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Economia agro-alimentare / Food Economy

2020 - 2023

From Italian Society of Agri-food Economics/Società Italiana di Economia Agro-Alimentare (SIEA)
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Volume 25, issue 2, 2023

Trends and support models in public expenditure on agriculture: An italian perspective Downloads
Lucia Briamonte, Paolo Piatto, Dario Macaluso and Mariagrazia Rubertucci
Farmer’s adoption of agricultural insurance for Mediterranean crops as an innovative behavior Downloads
Financial sustainability in agri-food supply chains: A system approach Downloads
Manal Hamam, Daniela Spina, Roberta Selvaggi, Gabriella Vindigni, Gioacchino Pappalardo, D’Amico, Mario and Gaetano Chinnici
Financing for sustainable food systems: The role of the vending sector Downloads
Alberto Bertossi, Stefania Troiano and Francesco Marangon
Blockchain in the agrifood sector:From storytelling to traceability fact-checking up to new economic models Downloads
Francesco Rampone, Fabio Lecca, Paolo Giolito and Massimo Romano
The efficiency of agricultural spending in Italy: A territorial analysis Downloads
Assunta Amato, Tatiana Castellotti, Giulia Diglio, D’Oronzio, Maria Assunta, Franco Gaudio and Mariacarmela Suanno
Financial evaluation and credit access of agricultural firms Downloads
Mattia Iotti
Changes in SMEs financing:Risks and opportunities for agro-food companies Downloads
Giorgio Stefano Bertinetti
Financial instruments and access to credit for the development of agricultural and agri-food enterprises # Ecological and digital transition Downloads
Lucia Briamonte, Angelo Frascarelli and Biagio Pecorino

Volume 25, issue 01, 2023

Occupation Choice in the Rural Labor Market from the Córdoba Department in Colombia Downloads
Alfredo R. Anaya Narváez, Jhon W. Pinedo López and Carlos F. Doria Sierra
Industrial perspective regarding circular economy activities in Atlántico-Colombia Downloads
María Bernarda Alvarado-Bawab and Sandra Villa Marenco
Crop waste management proposal in rice systems at the department of Cordoba, Colombia Downloads
Gloria Urrea-Ceferino and Manuel Alejandro Grimaldos Mojica
Application of Participatory Methods to Explore Changes in Land Use of a Tropical Dry Forest Basin Downloads
Yhonattan Mendez Nobles, Humberto Avila Rangel and Lina Garcia Corrales
Housing vulnerability, agricultural production, and goods lost estimated to floods in Rio Nuevo a rural community in Colombia Downloads
Gloria Urrea-Ceferino, Camila Andrea Pinto Suarez, Dina Luz Jimeno Carrascal, Daniela Alejandra Yanez Ventura and Hernán José Tapia Contreras
Qualitative indicators for community water resilience in floodable areas: Agricultural pantry of La Mojana, Colombia Downloads
María Alejandra Taborda Caro, Rubén Darío Sepúlveda Vargas and Carmen Auxiliadora Ortega Otero
Socioecological practices and community resilience strategies for sustainable agriculture in lower Sinú, Colombia Downloads
Rubén Darío Sepúlveda Vargas, María Alejandra Taborda Caro, Deivi David Fuentes Doria, Carlos Eduardo Maldonado Castañeda and Ivan Darío Sepúlveda Calderin
Guest Editorial: Bioeconomics and its Derivations: Ecological Economics and Political Ecology Downloads
Carlos Eduardo Maldonado Castañeda and Rubén Darío Sepúlveda Vargas
Impact of Contract Farming on the Technical Efficiency of Broiler Farmers in Indonesia Downloads
Rokhania, Mohammad Rondhi, Ebban Bagus Kuntadi, Anik Suwandari, Rizky Yanuarti, Ahmad Fatikhul Khasan, Yasuhiro Mori and Takumi Kondoca
Healthy food consumption in the Covid-19 era: Empirical evidence from Italian consumers choices on functional products Downloads
Dell’Unto, Davide, Giulia Meccariello and Raffaele Cortignani
Editorial Downloads
Maurizio Canavari, Sedef Akgüngör, Valeria Borsellino, Alessio Cavicchi, Catherine Chan, Alessio Ishizaka, Simona Naspetti, Søren Marcus Pedersen and Stefanella Stranieri

Volume 24, issue 3, 2022

Commentary on Italy's international seafood trade and its impacts Downloads
Michele Romanelli and Otello Giovanardi
An overview of state subsidies in Italian agriculture in the period 2000-2019 Downloads
Lucia Briamonte, Stefano Vaccari, Franco Gaudio, Assunta Amato, Paolo Piatto and Corrado Ievoli
Wheat or cassava flour? Marketing and willingness to pay for cassava flour confectionery in Nigeria Downloads
Jude Anayochukwu Mbanasor, Ogbonnaya Ukeh Oteh, Nnanna Mba Agwu, Chigozirim Ndubuisi Onwusiribe, Nwanneka Cynthia Ibem, Chibuzo Okpokiri and Ambrose Ogbonna Oloveze
Social farming in high mountain regions: The case of the Aosta Valley in Italy Downloads
Erika Fazari and Dario Musolino
Adapting a participatory modelling method to forecast food system scenarios: a case study on the pork value-chain Downloads
Romy Lynn Chaib, Catherine Macombe and Rallou Thomopoulos
Factors influencing the use of non-timber forest products in cattle production under humid tropical conditions Downloads
Victor Julio Balanta Martínez, Gustavo Adolfo Celis Parra, Marisol González Muñoz and Jhoyner Felipe Ortiz Meneses
Editorial Downloads
Maurizio Canavari, Sedef Akgüngör, Valeria Borsellino, Alessio Cavicchi, Catherine Chan, Alessio Ishizaka, Simona Naspetti, Søren Marcus Pedersen and Stefanella Stranieri

Volume 24, issue 2, 2022

Fostering the debate among scholars to support the advancement of knowledge in the food-related consumer research: A commentary Downloads
Riccardo Vecchio
Sustainable transition and food democracy: The role of decision making process in Solidarity Purchasing Groups Downloads
Gustavo Magalhães de Oliveira, Gaetano Martino, Chiara Riganelli and Michela Ascani
Functional food consumption by Portuguese university community: Knowledge, barriers and motivators Downloads
Paula Moutinho, Inês Andrade and Angela Macedo
Differences between Italian specialty milk in large-scale retailing distribution Downloads
Valentina Maria Merlino, Stefano Massaglia, Simone Blanc, Filippo Brun and Danielle Borra
Does the Covid-19 affect food consumption patterns? A Transaction Cost Perspective Downloads
Bianca Polenzani and Andrea Marchini
The Circular Economy in the Agri-food system: A Performance Measurement of European Countries Downloads
Brunella Arru, Roberto Furesi, Pietro Pulina, Paola Sau and Fabio A. Madau
Trends in consumers’ preferences towards fresh-cut vegetables during the Covid-19 pandemic
Giulia Maesano, Manal Hamam, Biagio Pecorino, Gioacchino Pappalardo, Mario D'Amico and Gaetano Chinnici
Editorial Downloads
Roberta Capitello, Diego Begalli, Maurizio Canavari, Sedef Akgüngör, Valeria Borsellino, Alessio Cavicchi, Catherine Chan, Alessio Ishizaka, Simona Naspetti, Søren Marcus Pedersen and Stefanella Stranieri

Volume 24, issue 01, 2022

Editorial Downloads
Maurizio Canavari, Sedef Akgüngör, Valeria Borsellino, Catherine Chan, Alessio Ishizaka, Simona Naspetti, Søren Marcus Pedersen and Stefanella Stranieri
Social Network Analysis: A useful tool for studying Innovation diffusion processes Downloads
Youssef Beni Houd and Mohamed El Amrani
Asymmetric Price Transmission in the Cocoa Supply Chain in Indonesia Downloads
Ahmad Ridha, Raja Masbar, Aliasuddin and Vivi Silvia
Short-Term Impact of a Zero Concentrate Supplementation on Organic Dairy Production Downloads
Daniel Hoop and Fredy Schori
Productive efficiency and trade opportunities for Kazakhstan dairy farms Downloads
Sang Woo Han, Song Soo Lim and Aida Balkibayeva
Enhancing Technical Efficiency and Economic Welfare: A Case Study of Smallholder Potato Farming in the Western Highlands of Guatemala Downloads
Rupananda Widanage, Catherine Chan, Yin-Phan Tsanga, Brent Sipes, Haddish Melakeberhan, Amílcar Sanchez-Perez and Alfredo Mejía-Coroy
Factors Influencing Fruits And Vegetables Consumption among Pregnant Women: Evidence from Enugu State, Nigeria Downloads
Kehinde Paul Adeosun, Kabir Kayode Salman, Nnaemeka Adaobi Chukwuone, Chukwuma Otum Ume, Chiamaka Adaobi Chukwuone and Cynthia Njideka Ezemaaa
Feasibility study on indigenous confectionery business – the case of gulo puan industries Downloads
Kiki Yuliati, Ruth Samantha Hamzah and Basuni Hamzah
Trademarks and Territorial Marketing: Retrospective and Prospective Analyses of the trademark Prodotti di Qualità Downloads
Fabio Santeramo, Roberto Manno, Marco Tappi and Emilia Lamonaca

Volume 23, issue 3, 2021

Guest Editorial. Current use and new perspectives for the Farm Accountancy Data Network Downloads
Lucia Briamonte, Luca Cesaro and Alfonso Scardera
Referee 2021 Downloads
Editorial Staff
The impact of irrigation on agricultural productivity: The case of FADN farms in Veneto Downloads
Myriam Ruberto, Alessandro Catini, Mara Lai and Veronica Manganiello
The Role of Neighborhood Effects on Investing Dairy Farms Downloads
Benedikt Kramer, Anke Schorr, Reiner Doluschitz and Markus Lips
Investments financing at farm level: A regional assessment using FADN data Downloads
Felicetta Carillo, Francesco Licciardo and Eugenio Corazza
Organic and conventional farms in the Basilicata region: A comparison of structural and economic variables using FADN data Downloads
D’Oronzio, Maria Assunta and Carmela De Vivo
Economic characterization of irrigated and livestock farms in The Po River Basin District Downloads
Veronica Manganiello, Alessandro Banterle, Gabriele Canali , Geremia Gios, Giacomo Branca and Sofia Galeotti
Sustainability and competitiveness in farms: An evidence of Lazio region agriculture through FADN data analysis Downloads
Claudio Liberati, Concetta Cardillo and Antonella Di Fonzo
Financial sustainability in Italian Organic Farms: An analysis of the FADN Sample Downloads
Rebecca Buttinelli, Raffaele Cortignani and Gabriele Dono
Use and users of FADN data in Italy Downloads
Sonia Marongiu, Barbara Bimbati and Mauro Santamgelo
Mapping data granularity: The case of FADN Downloads
Concetta Cardillo and Giuliano Vitali
Modeling change in the ratio of water irrigation costs to farm incomes under various scenarios with integrated FADN and administrative data Downloads
Patrizia Borsotto, Francesca Moino and Silvia Novelli
FADN data to support policymaking: The potential of an additional survey Downloads
Federica Cisilino, Greta Zilli and Gabriele Zanuttig
Generating cropping schemes from FADN data at the farm and territorial scale Downloads
Guido Bazzani and Roberta Spadoni
Estimation of the impact of CAP subsidies as environmental variables on Romanian farms Downloads
Nicola Galluzzo
Enhancing the Italian FADN for sustainability assessment: The state of art and perspectives Downloads
Luca Turchetti, Nadia Gastaldin and Sonia Marongiu
Ten years after: Diffusion, criticism and potential improvements in the use of FADN for Rural Development assessment in Italy Downloads
Roberto Cagliero, Andrea Arzeni, Federica Cisilino , Alessandro Montelelone and Patrizia Borsotto
The use of FADN methodology to support the evaluation of business development plans in the RDP Sicily 2014-2020 Downloads
Alessandra Vaccaro, Ida Agosta, Alessandro Montelelone , Antonio Giampaolo and Dario Macaluso

Volume 23, issue 2, 2021

Innovation in Basilicata agriculture: From tradition to digital Downloads
D’Oronzio, Maria Assunta and Carmela Sica
Food security and land use: The Ethiopian case Downloads
Francesco Zecca and D’Errico, Marco
Consumer demand information as a re-balancing tool for power asymmetry between food retailers and suppliers Downloads
Sheraz Alam Malik and Martin K. Hingley
Parents’ trust in food safety and healthiness of children’s diets: A TPB model explaining the role of retailers and government Downloads
Biagia De Devitiis, Rosaria Viscecchia, Valentina Carfora, Carla Cavallo, Gianna Cicia, Teresa Del Giudice, Concetta Menna, Gianluca Nardone and Antonio Secca
Whose salad is organic? An attribute segmentation perspective-evidence from Albania Downloads
Elena Kokthi, Irina Canco and Eneida Topulli
Prevalence and correlates of food insecurity in rural Nigeria: A panel analysis Downloads
Oluwakemi Adeola Obayelu, Emem Ime Akpan and Ayodeji O. Ojo
Editorial Downloads
Maurizio Canavari, Sedef Akgüngör, Valeria Borsellino, Alessio Cavicchi, Catherine Chan, Alessio Ishizaka, Simona Naspetti, Søren Marcus Pederson, Stefanella Stranieri and Maro Vlachopoulou

Volume 23, issue 01, 2021

Agri-food trade and climate change Downloads
Fabio Santeramo, Dragan Miljkovic and Emilia Lamonaca
Is an alternative to private property durable in agriculture? Downloads
Catherine Macombe
Mountain beef and wine: Italian consumers’ definitions and opinions on the mountain labelling-scheme Downloads
Mikael Oliveira Linder, Katia Laura Sidali and Gesa Busch
The economic and environmental sustainability of extra virgin olive oil supply chains: An analysis based on food miles and value chains Downloads
Biancamaria Torquati, Lucio Cecchini, Chiara Paffarini and Massimo Chiorri
Are small and medium-size food industry firms profitable? Explaining differences in their performance: The case of the Valencia Region Downloads
Silvia Andrés González-Moralejo, Mildrey García Cortés and Juan Francisco López Miquel
Consumers’ perception of Prosecco wine packaging: A pilot study in Padua and Milan Downloads
Isabella Procidano, Christine Mauracher and Marco Valentini
Editorial Downloads
Maurizio Canavari, Sedef Akgüngör, Valeria Borsellino, Alessio Cavicchi, Catherine Chan, Alessio Ishizaka, Simona Naspetti, Søren Marcus Pedersen, Stefanella Stranieri and Maro Vlachopoulou
Page updated 2025-02-12