Journal of Economic Perspectives
1987 - 2024
Current editor(s): Enrico Moretti From American Economic Association Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Michael P. Albert (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 23, issue 4, 2009
- The Rising Instability of U.S. Earnings pp. 3-24
- Peter Gottschalk and Robert Moffitt
- The Evolution of Medical Spending Risk pp. 25-48
- Jonathan Gruber and Helen Levy
- Changing Household Financial Opportunities and Economic Security pp. 49-68
- Karen E. Dynan
- Job Loss and the Fraying of the Implicit Employment Contract pp. 69-93
- Kevin Hallock
- The Changing Selectivity of American Colleges pp. 95-118
- Caroline Hoxby
- Playing the Admissions Game: Student Reactions to Increasing College Competition pp. 119-46
- John Bound, Brad Hershbein and Bridget Long
- Optimal Taxation in Theory and Practice pp. 147-74
- N. Gregory Mankiw, Matthew Weinzierl and Danny Yagan
- Mortality Inequality pp. 175-90
- Sam Peltzman
- The Liabilities and Risks of State-Sponsored Pension Plans pp. 191-210
- Robert Novy-Marx and Joshua D. Rauh
- Field Experiments in Class Size from the Early Twentieth Century pp. 211-30
- Jonah Rockoff
- Recommendations for Further Reading pp. 231-38
- Timothy Taylor
- The Shrinking Medicare Part D Benefit: Comment pp. 239-40
- Carl Johnston
Volume 23, issue 3, 2009
- The Economics of Online Crime pp. 3-20
- Tyler Moore, Richard Clayton and Ross Anderson
- Priced and Unpriced Online Markets pp. 21-36
- Benjamin Edelman
- The Online Advertising Industry: Economics, Evolution, and Privacy pp. 37-60
- David Evans
- Subsidizing Creativity through Network Design: Zero-Pricing and Net Neutrality pp. 61-76
- Robin Lee and Tim Wu
- What Are Grades Made Of? pp. 77-92
- Alexandra C. Achen and Paul Courant
- Grade Information and Grade Inflation: The Cornell Experiment pp. 93-108
- Talia Bar, Vrinda Kadiyali and Asaf Zussman
- Interview with Edmund S. Phelps pp. 109-24
- Howard R. Vane and Chris Mulhearn
- The Economics of Two-Sided Markets pp. 125-43
- Marc Rysman
- World Oil: Market or Mayhem? pp. 145-64
- James Smith
- The Three Arab Worlds pp. 165-88
- James Rauch and Scott Kostyshak
- Retrospectives: Trouble in the Inaugural Issue of the American Economic Review: The Cross/Eaves Controversy pp. 189-204
- Ann Mari May and Robert Dimand
- Recommendations for Further Reading pp. 205-12
- Timothy Taylor
Volume 23, issue 2, 2009
- Note from the Editor: Online Comments for American Economic Association Journals pp. 3-4
- David Autor
- Market-Based Policy Options to Control U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions pp. 5-27
- Gilbert Metcalf
- The Economic Effects of Climate Change pp. 29-51
- Richard Tol
- The Coming Global Climate-Technology Revolution pp. 53-75
- Scott Barrett
- The Role of Prices in Measuring the Poor's Living Standards pp. 77-97
- Christian Broda, Ephraim Leibtag and David Weinstein
- Consumer Shopping Behavior: How Much Do Consumers Save? pp. 99-120
- Rachel Griffith, Ephraim Leibtag, Andrew Leicester and Aviv Nevo
- The Nominal Share Price Puzzle pp. 121-42
- William C. Weld, Roni Michaely, Richard Thaler and Shlomo Benartzi
- (Un)happiness in Transition pp. 143-68
- Sergei Guriev and Ekaterina Zhuravskaya
- Faculty without Students: Resource Allocation in Higher Education pp. 169-89
- William Johnson and Sarah Turner
- Legal Realism for Economists pp. 191-211
- Matthew C. Stephenson
- Retrospectives: Who Said "Debauch the Currency": Keynes or Lenin? pp. 213-22
- Michael White and Kurt Schuler
- Recommendations for Further Reading pp. 223-30
- Timothy Taylor
Volume 23, issue 1, 2009
- The Economics of Structured Finance pp. 3-25
- Joshua Coval, Jakub Jurek and Erik Stafford
- The Rise in Mortgage Defaults pp. 27-50
- Christopher Mayer, Karen Pence and Shane Sherlund
- Crisis and Responses: The Federal Reserve in the Early Stages of the Financial Crisis pp. 51-75
- Stephen Cecchetti
- Deciphering the Liquidity and Credit Crunch 2007-2008 pp. 77-100
- Markus Brunnermeier
- Reflections on Northern Rock: The Bank Run That Heralded the Global Financial Crisis pp. 101-19
- Hyun Song Shin
- Leveraged Buyouts and Private Equity pp. 121-46
- Steven Kaplan and Per Stromberg
- Beware of Venturing into Private Equity pp. 147-66
- Ludovic Phalippou
- Microfinance Meets the Market pp. 167-92
- Robert Cull, Asli Demirguc-Kunt and Jonathan Morduch
- The U.S. Equity Return Premium: Past, Present, and Future pp. 193-208
- J. Bradford DeLong and Konstantin Magin
- Markets: Red Light States: Who Buys Online Adult Entertainment? pp. 209-20
- Benjamin Edelman
- Retrospectives: On the Definition of Economics pp. 221-33
- Roger Backhouse and Steven Medema
- Recommendations for Further Reading pp. 235-42
- Timothy Taylor
Volume 22, issue 4, 2008
- Are We Finally Winning the War on Cancer? pp. 3-26
- David Cutler
- Is American Health Care Uniquely Inefficient? pp. 27-50
- Alan M. Garber and Jonathan Skinner
- Incremental Universalism for the United States: The States Move First? pp. 51-68
- Jonathan Gruber
- Providing Prescription Drug Coverage to the Elderly: America's Experiment with Medicare Part D pp. 69-92
- Mark Duggan, Patrick Healy and Fiona Scott Morton
- Organizational Fragmentation and Care Quality in the U.S. Healthcare System pp. 93-113
- Randall D. Cebul, James Rebitzer, Lowell Taylor and Mark E. Votruba
- Overlapping Generations: The First Jubilee pp. 115-34
- Philippe Weil
- The Economic Aftermath of Hurricane Katrina pp. 135-54
- Jacob Vigdor
- Interpreting the Great Moderation: Changes in the Volatility of Economic Activity at the Macro and Micro Levels pp. 155-80
- Steven Davis and James Kahn
- Susan C. Athey: John Bates Clark Award Winner 2007 pp. 181-98
- John Roberts
- Retrospectives: Guinnessometrics: The Economic Foundation of "Student's" t pp. 199-216
- Stephen Ziliak
- Recommendations for Further Reading pp. 217-24
- Timothy Taylor
- Comments pp. 225-26
- Jerry Tempelman, Hendrik Bessembinder and William Maxwell
Volume 22, issue 3, 2008
- Will the Stork Return to Europe and Japan? Understanding Fertility within Developed Nations pp. 3-22
- James Feyrer, Bruce Sacerdote and Ariel Dora Stern
- Parental Education and Parental Time with Children pp. 23-46
- Jonathan Guryan, Erik Hurst and Melissa Kearney
- Education and the Age Profile of Literacy into Adulthood pp. 47-70
- Elizabeth Cascio, Damon Clark and Nora Gordon
- The Lengthening of Childhood pp. 71-92
- David Deming and Susan Dynarski
- Global Imbalances: Globalization, Demography, and Sustainability pp. 93-112
- Richard N. Cooper
- Resolving the Global Imbalance: The Dollar and the U.S. Saving Rate pp. 113-25
- Martin Feldstein
- Forensic Finance pp. 127-47
- Jay Ritter
- A Pragmatic Approach to Capital Account Liberalization pp. 149-72
- Eswar Prasad and Raghuram Rajan
- Probability and Uncertainty in Economic Modeling pp. 173-88
- Itzhak Gilboa, Andrew Postlewaite and David Schmeidler
- Peer Effects and Alcohol Use among College Students pp. 189-206
- Michael Kremer and Dan Levy
- Secrets of the Academy: The Drivers of University Endowment Success pp. 207-22
- Josh Lerner, Antoinette Schoar and Jialan Wang
- Recommendations for Further Reading pp. 223-30
- Timothy Taylor
Volume 22, issue 2, 2008
- What Is Middle Class about the Middle Classes around the World? pp. 3-28
- Abhijit Banerjee and Esther Duflo
- Where Does the Money Go? Best and Worst Practices in Foreign Aid pp. 29-52
- William Easterly and Tobias Pfutze
- Income, Health, and Well-Being around the World: Evidence from the Gallup World Poll pp. 53-72
- Angus Deaton
- What Do Nongovernmental Organizations Do? pp. 73-92
- Eric Werker and Faisal Z. Ahmed
- The Quality of Medical Advice in Low-Income Countries pp. 93-114
- Jishnu Das, Jeffrey Hammer and Kenneth Leonard
- What the Seller Won't Tell You: Persuasion and Disclosure in Markets pp. 115-131
- Paul Milgrom
- Competition and Truth in the Market for News pp. 133-154
- Matthew Gentzkow and Jesse Shapiro
- Media Freedom, Political Knowledge, and Participation pp. 155-169
- Peter Leeson
- Identity Theft pp. 171-192
- Keith B. Anderson, Erik Durbin and Michael Salinger
- Taking the Pulse of the Economy: Measuring GDP pp. 193-216
- J. Landefeld, Eugene P. Seskin and Barbara M. Fraumeni
- Markets: Transparency and the Corporate Bond Market pp. 217-234
- Hendrik Bessembinder and William Maxwell
- Recommendations for Further Reading pp. 235-242
- Timothy Taylor
- Comments: Elbert Dijkgraaf and Raymond Gradus, Thomas Kinnaman; and a Correction pp. 243-244
- Elbert Dijkgraaf, Raymond Gradus, Thomas Kinnaman, Dale Jorgenson, Mun Ho and Kevin Stiroh
Volume 22, issue 1, 2008
- A Retrospective Look at the U.S. Productivity Growth Resurgence pp. 3-24
- Dale Jorgenson, Mun Ho and Kevin Stiroh
- The Productivity Gap between Europe and the United States: Trends and Causes pp. 25-44
- Bart van Ark, Mary O'Mahoney and Marcel Timmer
- Accounting for Growth: Comparing China and India pp. 45-66
- Barry Bosworth and Susan M. Collins
- Has Economic Analysis Improved Regulatory Decisions? pp. 67-84
- Robert Hahn and Paul C. Tetlock
- Is the Food And Drug Administration Safe And Effective? pp. 85-102
- Tomas Philipson and Eric Sun
- Optimal Abolition of FCC Spectrum Allocation pp. 103-128
- Thomas Hazlett
- Biological Measures of the Standard of Living pp. 129-152
- Richard Steckel
- Sluggish Institutions in a Dynamic World: Can Unions and Industrial Competition Coexist? pp. 153-176
- Barry Hirsch
- Guaranteed Trouble: The Economic Effects of the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation pp. 177-198
- Jeffrey Brown
- Dispelling Some Misconceptions about Agricultural Trade Liberalization pp. 199-216
- Stephen Tokarick
- Markets: Ready-Mixed Concrete pp. 217-234
- Chad Syverson
- Recommendations for Further Reading pp. 235-242
- Timothy Taylor
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