Details about Mihai Vladimir Topan
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Short-id: pto150
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Journal Articles
- Exploring the microfoundations of hybridity: A judgment-based approach
Journal of Business Venturing, 2024, 39, (4)
- Central Bank Digital Currencies Analyzed in a Banking School versus Currency School Framework
Proceedings of the International Conference on Business Excellence, 2023, 17, (1), 638-648
- The Market for Ideas and Its Validation Filters: Scientific Truth, Economic Profit and Political Approval
The AMFITEATRU ECONOMIC journal, 2022, 24, (Special16), 884
- The Impact of the Minimum Wage on Employment: An EU Panel Data Analysis
Sustainability, 2021, 13, (16), 1-17 View citations (2)
- The Impact of Financial Sector Development and Sophistication on Sustainable Economic Growth
Sustainability, 2019, 11, (6), 1-21 View citations (8)
- The True Meaning of “Taking Ownership” in the Pursuit of “Sustainable Development”: From Global to Local, from Macro to Micro, from Public to Private
- Scolarization or Education? [Şcolarizare sau educaţie?]
Revista OEconomica, 2016, (01-2)
Also in Revista OEconomica, 2016, (01) (2016)
- Entrepreneurship and Comparative Advantage
Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Emerging Economies, 2015, 24, (1), 1-16
- The Economic Theory of European Competition Policy. Retrospectives and Perspectives [Teoria economică a politicii europene a concurenţei. Retrospective şi perspective]
Revista OEconomica, 2015, (02)
- The Struggles for the Establishment of the National Bank of Moldavia In Light of the Theory of Political Entrepreneurship
Romanian Economic Journal, 2015, 18, (56), 167-180 View citations (2)
- “Corporate Scene Investigation”: A Praxeological Attempt to Sketch the Profile of the Entrepreneur in Modern Business
The AMFITEATRU ECONOMIC journal, 2015, 17, (38), 456 View citations (2)
- Orthodoxy and the Extensive Social Division of Labour [Ortodoxia şi diviziunea socială extinsă a muncii]
Revista OEconomica, 2013, (04)
- The Monetary Causes of Inflation in Romania
Journal for Economic Forecasting, 2013, (1), 5-23 View citations (4)
- Notă despre John Dunning şi explicaţia eclectică a multinaţionalelor
Revista OEconomica, 2012, (04)
- Liberalism vs. etatism: permanenta şi inevitabila dezbatere
Revista OEconomica, 2010, (02)
- Elemente de epistemologie economică din perspectiva Şcolii Austriece
Revista OEconomica, 2009, (03)
- Krugman, Baby-Sitting the Economy
Revista OEconomica, 2009, (04)
- Teoria firmei după Coase: perspectiva bazată pe costurile tranzacţionale (Oliver E. Williamson)
Revista OEconomica, 2009, (04)
- Teoria firmei înainte de Coase: Frederick Barnard Hawley
Revista OEconomica, 2009, (01)
- European „c” quest: community, competitiveness, convergence, cohesion. what should the “eu new comer romanians” aim for?
Annals of Faculty of Economics, 2008, 1, (1), 343-349 View citations (1)
- The EU and European Models'Competitiveness at Stake
Romanian Economic Journal, 2008, 11, (27), 3-26
- Impactul procesului de aderare asupra ajutorului de stat in Romania: conditionalitatea impusa de integrarea in Piata Unica Abstract: Prezenta lucrare argumenteaza ca procesul de integrare al Romaniei in Uniunea Europeana a modificat in mod fundamental natura si instrumentele interventionismului public. Dincolo de preluarea acquis-ului comunitar, respectiv a cadrului legislativ de ansamblu, integrarea a modificat si mecanismele specifice de guvernanta, de la structura institutionala pana la politicile specifice implementate de catre autoritatile publice. In cazul Romaniei, adoptarea in bloc a acestui pachet a avut un efect care poate fi apreciat de liberalizare. Legislatia in domeniul ajutorului de stat a cenzurat abilitatea de a interveni arbitrar in economie. Confruntate cu spectrul momentului integrarii, atitudinea autoritatilor publice fata de ajutorul de stat s-a modificat notabil
Romanian Economic Journal, 2007, 10, (26), 127-144
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