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International Journal of Industrial Organization

1983 - 2024

Current editor(s): P. Bajari, B. Caillaud and N. Gandal

From Elsevier
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Volume 96, issue C, 2024

Ownership frictions in a procurement market: Evidence from London buses Downloads
Marleen Marra and Florian Oswald
Market power, randomization and regulation Downloads
Simon Loertscher and Ellen V. Muir
Drivers of public procurement prices: Evidence from pharmaceutical markets Downloads
Claudia Allende, Juan Pablo Atal, Rodrigo Carril, José Ignacio Cuesta and Andrés González-Lira
The effects of short-term rental regulation: Insights from Chicago Downloads
Ginger Zhe Jin, Liad Wagman and Mengyi Zhong
Competition with exclusive contracts in vertically related markets: An equilibrium non-existence result Downloads
Nicolas Schutz

Volume 95, issue C, 2024

Broadband Internet access and health outcomes: Patient and provider responses in Medicare Downloads
Jessica Van Parys and Zach Brown
Performance bundling in multi-dimensional competitions Downloads
Jingfeng Lu, Bo Shen and Zhewei Wang
Antibacterial resistance and the cost of affecting demand: The case of UK antibiotics Downloads
Farasat Bokhari, Franco Mariuzzo and Weijie Yan
The welfare effects of input price discrimination revisited Downloads
Youping Li and Jianhu Zhang
Naked exclusion with heterogeneous buyers Downloads
Ying Chen and Jan Zapal

Volume 94, issue C, 2024

Competition after mergers near review thresholds Downloads
Michael Weichselbaumer
Overlapping ownership and input prices Downloads
Teis Lunde Lømo
The news hour: Welfare estimation in the market for local television news Downloads
Matthew Baker and Lisa M. George
Siting and operating incentives in electrical networks: A study of mispricing in zonal markets Downloads
Matthew Katzen and Gordon W. Leslie
Combinable products, price discrimination, and collusion Downloads
Hendrik Döpper and Alexander Rasch

Volume 93, issue C, 2024

The behavioral additionality of government research grants Downloads
Rainer Widmann
Innovation incentives in technical standards Downloads
Gastón Llanes
Bridging the digital divide in the US Downloads
Augusto Espín and Christian Rojas
Missing data and the effects of market deregulation: Evidence from Chinese coal power Downloads
Tom Eisenberg
The effects of franchising on stores, competitors, and consumers Downloads
Jeff Ackermann
The role of public external knowledge for firm innovativeness Downloads
María García-Vega and Óscar Vicente-Chirivella
Entry regulations with implementation lag: Evidence from convenience store markets in Korea Downloads
Seongmin Seo and Sang Soo Park

Volume 92, issue C, 2024

Demand forecasting, signal precision, and collusion with hidden actions Downloads
Simon Martin and Alexander Rasch
Do patents enable disclosure? Evidence from the invention secrecy act Downloads
Gaétan de Rassenfosse, Gabriele Pellegrino and Emilio Raiteri

Volume 91, issue C, 2023

Competition and product composition: Evidence from hollywood Downloads
Joseph Kuehn and Ryan Lampe
Cournot platform competition with mixed-homing Downloads
Mark J. Tremblay, Takanori Adachi and Susumu Sato
Labor Market Power and Between-Firm Wage (In)Equality Downloads
Matthias Mertens
Let's lock them in: Collusion under consumer switching costs Downloads
Niklas Fourberg
Deceptive advertising, regulation and naive consumers Downloads
Aastha Gupta
Bank-platform competition in the credit market Downloads
Sara Biancini and Marianne Verdier
Empirical analysis of network effects in nonlinear pricing data Downloads
Liang Chen and Yao Luo
Single monopoly profits, vertical mergers, and downstream foreclosure Downloads
Matthias Hunold and Jannika Schad
Umbrella pricing and cartel size Downloads
Stefan Napel and Dominik Welter
Identification of interdependent values in sequential first-price auctions Downloads
Daniel Bougt, Gagan Ghosh and Heng Liu
Nonlinear pricing in multidimensional context: An empirical analysis of energy consumption Downloads
Xintong Han, Zimin Liu and Tong Wang
Wind power expansion and regional allocative efficiency among fossil-fuel electricity generators Downloads
Yin Chu, Juanxia Gao and Haoyang Li

Volume 90, issue C, 2023

Partial secrecy in vertical contracting Downloads
Jihwan Do and Jeanine Miklós-Thal
Buyer power and exclusion: A progress report Downloads
Claire Chambolle, Clémence Christin and Hugo Molina
Algorithmic collusion: Genuine or spurious? Downloads
Emilio Calvano, Giacomo Calzolari, Vincenzo Denicolò and Sergio Pastorello
Self-preferencing and foreclosure in digital markets: Theories of harm for abuse cases Downloads
Massimo Motta
Regulating online search in the EU: From the android case to the digital markets act and digital services act Downloads
Francesco Decarolis and Muxin Li
Multi-product firm price and variety response to firm-specific cost shocks Downloads
Alexis Antoniades, Sofronis Clerides and Mingzhi Xu
Pass-through and tax incidence in differentiated product markets Downloads
Eugenio J. Miravete, Katja Seim and Jeff Thurk
Price and quantity discovery without commitment Downloads
Stefan Bergheimer, Estelle Cantillon and Mar Reguant
Supply chain disruptions and sourcing strategies Downloads
Julia Cajal-Grossi, Davide Del Prete and Rocco Macchiavello

Volume 89, issue C, 2023

How Do Top Acquirers Compare in Technology Mergers? New Evidence from an S&P Taxonomy Downloads
Ginger Zhe Jin, Mario Leccese and Liad Wagman
Rising markups, common ownership, and technological capacities Downloads
Alexandra Gibbon and Jan Philip Schain
Platform competition with free entry of sellers Downloads
Federico Etro
Impact of roaming regulation on revenues and prices of mobile operators in the EU Downloads
Ángela Muñoz-Acevedo and Lukasz Grzybowski
Cartel birth and death dynamics: Empirical evidence Downloads
Tove Forsbacka, Chloe Le Coq and Catarina Marvao
Mergers of Complements: On the Absence of Consumer Benefits Downloads
Alessandro S. Kadner-Graziano
Flagging cartel participants with deep learning based on convolutional neural networks Downloads
Martin Huber and David Imhof
Strategic behaviour by wind generators: An empirical investigation Downloads
Mario Intini and Michael Waterson
Private labels in marketplaces Downloads
Radostina Shopova
Product innovation with vertical differentiation: Is a monopolist's incentive weaker? Downloads
Serge Moresi and Marius Schwartz
Evaluating the impact of divestitures on competition: Evidence from Alberta’s wholesale electricity market Downloads
David Brown, Andrew Eckert and Blake Shaffer
Market dynamics and investment in the electricity sector Downloads
Joseph A. Cullen and Stanley S. Reynolds
Telemedicine competition, pricing, and technology adoption: Evidence from talk therapists Downloads
Daniel Goetz
Unobserved heterogeneity and adjustment to behavioral bias: The case of used cars Downloads
Michael Weichselbaumer
Outsourcing horizontally differentiated tasks under asymmetric information Downloads
Christophe Bernard and Sebastien Mitraille
When can auctions maximize post-auction welfare? Downloads
Bernhard Kasberger
A price leadership model for merger analysis Downloads
Ryan Mansley, Nathan H. Miller, Gloria Sheu and Matthew C. Weinberg
The home bias in procurement. Cross-border procurement of medical supplies during the Covid-19 pandemic Downloads
Philip Hanspach
Switching costs in the US seed industry: Technology adoption and welfare impacts Downloads
Jinjing Luo, GianCarlo Moschini and Edward D. Perry
Patent hold-out and licensing frictions: Evidence from litigation of standard essential patents Downloads
Brian J. Love and Christian Helmers
Barriers to real-time electricity pricing: Evidence from New Zealand Downloads
Charles Pébereau and Kevin Remmy
Overlapping ownership and product innovation Downloads
Rune Stenbacka and Geert Van Moer
Cheap Exclusion in Markets with Multiple Complements Downloads
O’Brien, Daniel P., Mark Israel and Erica Benton
Consequences of model choice in predicting horizontal merger effects Downloads
Matthew T. Panhans and Charles Taragin
Reprint of: Platform competition in the tablet PC market: The effect of application quality Downloads
Thanh Doan, Fabio M. Manenti and Franco Mariuzzo
Page updated 2024-11-04