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RAC - Revista de Administração Contemporânea (Journal of Contemporary Administration)

1997 - 2024

Current editor(s): Marcelo de Souza Bispo

From ANPAD - Associação Nacional de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa em Administração
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Volume 28(4), issue Vol. 28 No. 4 (2024): Jul-Aug, 2024

Match & Matters: Challenges of (Intra)Entrepreneurship and Open Innovation pp. e240036 Downloads
Samara de Carvalho Pedro, Raissa Helena Paiva Apolinario, Ed de Almeida Carlos and Edson Sadao Iizuka
Retention of Civil Organizations Members and Political Participation: Possible Relationships pp. e240041 Downloads
Dias Rafael Magul and Carlos Eduardo Cavalcante
Decoding Consumer Sentiments: Advanced NLP Techniques for Analyzing Smartphone Reviews pp. e240102 Downloads
Shaista Jabeen
The Impact of IT-Business Strategic Alignment on The Transformation and Operations of Pre-Digital Businesses pp. e240128 Downloads
Francisco Massaro Mendes-da-Silva and Alberto Luiz Albertin
Traditional Research versus Advanced Algorithms: “Is Survey in the Last Days? pp. e240246 Downloads
Marcelo Luiz Dias da Silva Gabriel, Jose Afonso Mazzon, Giuliana Isabella, Ricardo Limongi França Coelho, Evandro Luiz Lopes and Vinicius Andrade Brei
Strengthening the Education Ecosystem in Brazil pp. e240270 Downloads
Paula Chimenti

Volume 28(2), issue Vol. 28 No. 2 (2024): Mar/Apr, 2024

Cultural Capital and Professional Earnings of Quota and Non-Quota Students from Brazilian Federal Universities pp. e230149 Downloads
José Roberto Abreu de Carvalho Junior, Wescley Silva Xavier, Marco Aurélio Marques Ferreira and Lusvanio Carlos Teixeira
Practices of Normalizing Political Violence at Volkswagen do Brasil during the Brazilian Civil- Military Dictatorship (1964-1985) pp. e230162 Downloads
Marcelo Almeida de Carvalho Silva and Alessandra Costa
Open Data Standards for Public Procurement and Contracting: A Collaborative Construction pp. e230175 Downloads
José Francisco Salm Junior, Victoria Moura de Araujo, Paula Chies Schommer and Fabiano Maury Raupp
Education by the Escola Nacional Florestan Fernandes as Transmodernization from Capitalist Consumerism pp. e230270 Downloads
Marcus Wilcox Hemais, Ronan Torres Quintão and Denise Franca Barros
Discourse on the Method in Finance: Between Epistemological Dominance and Possible Resistance Strategies pp. e240007 Downloads
Daniel Pereira Alves de Abreu and Ana Paula Paes de Paula
What We Want to Publish in RAC - the Journal of Contemporary Administration pp. e240101 Downloads
Marcelo de Souza Bispo

Volume 27(6), issue Vol. 27 No. 6 (2023): Nov/Dec - 2023, 2023

Ties that Knot: How App-workers Co-construct Their Identities at Precarious Work Contexts pp. e220083 Downloads
Eliana Pires Conde, Bruno Felix and Nadia Cardoso Moreira
Digital Social Currencies, Institutional Pressures and the Social Modeling of Technology pp. e220091 Downloads
Raquel Melo de Almeida, Diego Mota Vieira and Flavio Diogo Luz
Clubinho Preto: Children Growing Up with Racial Diversity pp. e220269 Downloads
Renata Frota, Elisa Priori de Deus, Victor Almeida and Leticia Moreira Casotti
Kandandu: Black Women’s Identity, Racism, and the Street Carnival pp. e220341 Downloads
Ana Flávia Rezende and Jussara Jéssica Pereira
The (In)Tolerance in the Application of Penalties in the Brazilian Public Administration pp. e230005 Downloads
Everton Luiz Candido Luiz, Gustavo Abib and Varlei Gomes de Oliveira
Decision-Making under Stress: The Hiding behind a Small Cake Effect pp. e230023 Downloads
Erika Mirian Nogas, Angela Cristiane Santos Póvoa and Wesley Pech
Decolonizing-Recolonizing Curriculum in Management and Accounting pp. e230050 Downloads
Fernanda Filgueiras Sauerbronn, João Paulo Resende de Lima and Alexandre Faria
A Critical Look at the Practice of Literature Review pp. e230264 Downloads
Marcelo de Souza Bispo

Volume 27(4), issue Vol. 27 No. 4 (2023): July/Aug - 2023 (Special Issue), 2023

Instagram in the Modest Fashion Market: Analysis by the Perspective of Sociotechnical Structures pp. e220168 Downloads
Juliana de Oliveira Becheri, Acsa Hosken Gusmão, Elisa Guimarães Cozadi and Paulo Henrique Montagnana Vicente Leme
Going viral on advertising YouTube video: Detecting the influences pp. e220300 Downloads
Giuliana Isabella, Andressa Freitas de Melo and Marcela Carvalho Gonzalez
Privacy Signals: Exploring the Relationship between Cookies and Online Purchase Intention pp. e220311 Downloads
Ana Paula Merenda Richarde, Paulo Henrique Muller Prado and Jorge Brantes Ferreira
Understanding Conspicuity in the Dissemination of Experiences on Social Media: The Effect of Materialism pp. e220323 Downloads
Mikaela Daiane Prestes Floriano and Andressa Hennig Silva
Omnichannel as a Consumer-Based Marketing Strategy pp. e220327 Downloads
Isadora Gasparin and Luiz Antonio Slongo
Grasping Marketing and Consumer Behavior in the Digital Environment: Brazilian Scholars Insights pp. e230141 Downloads
Valter Afonso Vieira, Marcos Inácio Severo de Almeida and Maria Carolina Zanette

Volume 27, issue Vol. 27 No. 1 (2023): Jan/Feb - 2023, 2023

Building a State Capacity Index for Municipal Governments of Minas Gerais pp. e210135 Downloads
Gustavo Bastos Braga and Douglas Gomes Martins
Temporal Flow of Technology Transfer Capability: Beyond the Lifecycle pp. e210185 Downloads
Cleverton Rodrigues Fernandes, André Gustavo Carvalho Machado and Glauco Simões Gomes
Agency of Objects in the Food Consumption Abandonment pp. e210255 Downloads
Ivana Graziele Gregory and Marlon Dalmoro
Technique for the Analysis of Social Participation in Councils: Operationalizing Concepts pp. e210258 Downloads
Karla Sessin Dilascio, Charles Borges Rossi and Paulo Antônio de Almeida Sinisgalli
Board of Directors’ Interlocks: A Social Network Analysis Tutorial pp. e210286 Downloads
Claudine Pereira Salgado, Vivian Sebben Adami, Jorge Renato de Souza Verschoore Filho and Cristiano Machado Costa
Longitudinal Effects of Sectoral Concentration on the Brazilian Insurance Market Performance pp. e210311 Downloads
João Vinícius França Carvalho and Renata Sayuri Furutani Bonetti
Multiple Cases of Pro-life Volunteering in a Neo-Aristotelian Ethical Approach pp. e210315 Downloads
Maria Clara Figueiredo Dalla Costa Ames and Mauricio Custódio Serafim
Use of Photography in Organizational Research: Legitimacy and Potential pp. e220012 Downloads
Henrique Muzzio
It Has Gone and No One Knows if It Will return: The Progressive Disappearance of the Original Theory pp. e220065 Downloads
José Henrique de Faria
Scientific Articles’ Theoretical, Practical, Methodological, and Didactic Contributions pp. e220256 Downloads
Marcelo de Souza Bispo

Volume 26, issue sup2022, 2022

Behavioral Biases and the Decision-Making in Entrepreneurs and Managers pp. e200369 Downloads
Fábio Chaves Nobre, Maria José de Camargo Machado and Liana Holanda Nepomuceno Nobre
Developing Appreciation of Emancipatory Accounting through Empirical Research: Issues of Method pp. e210009 Downloads
Yara Consuelo Cintra, Jim Haslam and Fernanda Filgueiras Sauerbronn
Interaction Effects between Online Reviews and Product Characteristics on Consumer’s Trust pp. e210114 Downloads
Muriel Araujo Soares, Décio Bittencourt Dolci and Guilherme Lerch Lunardi
The Dilemmas of Growing with Purpose: Mancha Orgânica Case pp. e210136 Downloads
Thaysa Costa do Nascimento, Flávia Pimenta Fracalanzza and Victor Manoel Cunha de Almeida
Dilemmas about Aging and Retirement in the Film ‘Going in Style’ pp. e210166 Downloads
Silas Dias Mendes Costa, Mayara Andresa Pires da Silva, Kely César Martins de Paiva and Diogo Henrique Helal
Can Mothers Be Heroes? Maternity and Maternal Body Work in Military Firefighters pp. e210193 Downloads
Eloisio Moulin de Souza
Cartography as a Research Method for Work and Subjectivity Studies pp. e210202 Downloads
Laura Alves Scherer and Carmem Ligia Iochins Grisci
A Tutorial on the Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) in Finance pp. e210287 Downloads
Alan de Genaro and Paula Astorino
Working for Gender Equality in the Neoliberal Academia: Between Theory and Practice pp. e220014 Downloads
Barbara Poggio
What Is a Technological Article? pp. e220208 Downloads
Gustavo da Silva Motta

Volume 26, issue 6, 2022

Analysis of Scales and Measures of Moral Virtues: A Systematic Review pp. e190379 Downloads
Maria Clara Figueiredo Dalla Costa Ames, Mauricio C. Serafim and Felipe Flôres Martins
Do Organizational Virtues Enhance Work Well-being? The Mediator Role of HRM Practices pp. e200144 Downloads
Gisela Demo, Elaine Rabelo Neiva, Karla Veloso Coura, Sinésio Gomide Júnior and Ana Carolina Rezende Costa
Financial Management in Practice: Analysis of Brazilian Survey Data pp. e200419 Downloads
Cristiane Benetti, Paulo Renato Soares Terra and Roberto Frota Decourt
Application of a Multi-method to Identify a Research Problem pp. e210020 Downloads
Gustavo Guimarães Marchisotti and José Rodrigues Farias Filho
Best Practices for Your Exploratory Factor Analysis: A Factor Tutorial pp. e210085 Downloads
Pablo Rogers
Dynamic Ambidexterity: Proposal of a Theoretical and Hypothetical Model pp. e210088 Downloads
Rodrigo Frogeri, Pedro dos Santos Portugal Júnior, Fabrício Pelloso Piurcosky, Victor Sanacato, Julia López de Calle, Stefano Barra Gazzola and Felipe Flausino de Oliveira
Natura Goes Shopping: The Case of an Emerging Market Multinational pp. e210103 Downloads
Clarice Secches Kogut, Paula Erthal Hermano Boldrini, Renato Cotta de Mello and Luiza Fonseca
A Hesitant Fuzzy Linguistic TOPSIS Model to Support Supplier Segmentation pp. e210133 Downloads
William Viana Borges, Francisco Rodrigues Lima Junior, Jurandir Peinado and Luiz Cesar Ribeiro Carpinetti
Pull Production Implementation: An Action Research Study pp. e210151 Downloads
Luis Henrique Rigato Vasconcellos, Mauro Sampaio and Henrique Fonseca
In Defense of Theory and Original Theoretical Contributions in Administration pp. e220158 Downloads
Marcelo de Souza Bispo

Volume 26, issue 5, 2022

Behavioral Economics and Auto Insurance: The Role of Biases and Heuristics pp. e200421 Downloads
Pedro Brandão Graminha and Luís Afonso
Expectations, Economic Uncertainty, and Sentiment pp. e210029 Downloads
Douglas de Medeiros Franco
Nudge Policies in COVID-19 Context: A Necessary Action or Ethical Dilemma? pp. e210033 Downloads
Ana Luize Correa, Maria Clara Figueiredo Dalla Costa Ames and Marcello Beckert Zappellini
Nudging is the Architecture of Choice in the World of Banking pp. e220073 Downloads
Paulo Monteiro Rosa
Nudging and Choice Architecture: Perspectives and Challenges pp. e220098 Downloads
Cristiana Cerqueira Leal, Ines Branco-Illodo, Benilde Maria do Nascimento Oliveira and Luisa Esteban-Salvador

Volume 26, issue 4, 2022

Upcoming Issues, New Methods: Using Interactive Qualitative Analysis (IQA) in Management Research pp. e200417 Downloads
Gustavo Behling, Fernando César Lenzi and Carlos Ricardo Rossetto
Memes as Shortcut to Consumer Culture: A Methodological Approach to Covert Collective Ideologies pp. e210005 Downloads
Elisa Priori de Deus, Roberta Dias Campos and Ana Raquel Rocha
The Qualitative Approach Interview in Administration: A Guide for Researchers pp. e210011 Downloads
Cibele Cheron, Julice Salvagni and Renato Koch Colomby
Decolonial Studies, Non-Extractive Methods, and Participatory Action Research in Accounting pp. e210014 Downloads
Cleia Maria da Silva, Fernanda Filgueiras Sauerbronn and Michel Thiollent
Clues for the Paradigmatic Development of Online Qualitative Methods pp. e210015 Downloads
Newton Claizoni Moreno de Melo and Débora Coutinho Paschoal Dourado
Introduction to the Special Issue Call for Qualitative Research Tutorials in Contemporary Administration Studies: An Editorial pp. e210333 Downloads
Evelyn Lanka, Ali Rostron, Pallavi Singh and Sanjay Lanka

Volume 26, issue 3, 2022

An Application of Geographically Weighted Quantile Lasso to Weather Index Insurance Design pp. e200387 Downloads
Daniel Lima Miquelluti, Vitor Augusto Ozaki and David José Miquelluti
MAC: A Proposal for Consistent Actuarial Interest Rates in Pension Funds pp. e200390 Downloads
Sandro de Azambuja and Carlos Heitor Campani
Uncertainty of Claims Provisions from the Analysis of Financial Statements pp. e200400 Downloads
Roberto Bomgiovani Cazzari and Guilherme Rodovalho Fernandes Moreira
Surety Bond in Infrastructure in Brazil: Transaction Costs and Agency Theory Perspectives pp. e200401 Downloads
Tulio Henrique Moreira Marques, Mario Henrique Ogasavara and Frederico Araujo Turolla
Earnings Persistence and Market Reaction to Earnings in the International Insurance Industry pp. e200404 Downloads
Renê Coppe Pimentel
The Relevance and Challenges of the Insurance Industry in Contemporary Administration: A Call for Researchers pp. e210313 Downloads
João Vinícius de França Carvalho, Eduardo Flores and Emiliano A. Valdez

Volume 26, issue 2, 2022

Antecedents of Commitment to Budgetary Goals pp. e200018 Downloads
Daniele Cristina Bernd, Ilse Maria Beuren, Celliane Ferraz Pazetto and Carlos Eduardo Facin Lavarda
Standard Jones and Modified Jones: An Earnings Management Tutorial pp. e200305 Downloads
Cristiano Machado Costa and José Mauro Madeiros Velôso Soares
Integrated Information Circle: The Challenge of Integrating the Civil and Military Police pp. e200375 Downloads
Leonardo Mazzurana and Victor Almeida
Marketing Investment Information: Differentiation Resource or Secret? pp. e200386 Downloads
Evelini Lauri Morri Garcia, Valter Afonso Vieira and Caroline Pereira Borges
Drivers for Teleconsultation Acceptance in Brazil: Patients’ Perspective during the COVID-19 Pandemic pp. e210063 Downloads
Marcus Rodrigues Peixoto, Jorge Brantes Ferreira and Laís Oliveira
Long-term Financing: Exploring the Recent Advances in the Brazilian Bond Market pp. e210076 Downloads
Lucas Boareto da Aparecida, Sergio Giovanetti Lazzarini and Adriana Bruscato Bortoluzzo
The Impossibility of Open Science without Otherness and Epistemic Plurality pp. e210246 Downloads
Marcelo de Souza Bispo

Volume 26, issue 1, 2022

Design Thinking as Meaning Creation: The Case of Descomplica pp. e190166 Downloads
Raphael Lobo and Claudio Pitassi
How can Strategy-as-Practice Enable Innovation under the Influence of Environmental Dynamism? pp. e200131 Downloads
Adilson Carlos Yoshikuni, José Eduardo Ricciardi Favaretto, Alberto Luiz Albertin and Fernando de Souza Meirelles
Resseguro e Capital de Solvência: Atenuantes da Probabilidade de Ruína de SeguradorasReinsurance and Solvency Capital: Mitigating Insurance Companies’ Ruin Probability pp. e200191 Downloads
Jorge Wilson Euphasio Junior and João Vinícius França Carvalho
The Efficiency of Railways Specialized in Transporting Iron Ore and Pellets pp. e200284 Downloads
Renata Guimarães de Oliveira Fontan, Rodrigo Alvarenga Rosa and Adonai José Lacruz
Relacional: Easing the Crisis Effects in the Education Sector pp. e200377 Downloads
Adrian Kemmer Cernev, Letícia Fantinato Menegon and Marta de Campos Maia
The Effects of Dependence on Brazilian Third-Party Logistics Satisfaction pp. e200380 Downloads
Antonio Carlos Rodrigues and Ricardo Silveira Martins
Reflecting on Contemporary Administration pp. e210203 Downloads
Marcelo de Souza Bispo
Page updated 2025-01-14