads


  1. A Representative Need Index of Local Authority Expenditure in England and Wales 1974/1975–1980/1981
    Environment and Planning A, 1982, 14, (7), 933-950 Downloads
    Papers in Regional Science, 1982, 50, (1), 109-130 Downloads
  3. Review: Applied Discrete-Choice Modeling, Energy Policy Modelling: United States and Canadian Experiences. Volume I: Specialised Energy Policy Models, Energy Policy Modelling: United States and Canadian Experiences. Volume II: Integrative Energy Policy Models, Living the Cuban Revolution: Accounts of Contemporary Havana. Living the Revolution: An Oral History of Contemporary Cuba. Four Men, Living the Revolution: An Oral History of Contemporary Cuba. Four Women, Living the Revolution: An Oral History of Contemporary Cuba, Neighbors, the People of Buenaventura. Relocation of Slum Dwellers in Post-Revolutionary Cuba, America's Housing: Prospects and Problems, An Introduction to Behavioural Geography, Cities under Stress: The Fiscal Crises of Urban America, the Study of Urban Geography, Urban Political Analysis, National Parks: The American Experience, Land Use, Population Dispersal: A National Imperative
    Environment and Planning A, 1982, 14, (2), 269-284 Downloads
  4. Reviews: Dynamics of Urban Development, the Shinkansen High-Speed Rail Network of Japan, Cityport Industrialization and Regional Development, New Directions in Medical Geography, Crisis in the Making: The Political Economy of New York State since 1945, Creation of a Mexican Landscape: Territorial Organization and Settlement in the Eastern Puebla Basin, 1520–1605, Women and Space: Ground Rules and Social Maps, Introductory Spatial Analysis, Location and Trade Theory: Industrial Location, Comparative Advantage, and the Geographic Pattern of Production in the United States, An Introduction to Social Planning in the Third World
    Environment and Planning A, 1982, 14, (11), 1555-1564 Downloads
  5. Reviews: Environmental Law in Japan, Cities and Firms, Bath 1680–1850: A Social History—A Valley of Pleasure, Yet a Sink of Iniquity, The Economics of Urban Freight Transport, British Regional Development since World War I, Inner City Poverty in Paris and London: A Report of the Institute of Community Studies, Crime and Environment, Rural Employment: Trends, Options, Choices, Geography and the Environment: Systems Analytical Methods, Patterns of Technological Innovation, Geographical Research Studies Series 3: Spatial Dimensions of Urban Government, Rural Settlement in an Urban World, People in Distress: A Geographical Perspective on Psychological Well-Being, The Urban Landscape: Historical Development and Management—Papers
    Environment and Planning A, 1982, 14, (10), 1405-1420 Downloads
  6. The Financial Health of Local Authorities in England and Wales: Resource and Expenditure Position 1974/1975–1980/1981
    Environment and Planning A, 1982, 14, (8), 997-1022 Downloads View citations (2)
  7. The Financial Health of Local Authorities in England and Wales: Role of the Rate Support Grant, 1974/1975-1980/1981
    Environment and Planning A, 1982, 14, (10), 1283-1305 Downloads View citations (1)


  1. Letter to the Editor
    Environment and Planning A, 1981, 13, (8), 1039-1039 Downloads


  1. Allocation of the UK Rate Support Grant by Use of the Methods of Optimal Control
    Environment and Planning A, 1979, 11, (9), 1011-1027 Downloads View citations (2)
  2. Review: Urban Models: Diffusion and Policy Application, the Politics of Positive Discrimination: An Evaluation of the Urban Programme 1967–77, Spatial Interaction Theory and Planning Models, Human Aspects of Urban Form: Towards a Man—Environment Approach to Urban Form and Design, Environmental Impact Assessment in the U.S.A.: A Critical Review
    Environment and Planning A, 1979, 11, (12), 1445-1454 Downloads


  1. Forecasting in Urban and Regional Planning Closed Loops: The Examples of Road and Air Traffic Forecasts
    Environment and Planning A, 1978, 10, (2), 145-162 Downloads View citations (1)
  2. Review: A Critique of Urban Modelling, Central Place Theory: A Reinterpretation, Planning and Conservation: The Emergence of the Frugal Society, Housing and Class in Britain, Environmental Choice, Human Behaviour and Residential Satisfaction, Remote Sensing of Environment, Theory and Measurement of Consumer Demand, Volumes 1 and 2, Studies in Applied Regional Science 9. Economic Aspects of Regional Welfare, Income Distribution and Unemployment, An Approach to Land Values. Studies in Land Economy, Inferential Statistics for Geographers: An Introduction, Industrial Society: Class, Cleavage and Control
    Environment and Planning A, 1978, 10, (9), 1085-1098 Downloads


  1. Consistent Estimation of Nonstationary Parameters for Small Sample Situations-A Monte Carlo Study
    International Economic Review, 1977, 18, (2), 489-502 Downloads View citations (1)
  2. Review: Planning for Public Transport, Transportation Planning, Policy and Analysis, Effective Citizen Participation in Transportation Planning: Volume 1—Community Involvement Processes. Volume 2—A Catalogue of Techniques, Software Portability: An Advanced Course, Multivariate Analysis in Behavioural Research, a Question of Place, Method and Appraisal in Economics, the Telecommunications—Transportation Tradeoff: Options for Tomorrow, Economics and the Environment, the Consumer Society
    Environment and Planning A, 1977, 9, (10), 1197-1208 Downloads


  1. Dynamic Systems Modelling of the North-West Region: 1. Spatio-Temporal Representation and Identification
    Environment and Planning A, 1975, 7, (5), 525-538 Downloads View citations (1)
  2. Dynamic Systems Modelling of the North-West Region: 2. Estimation of the Spatio-Temporal Policy Model
    Environment and Planning A, 1975, 7, (5), 539-566 Downloads View citations (3)
  3. Dynamic Systems Modelling of the North-West Region: 3. Adaptive-Parameter Policy Model
    Environment and Planning A, 1975, 7, (6), 617-636 Downloads View citations (1)
  4. Dynamic Systems Modelling of the North-West Region: 4. Adaptive Spatio—Temporal Forecasts
    Environment and Planning A, 1975, 7, (8), 887-898 Downloads View citations (1)


  1. Reviews: Urban Growth: An Approach, the Symmetrical Family: A Study of Work and Leisure in the London Region, Decision Making in Water Resource Allocation, Models for Managing Regional Water Quality, What Time is This Place?, Spatial Autocorrelation
    Environment and Planning A, 1974, 6, (2), 237-244 Downloads



  1. Local Business Voice: The History of Chambers of Commerce in Britain, Ireland, and Revolutionary America, 1760-2011
    OUP Catalogue, Oxford University Press View citations (8)



  1. Regional econometric and dynamic models
    Chapter 10 in Handbook of Regional and Urban Economics, 1987, vol. 1, pp 407-441 Downloads
Page updated 2025-01-13