Journal of Econometrics
1973 - 2024
Current editor(s): T. Amemiya, A. R. Gallant, J. F. Geweke, C. Hsiao and P. M. Robinson From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 244, issue 1, 2024
- Tuning-parameter-free propensity score matching approach for causal inference under shape restriction
- Yukun Liu and Jing Qin
- Fixed-b asymptotics for panel models with two-way clustering
- Kaicheng Chen and Timothy J. Vogelsang
- An unbounded intensity model for point processes
- Kim Christensen and Aleksey Kolokolov
- Threshold spatial autoregressive model
- Kunpeng Li and Wei Lin
- Measuring diagnostic test performance using imperfect reference tests: A partial identification approach
- Filip Obradović
- Latent utility and permutation invariance: A revealed preference approach
- Roy Allen and John Rehbeck
- Testing for sparse idiosyncratic components in factor-augmented regression models
- Jad Beyhum and Jonas Striaukas
- A method of moments approach to asymptotically unbiased Synthetic Controls
- Joseph Fry
- Empirical risk minimization for time series: Nonparametric performance bounds for prediction
- Christian Brownlees and Jordi Llorens-Terrazas
- Large Bayesian SVARs with linear restrictions
- Chenghan Hou
- High-dimensional model-assisted inference for treatment effects with multi-valued treatments
- Wenfu Xu and Zhiqiang Tan
- GMM estimation for high-dimensional panel data models
- Tingting Cheng, Chaohua Dong, Jiti Gao and Oliver Linton
- Identification in discrete choice models with imperfect information
- Cristina Gualdani and Shruti Sinha
- Heterogeneous treatment effect bounds under sample selection with an application to the effects of social media on political polarization
- Phillip Heiler
- Identification and estimation of unconditional policy effects of an endogenous binary treatment: An unconditional MTE approach
- Julian Martinez-Iriarte and Yixiao Sun
- A gentle introduction to matrix calculus
- Jan R. Magnus
- Estimating option pricing models using a characteristic function-based linear state space representation
- H. Peter Boswijk, Roger Laeven and Evgenii Vladimirov
- On uniform confidence intervals for the tail index and the extreme quantile
- Yuya Sasaki and Yulong Wang
Volume 243, issue 1, 2024
- Earnings dynamics and intergenerational transmission of skill
- Lance Lochner and Youngmin Park
- Some children left behind: Variation in the effects of an educational intervention
- Julie Buhl-Wiggers, Jason Kerwin, Juan Munoz-Morales, Jeffrey Smith and Rebecca Thornton
- You are what your parents expect: Height and local reference points
- Fan Wang, Esteban Puentes, Jere R. Behrman and Flávio Cunha
- Gender pension gaps in a private retirement accounts system: A dynamic model of household labor supply and savings
- Clement Joubert and Petra Todd
- Sample selection models without exclusion restrictions: Parameter heterogeneity and partial identification
- Bo E. Honoré and Luojia Hu
- Eliciting willingness-to-pay to decompose beliefs and preferences that determine selection into competition in lab experiments
- Yvonne Jie Chen, Deniz Dutz, Li Li, Sarah Moon, Edward Vytlacil and Songfa Zhong
- Robust inference for moment condition models without rational expectations
- Xiaohong Chen, Lars Peter Hansen and Peter G. Hansen
- Dealing with imperfect randomization: Inference for the highscope perry preschool program
- James Heckman, Rodrigo Pinto and Azeem Shaikh
- Policy evaluation with multiple instrumental variables
- Magne Mogstad, Alexander Torgovitsky and Christopher Walters
- Econometric causality: The central role of thought experiments
- James Heckman and Rodrigo Pinto
- Human capital and migration: A cautionary tale
- Salvador Navarro and Jin Zhou
- Introduction to the annals issue in honor of James J Heckman
- Xiaohong Chen and Edward Vytlacil
- Reprint of: Profiling the plight of disconnected youth in America
- Thomas MaCurdy, David Glick, Sonam Sherpa and Sriniketh Nagavarapu
Volume 242, issue 2, 2024
- A Correlated Random Coefficient panel model with time-varying endogeneity
- Louise Laage
- Nonparametric identification and estimation of stochastic block models from many small networks
- Koen Jochmans
- Identification and estimation of dynamic structural models with unobserved choices
- Yingyao Hu and Yi Xin
- On LASSO for high dimensional predictive regression
- Ziwei Mei and Zhentao Shi
- Change-point analysis of time series with evolutionary spectra
- Alessandro Casini and Pierre Perron
- Semiparametrically optimal cointegration test
- Bo Zhou
Volume 242, issue 1, 2024
- Modeling long cycles
- Da Natasha Kang and Vadim Marmer
- Better the devil you know: Improved forecasts from imperfect models
- Dong Hwan Oh and Andrew J. Patton
- Nonlinear and nonseparable structural functions in regression discontinuity designs with a continuous treatment
- Haitian Xie
- 2SLS with multiple treatments
- Manudeep Bhuller and Henrik Sigstad
- A simple specification test for models with many conditional moment inequalities
- Mathieu Marcoux, Thomas M. Russell and Yuanyuan Wan
- Maximum likelihood estimation of a spatial autoregressive model for origin–destination flow variables
- Hanbat Jeong and Lung-fei Lee
- On the performance of the Neyman Allocation with small pilots
- Yong Cai and Ahnaf Rafi
- Prewhitened long-run variance estimation robust to nonstationarity
- Alessandro Casini and Pierre Perron
Volume 241, issue 2, 2024
- Correcting attrition bias using changes-in-changes
- Dalia Ghanem, Sarojini Hirshleifer, Desire Kedagni and Karen Ortiz-Becerra
- Hybrid unadjusted Langevin methods for high-dimensional latent variable models
- Rubén Loaiza-Maya, Didier Nibbering and Dan Zhu
- Dynamic partial correlation models
- D’Innocenzo, Enzo and Andre Lucas
- Parametric risk-neutral density estimation via finite lognormal-Weibull mixtures
- Yifan Li, Ingmar Nolte and Manh Cuong Pham
- Estimation and inference for high dimensional factor model with regime switching
- Giovanni Urga and Fa Wang
- Robust inference of panel data models with interactive fixed effects under long memory: A frequency domain approach
- Shuyao Ke, Peter Phillips and Liangjun Su
- The local to unity dynamic Tobit model
- Anna Bykhovskaya and James A. Duffy
- Identifiability and estimation of possibly non-invertible SVARMA Models: The normalised canonical WHF parametrisation
- Bernd Funovits
- Measuring tail risk
- Maik Dierkes, Fabian Hollstein, Marcel Prokopczuk and Christoph Matthias Würsig
- Extreme expectile estimation for short-tailed data
- Abdelaati Daouia, Simone A. Padoan and Gilles Stupfler
Volume 241, issue 1, 2024
- Spectral clustering with variance information for group structure estimation in panel data
- Lu Yu, Jiaying Gu and Stanislav Volgushev
- Predictive ability tests with possibly overlapping models
- Valentina Corradi, Jack Fosten and Daniel Gutknecht
- No star is good news: A unified look at rerandomization based on p-values from covariate balance tests
- Anqi Zhao and Peng Ding
- Bayesian estimation of cluster covariance matrices of unknown form
- Drew Creal and Jaeho Kim
- Wild bootstrap inference for instrumental variables regressions with weak and few clusters
- Wenjie Wang and Yichong Zhang
- Estimation and inference of seller’s expected revenue in first-price auctions
- Federico Zincenko
- A vector monotonicity assumption for multiple instruments
- Leonard Goff
- Testing identification conditions of LATE in fuzzy regression discontinuity designs
- Yu-Chin Hsu, Ji-Liang Shiu and Yuanyuan Wan
- Covariate adjustment in experiments with matched pairs
- Yuehao Bai, Liang Jiang, Joseph P. Romano, Azeem Shaikh and Yichong Zhang
- The law of large numbers for large stable matchings
- Jacob Schwartz and Kyungchul Song
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